
Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results

Present Perfect vs. Longest Night, Longest Day · 8:48pm Jul 1st, 2019

Back when I read RainbowDoubleDash's Boast Busted, I was left with a lot of questions. The next place to turn in the Lunaverse then is its prequel, Longest Night, Longest Day, a retelling of the show's pilot with Trixie and company and all the character flip-flopping that entails. And thankfully,

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New Reading--The Longest Sentence · 3:38am Feb 15th, 2016

Illya Leonov has graced me with a reading of The Longest Sentence!


Done! · 11:13pm Jul 7th, 2015

Just finished watching all 3 episodes.

And Moondancer was adorable.

The friendship reconstruction was nice.

My respect towards Twilight is growing, still hate her though..

Oh shit! it's the 420 blog here today!

Anyways.....To love or Not to Love.

This story, shall be revolved around a man named Chris who was taught and determined to never make friends or have affection towards anyone. His past shall be in secret and you will know him each single chapter. Know why?

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Chapter 23 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done! · 9:39am Feb 29th, 2016

Hello everyone. I wanted this to come out by Valentine's Day, but work kinda messed that up. I kept getting called in to work for one reason or another. February was such a miserable month for me. Oh well. Today we will be reading chapters 9-12 of Longest Night, Longest Day by RainbowDoubleDash. The story is finally picking up! ...Sorta. Thinking about the pacing of this fic, I totally think you could cut four chapters out of it no problem. About half of the festival preparations could be cut.

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Stories I Almost Wrote, #6 · 12:29pm Aug 22nd, 2017

Here's one I've been building up over the course of the last year or two and only ever started on the prologue because the internet was out for a while. I have most of the skeleton written out and it doesn't seem like it'll actually take all that long (in terms of writing, anyway) to write out in full, but that's what I think about every single one of my stories, and as I've got way too many going even without the ones I come up with every month or so, I think it'd be wiser to just

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Chapter 21 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done! · 9:14pm Aug 28th, 2015

Hello everyone! This time we will be doing Longest Night, Longest Day by RainbowDoubleDash. The first episode of the Lunaverse. I have thinking about doing this story for years. I am going to have so much fun doing this story.

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Halloween Special Coming Soon · 5:21am Oct 29th, 2019

Hey guys, it's been awhile, but I have exciting news about a special chapter being made for Book II and I can't wait to show you all what me and my partner have been working on. It's taken a lot of time, mainly because IRL has been keeping us busy, but on Halloween Day Chapter Six will finally be released and it'll be the longest chapter in the entire story to date.

Over 10,000 words!!!!

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Chapter 22 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done · 9:54am Nov 30th, 2015

Hey guys! Chapter 22 is finally done. Sorry it took so long. These chapters were a little harder to riff, but I think it turned out rather well. I have been working harder on editing and revising these things so that is part of the reason it took so long.

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Perfect Karma! (or, Dear Gays: By Now The Right Has Betrayed You For The Longest Time) · 12:45pm Jun 23rd, 2016

Even though the description of the video below states that the left has chosen to protect the feelings of Muslims over the lives of gays, it decidedly ignores the fact that the right, for the longest time, has chosen to protect the feelings of Christians (i.e. the really uptight stupid ones) over the lives of gays.


Chapter 24 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done + news! · 8:46am Jun 21st, 2016

Hey everyone! Chapter 24 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is finally done! Sorry for this taking so long. I am now working on four projects and trying to manage time for them all has been difficult. I have to think of something because I am not making much progress on them because I am not dedicating enough time on any of them and am often too tired to get much work done.

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Dream #3: My Longest MLP-related Dream · 4:49pm Apr 18th, 2020

So, as you all know, I have some occasional MLP-related dreams I like to share at times, but this one was... very different. It was one of the longest dreams I've ever had (and one of the best). How I could describe it... if you've ever seen the episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, "The Inner Light," my experience was very similar to Captain Picard's, in which a single dream I had felt like it lasted for several years.

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My Top 95 (thus far) Favorite Characters from MLP: FIM and EG · 7:18pm Nov 14th, 2017

So anyways..... I figured I would do a Top 95 list of My favorite characters from both MLP: FIM and EG. This is my list thus far, so it will be updated again. But anyways, let's get on with the list!

95. Sunburst

94. Princess Flurry Heart

93. Sunny Flare

92. Sugarcoat

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Phoenix Update: Set a New Record! · 4:07am Dec 16th, 2023

Hello my lovelies. If you've not already seen, Star Trek: Phoenix has released its latest full chapter, episode 7 for season 3, "Under the Sea." As you might surmise, it involves hippogriffs, and was a huge ton of fun to write.

But more importantly, Phoenix has just surpassed Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake as my longest fic! I fully expected that it would, but this is quite the accomplishment. And we've a long way to go yet before Phoenix is complete.

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Disposal Mummery · 12:59am Jan 1st, 2021

Judging by the lack of reports on a miraculous wave of healing energy sweeping across the world from the International Date Line, the new year won't automatically make everything better. But being better than 2020 isn't just a low bar to clear, it's an archeological dig to even find the bar. We sure as hell didn't see this year coming, but let's do what we can to make next year that much better. Here's to what may come.


Happy Winter Solstice 2015! and KH! · 1:12pm Dec 22nd, 2015

YaYA! Time for longest night ever! Celestia gets a break while Luna do most of the work! Am I tempted to write a fan fic about that? I am. Will I do it? Probably not, but I'll see what I can do. No promises though cause you all know how bad I am at keeping them.

You know what's also today? 10th Anniversary of Kingdom Hearts 2.

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A Look Into My Planned Novel Series: Presenting ACTRESS SQUARE! · 4:18am Jan 10th, 2017

Luttant pour toujours, la Première Nebula! You up to the challenge?

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Holy CRAP have I been productive lately. · 9:00am May 8th, 2020

Or, "How Tonk ended up writing three 3k word chapters in a row for a story that isn't even published yet".

Also, we've got a lot to set up with the fic, so there's a 5-chapter long prologue arc that'll all be published at once. :raritywink:

Don't forget, the story drops on June 10th! I post little blurbs of the story pretty much daily on my Discord server, too!


night in the woods jacksepticeye part 1 - 7 · 10:49am Jul 9th, 2018


Mom is dying... very slowly. · 3:21am Oct 14th, 2021

I need to talk to somepony and I don't feel like I can right now so I'm just going to vomit words here in semi-public.

I already wrote a story about this, but it is becoming too relevant to bear now.

EThe Longest Curtain Call
Despite dementia, Jack Pot still remembers his son. Unfortunately, Trixie isn't her father's son anymore.
Trick Question · 4.7k words  ·  163  49 · 2.2k views

I'm writing this post because I want to tell you all about two amazing people I love: Mom and Dad.

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New Heart on Sleeve · 7:37am Jul 16th, 2021

I've just posted what may be the most personal story I've ever written, given that my middle name is Trixie, my nickname ever since high school is Trickster, and my mother has dementia. There are other deep parallels I'd rather not discuss here.

EThe Longest Curtain Call
Despite dementia, Jack Pot still remembers his son. Unfortunately, Trixie isn't her father's son anymore.
Trick Question · 4.7k words  ·  163  49 · 2.2k views

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results