
Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results

My Feelings On The Seemingly Failed Turkish Coup... · 4:44am Jul 16th, 2016

Of course, it's unfortunate blood was shed during the attempt. But I also support the remnant forces who are refusing to stand down.

Report KaBar42 · 463 views · #Turkey #Coup #Erdogan

Coup de grâce - Enkindling · 12:51am Nov 12th, 2017

A bit more than promised 10,000 words. Believe me, editing this (the whole thing, eight times, just to be sure), was a pain in the ass, even with the help of something like grammarly.

When I think about the fact that I plan to write and release even longer ones in the future, I just want to shoot myself. Don't get me wrong, writing this is super fun. Editing. Not so much.

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Ultra Heck, I'm not dead, pass the Tendies or I'll break my neck. · 12:08am Mar 13th, 2019

Sorry about the title. I wanted it to rhyme and then went overboard.

So, uhhhh, I planned to talk a little about revival of my tagged story and why I wasn't updating it till now, but I wrote everything in the author note of the new, replaced first chapter Sooooo...

Other.. stories? Yeah, other stories.

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Got there. In the end. · 1:34am Feb 6th, 2020

Ladies and more muscular versions of ladies.

After months of trials and tribulations... here it is. Eventually.

[Adult story embed hidden]

Also, a quick info changing things for the better. As since things in my life more or less evened out, I'll try to have a more regular schedule of writing and updating. So... at least once a month, I think? Yay?


>order something on amazon with gift card · 12:12am Jun 12th, 2015

>specifically Coup
>live in South Carolina
>has product tracking
>starts off at some carrier facility in Florida yesterday
>okay well enough
>check today
>is in a carrier facility in North Carolina
How the fuck does that make any logical sense?
To have to send something completely passing the address where it is going to, to send it to that address.

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'Aight. Here's the deal. · 3:56am Dec 27th, 2020

I wrote.

Oh boy oh boy, did I write.

Am I terribly late? Like, few MONTHS late? Well, yes.
Do I have an excuse for it other than laziness and normal life stuff? Well, no.

And hear me out here...

Boom. Almost 85,000 words at the ready.

How about it, huh?

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Report Fatail · 151 views · #I #Did #A #Thing #Coup #de #Grace #Fatail #story #DEATH

New Story - Lord of the Dragons · 7:36am Sep 4th, 2016

Ever wonder why all the large dragons from the dragon migration didn't show up to the Gauntlet of Fire?

Or how Celestia knows so little about dragons, despite knowing exactly where their seat of government is, and where their lands are?

Or why the Gauntlet of Fire, intended for "big, strong" dragons, instead seemed to reward agility, teamwork, and cunning?

I did. So I wrote a story about it.

Lord of the Dragons
2,558 words

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A sad anniversary (2021-01-06) · 7:09am Jan 6th, 2022

An year ago, my country survived an attempted coup. Unfortunately, we have an high probability of losing democracy in the next few years:

To be blunt, Trump lost the election. If you are a loon believing that he won, you are delusional. Trump got 74,216,154 votes (46.9%) and 232 Electoral Votes. Biden got 81,268,924 votes (46.9%) and 306 Electoral Votes. If one is too mentally ill to acknowledge this, then you have my pity.

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Okay. I live. · 3:01am May 23rd, 2020

Baaaack baaaby!

More or less.

I won't bore you with unnecessary details right now, those can be addressed at their own time. Sufficient to say, I'll have three stories out by the end of June. Two updates and one completely new.

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The One with the smiling, I'm the one with the accent. · 8:22pm Jan 10th, 2020

I've been glancing through various derpibooru users' comments. I literally have nothing better to do, though I am listening to MLP Fan made music, Where Is Your Heaven Now from Midnight Musician.

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Let's Party Like It's Jan. 6th 2021 · 4:17am Jan 3rd, 2022

Soon, it'll be the one-year anniversary of the "Mostly Peaceful" protest against the election results at The Capital. Expect leftists sharing their survivor stories, continuing struggles with PTSD, nationwide memorial services for each and every broken window pane and complementary public safe spaces made available by government mandate.

"It's like the Pearl Harbor and 9/11 of the feels of the nation and racial justice."

- Survivor, who was 40 miles away at the time

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It looks like the treasonist rapist Trump might finally face justice. · 4:27pm Dec 23rd, 2022

I sincerely hope that he should get pushed up against what little of his wall we built and shot for treason and I oppose the death penalty.*

* If one makes a mistake and executes the innocents, one cannot unexercute them. ¿Did you know that Texas once executed the wrong Carlos? With Trump, we know with certainty that he attempted a coup and mishandled documents with information sensitive National Security. It seems to me that if we execute Trump, we would execute the right Donald.


¡My IronyMeter exploded when I learned that Trump, who attempted a coup, accused President Biden of attempting a coup! · 9:28pm March 3rd

All of the IronyMeters exploded when Trump claimed that President Biden tries to seize power in a coup.

¡Trump tried to seize power in a power in a coup on 2021-01-06! ¡Talk about psychological projection!

Trump was on the Southern Border. He went on about the BorderCrisis he created:

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Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results