
Viewing 1 - 20 of 21 results

Stellar and Quartz: Chapter 10 · 6:08am Aug 11th, 2020

After much delay, chapter 10 is up. We're in the home stretch as with this chapter we discover just who is behind the bizarre happenings in the town and set up for the final fight. Next up, the conclusion of our story as we reach the ghost town showdown. I promise it won't take as long. Enjoy.

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Stellar and Quartz: Chapter 4 · 8:31am Jun 22nd, 2020

Chapter 4 is up and we get Wheeler's side of things. Stellar also continues to struggle with her lingering interest in Arcus which ultimately leads her to seek out his company once again, no matter how bad of an idea she thinks that is. Enjoy.


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Stellar and Quartz: Chapter 8 · 10:02pm Jul 20th, 2020

It's Cloudy's turn to finally get some attention with chapter 8. With the end of the job finally on the horizon, Stellar looks forward to getting things wrapped up so she can start working on her new relationship with Arcus; unfortunately things are going to get stranger before all is said and done. Enjoy.


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Stellar and Quartz: Finale · 10:17am Aug 16th, 2020

The final chapter is up. It's been quite a ride but the end is nigh as Stellar and her friends face off against Sleight; but the surprises aren't done just yet. Thanks to everyone who's been following along and for your comments and input; I hope the ending satisfies and when we next return to the world of our MLP moms, it'll be Pear Butter and Twilight Velvet. Enjoy.


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Stellar and Quartz: Ghost Town Showdown · 3:26am Jun 12th, 2020

The MLP mother series carries on with this third story. Within the same universe but initially detached from the prior two, this story focuses on Stellar Flare and Cloudy Quartz as they tackle a business trip turned upside down. I making these stories different on some levels, trying to use different genre elements each time. This story, while M like its predecessors, is less sex focused which I'm sure will be a plus to some and a minus to others; but it isn't devoid of the adult fun that goes

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Stellar and Quartz: Chapter 3 · 9:32pm Jun 16th, 2020

The next chapter continues to move things forward as Stellar goes after two for two in her attempt to sway the holdouts. The world continues to develop and the seeds of a new bond are planted, enjoy.


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Stellar and Quartz: Chapter 7 · 8:33pm Jul 12th, 2020

With chapter seven we get the results of the mine work and get one step closer to the deal being finalized. Stellar and Cloudy, after their talk, both seek to make some changes. Cloudy heads out for a simple but important step and Stellar decides to try an actual date with Arcus; which turns out to be an emotional rollercoaster for her. I chopped a piece of out this chapter and am moving it to chapter 8, mostly because of a pacing pet peeve of mine where i don't really like to stack big

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Stellar and Quartz: Chapter 5 · 10:23pm Jun 28th, 2020

Chapter 5 is up and this is a more transitional chapter as we get ready for what comes next. Cloudy starts making a name for herself about town and Stellar finally comes face to face with the mysterious beast that looms over the land. Enjoy.


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Stellar and Quartz: Chapter 6 · 8:50pm Jul 5th, 2020

With chapter 6 we meet the survey team and explore the mine as well as find out that the daytime isn't quite as safe as Stellar would have liked to believe. The long day culminates in a heated but deep and reflective talk between Stellar and Cloudy and who they both are and what they both want.


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Stellar and Quartz: Chapter 9 · 12:32am Jul 29th, 2020

Chapter 9 is up and things take a sharp turn as the day starts with a heavy development followed by a disturbing discovery. Just as things began to wind down, they've wound right back up for our mares. Enjoy.


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School Of Friendship Fanfic Idea · 2:52am Feb 27th, 2019

It’s time for their mothers to takeover as teachers.


Start of the month reminder · 2:46pm Dec 1st, 2020

I know it's only been a week since I made this post, but with it being the start of the month, figure I do a reminder.

I'm hold a pay and vote type of competition to decide the next story that i will post here. Both are with human versions of the characters. One is about Marble Pie being an adult cam entertainer, and the other is Cloudy Quartz going to a rave, where she ends up having sex with multiple people.

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Buy the Votes! Pick my next NSFW story for here. · 3:21pm Nov 25th, 2020

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which leads to Black Friday, and thus, the biggest holiday of the year. At least from a financial standpoint. And like most of us, I could do with a little extra money for the upcoming season. However, I am not simply asking for additional donations for the season.

Instead, I'm going to hold a vote, and unlike our system, I am going to be open and straightforward about the fact that the money will have a massive say in the result of this vote.

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RAD: Families Finale - The Pies! · 7:15am Dec 31st, 2019

Howdy, folks! First and foremost, as always, Adorable Applejack:

Don't look at me! I'm naked without my hat...

Now then...

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Romance Novel Titling · 7:10pm Jul 27th, 2018

So. I had a little nugget of an idea about exploring the idea of the Choosing Stone, mentioned briefly as a Pie family tradition and then never brought up again. I haven't got it fully formed just yet, so it won't be written for... awhile, but I do have the rough outline. But I do have one question for y'all; which of these titles sounds better for a rock farming romance about Pinkie's parents?

-Sentiment and Sedimentary

-Sediment and Sentimentality

-Feldspar and Feelings

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Pinkie Pie's family abusive? · 11:53pm Jun 10th, 2022

This is a popular head cannon in some circles. Honestly I just don't see it.

If anything, given the send off they give Pinkie, I think they apprenticed her off so she could live out her role early because they were so excited for her.

And her overly peppy act, hiding her sadness and other emotions, is her poor understanding of trying to live up to her Cutie Mark.

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Pony Talk Episode 62-Hot Pony Moms · 8:06pm Aug 26th, 2018

Time to get back to it with a discussion about the hotness of pony moms! You've all done it, don't try to deny it!


Anon doesn't stand a chance with MILFs · 2:29pm Jan 17th, 2020


Pinkie's Family Are a Bunch of Quakers · 8:53pm Oct 24th, 2015

A while ago I wrote a post about the T-V distinction, and mentioned how the Quakers used thou instead of you with everyone to be "humble", and because the King James Version of the Bible used it for addressing individuals in the second person. Everyone else found it overly familiar and super-rude because thou had historically

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Questions Raised By S5E21 "Hearthbreakers" · 12:47am Oct 26th, 2015


I generally liked this episode, which had something important to say about sub-cultural variance in Equestria and how customs can vary even among kin. There are some interesting questions raised by the story, however.

I. What Is the Nature of the Choosing/Pairing Stone?

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 21 results