
Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results

Anyone wanna know what Martial arts I've learned? · 2:48am Nov 29th, 2016

I've Done Ninjutsu for 4 years, Hapkido for 7 and a half, Krav Maga for 4 years, Kung Fu for 2 years, and Muy Thai for 9, and I've started Systema from an EX Spetznas I know. Been doing that for 4 months.


Question Martial Arts · 8:49pm May 4th, 2022

I won't say why I'm asking this but the answer may greatly help me.

In martial arts, for the ones who know, what happens if you attack directly the core? Like, we know of these attacks that allow to hit the pressure points all over the body which can cause partial or total paralysis and, I guess, terrible pain. So, what about the core?

Report Lucar · 173 views · #martial arts #core #attack

Plot Bunny Theater: Earth Ponies Are Badass · 12:07am Dec 19th, 2019

Twilight wants to learn more about Earth Pony magic. She hears about an Earth Pony convention that's rather exclusive where many experts in Earth pony magics do meet. She gets to go because she's a princess and she's best friends with Pinkie Pie and Applejack, whose families go to the convention every year. It's for magic demonstrations and tournaments. Rainbow Dash gets dragged along.

Dash: "Ugh... This is gonna be soooo boring."

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I made a group for Martial Arts. · 2:05am Nov 28th, 2015

That's right, what the title said. I made the group to act as a place to talk about that sort of thing, or find stories about it. So if you happen to practice, enjoy, or just have a general interest in martial arts, come on down.


Updates on the Tournament in October. (For those who care) · 8:45am Nov 22nd, 2015

Well, it went better than expected!

Got silver medal in everything I competed in, (Would've gotten gold in sparring but one of the judges knocked off a point for something I didn't even do).

The demo was disappointing this year but I hear it's because last year's demo team just couldn't afford to travel all the way from Korea down to Texas this year.

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"You are Already My Friend": Earth Pony Martial Arts · 6:28pm Dec 18th, 2019

According to Lauren Faust, Earth Ponies draw on the life energy of the planet itself to fuel their abilities. This ranges from super strength and endurance, to communication and control over flora and fauna, to Earth bending, healing, increased longevity (Granny Smith is easily two centuries old) and enhanced sensory perception (Pinkie Sense).

In other words they are using life energy. Or as is known in real life martial arts, ki.

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Funny Martial Arts Time! · 9:10pm Jul 18th, 2015

Two parter video. Me and my brother were putzing around developing bits and pieces of the martial arts in Path of Blood [what Chains of Fate is based around] since it's raining bad outside. Something funny came up, and I decided that I'd turn on the camcorder for my first Youtube video. I hope y'all enjoy them.




Story Idea · 1:18am Jul 21st, 2017

The inhabitants of Equestria are humans but only a select few can fight like a master...Now they compete in a tournament. With a certain green haired male competing and two girls fighting over him....oh and little girl with a silly crush on him


Free Worldbuilding and Lore · 8:39pm Jan 1st, 2020

As part of my other projects, here is a list of almost everything my friends and I have come up with for magic and abilities in Equestria among the ponies. Feel free to use these for your own stories, suggest your own, or put together snippets for the E3 fanfic project. And here we go!

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Hasbro did Spike dirty. · 10:28am Aug 2nd, 2022

This is probably gonna piss off the die-hard Hasbro defenders, but I really don't care. It has to be said. Spike's finale design was UGLY as FUCK. He should've been the most human-looking character out of the entire cast. Instead Hasbro went the Sonic Boom route and made him a big dumb idiot. Even during the series he was usually the butt of the joke. It was actually really fucking sad considering Twilight was supposed to be the big sister/surrogate mother role. I'm not a good artist by any

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Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results