
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Fetish Writing with Professor Klamnei, Lesson 2: Week-by-Week Notes on Human Gestation · 10:18pm May 17th, 2020

Professor Klamnei again. Today I'll be giving a detailed look at the typical changes a human woman's body goes through during a normal pregnancy. Please keep in mind this information is NOT comprehensive, and by no means should be used as an actual reference for someone who is actually pregnant. This is intended as a tool for writers who wish to accurately portray certain dynamics of reproduction without going into the ickier (and often darker) details and risks. If you're a real-life mother to

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Perversely Annoyed at Downvotes · 11:00am May 23rd, 2019

[Edit: I should clarify I'm not complaining about lack of upvotes or favs. If you're reading this, y'all are great. Thanks for reading!]

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FINALS... · 2:51am Dec 6th, 2015

My final for my online psychology class is (due) tomorrow, and my other online classes have their finals due next week, too, so after that, NO MORE COLLEGE WORK... For the rest of the year.

That, and I have high school finals literally the week after.

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