
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results

Cinder Logs #1 · 6:22pm Mar 10th, 2017

Cinder Logs #1; Horse Date: 5 days before Martius Ides, year 2770 since the founding of the Rome.

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That's So Goth and Nusery Nuturing part 2? · 3:32pm Sep 17th, 2018

So after some time I am currently working on my next project titled "That's so goth" which will feature Magma and the ever lovable changling Hollow.

Speaking of those two for those of you who have not heard/seen recently Nursery Nuturing has been done in a reading by ScarlettBlade ( As you can find here on youtube ) and it seems a common question comes up with did I plan on doing a part two of it?

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New Tantabus story · 2:28pm Jan 5th, 2019

In celebration of becoming a student-loans-paid-offionaire, I've released another story about the Tantabus.

EHow the Tantabus Parses Sleep
The second Tantabus continues to grow, learn, and flourish. And maybe screw with certain ponies on the side.
Rambling Writer · 306k words  ·  1,124  10 · 13k views

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Seeking Beta Readers for "Trip the Light Scholastic" · 5:59pm May 28th, 2020

Howdy, y'all.

With the next chapter of Trip the Light Scholastic nearing completion, I've decided that I want to take this project a bit more seriously. It originally started as a side project while I worked on other stories in the same universe, but it has come to take up the majority of my time and attention. I'm really happy with how it's turned out so far, but I want to make it the best it can be.

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Its official · 2:33pm Feb 3rd, 2022

War of Two worlds is hereby canceled.

I am obviously not a competent enough author to write such an ambitious project. So I hereby declare War of Two Worlds canceled until I improve my craft. I'll keep it up on my page for the few that did like it. But it is canceled until I reboot it once I am ready.

My deepest apologies.


Finals Week · 5:27am Dec 8th, 2015

Have been busy doing the studying business. Will be heading in with more chapters for Ponytale, but in the meantime get your packs ready for a trip to Suplex City.


Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. IV · 7:25pm June 23rd

I think my blog looks better with the picture at the top, so here's a ponified take on one of my favorite shows from the 90s:

Married (with Cadence) :rainbowlaugh::derpytongue2:
Maybe Flurry Heart is upstairs?

Since this is my first music blog on a Sunday, why not post a song about Sunday?


I wander- New story announcement! · 11:52pm Jun 20th, 2020

Do you like interesting new worlds? Do you like unsettling atmospheres? Do you like lamps? Get yourself checked if it's that last one; you may be a moth. But even if you are a moth, you may like this story!

EI wander
Beneath the City, where the sunlight never touches, I wander. Will you wander with me?
Silent Whisper · 2.2k words  ·  92  1 · 1.2k views

What are people saying about it?

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Let's get a second opinion up in here! · 7:03pm Feb 2nd, 2016

I guess it's no secret that I've been working away on a sequel to The Laughing Shadow and am finally close to getting it done. But I got to thinking: it might be fun to do stuff in the 'verse that isn't always about cracking heads and dealing with shit above and beyond the norm an average person faces. So what I decided to ask you, dear readers—all two of you still on the site—is that would you all be interested in a side-story filled with one-shots that are more slice of life in nature that

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FINALLY! Part 2. · 1:37am May 4th, 2017

The revised Episode 5 of Pony la Pony is up!

Much like the previous revisions, it doesn't change the story or events much at all. It's mostly the way things are written that's changed, more in my style and more... cohesive. In character. I would recommend reading this one again, if only because it was a good chapter to begin with and I managed to make it better.

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So you decided to sabotage your career: a pro as fuck guide to longfics · 8:16am Apr 16th, 2016

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a blog. Mainly because I’ve been trying to finish the TLS sequel. Guess what?

It’s done now.

Bad news: Done doesn’t mean finished. This thing is going to need editing and prereading to make sure it’s up to snuff to publish (my apologies into the poor saps that agreed on reading this. But look on the bright side: eventually it ends)

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Hell's Belles: It's like Charlie's Angels meets National Treasure, only somehow worse! · 11:32pm Aug 17th, 2020

Remember how I said that I had a great big project that I'd been working really hard on, and have been for a long time?

Yeah, this isn't it. But it's still a fun little story that's absolutely batshit. Will try to update... once every couple of weeks, I want to say? I've got classes starting this Thursday, so we'll see. Still, come and check out Hell's Belles if you like ridiculous stories, or pancakes.

THell's Belles
Sweetie Belle and Sugar Belle go on a whirlwind heist. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
Silent Whisper · 5.9k words  ·  37  1 · 384 views
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results