
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Signal Boost: A Ninja in Need · 9:14am Jun 15th, 2022

A close friend on Fimfiction has revealed that he has... well, something terminal, to put it lightly. I would like to spread his blog post so that we can all show an outpouring of support to him:

"Some Rough News"

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Candelight Vigil · 11:02pm Dec 28th, 2022

I learned a few days ago that Ninjadeadbeard passed on on the 19th. I will deeply miss him; he had a unique, cohesive, and fascinating vision of Equestria and was by all indications a good person besides.

Short-Tale is putting together a collaborative tribute to him. You can see here for details.


Life Update: Things Suck Bad (rereading everything to get back to writing though!) · 12:04am Sep 12th, 2022

It's... been a bit hasn't it? I really shouldn't leave people in the dark so long. But when it's sometimes this dark, I just have to stare at a wall and wonder if any of my (lovely, wonderful, marvelous) watchers really care to hear what's going on.

Still. You're worth it. And there's better news after the bad stuff, so I'll just spoiler the cruddy stuff and let everyone who wants to skip, skip to the good news.

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All These Midnight Days: The Ending of the End of the Ending · 5:39am Mar 10th, 2021

When I first got into the MLP community, one of the first things I watched was Friendship Games. Sure, the pacing and logic slips a little, here and there, but it made up for that in its imaginative imagery and musical numbers, as well as the sheer emotional resonance it had with me. It really shouldn't surprise anyone in this fandom that I was a sensitive lad, and got bullied pretty hard all through Middle School. So, seeing the crap Twilight put up with felt very real, at least to me.

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A Candle for a Familiar... · 8:48pm Dec 29th, 2022

Well, somehow, I managed to write a shortfic just before the end of 2022. This story is...

TA Candle for a Familiar
It has been a year since Mittenz's sacrifice and now Roseate lights the candle.
Robipony · 1.3k words  ·  8  3 · 293 views

I wrote it as a part of the Candelit Story Vigil for Ninjadeadbeard, who passed away recently. I'm hoping that all of you will enjoy the story and that you might even consider contributing to the vigil.


Read It Now Reviews #115 – Free to Study, Making Up is Hard to Do, In Everything but Name, Memorial, One Last Snap · 3:01am Oct 16th, 2019

I was going to write a blog post about the finale, but having gotten about halfway through it, I’m not really sure what it was going to add to the discussion – to a great extent, it felt like a rehash of the episode, rather than adding anything of value.

But I do have things I want to say about it, so I will have to reformulate my thoughts.

In the meanwhile, I actually started reading stories again. And, well, as long as I was reminiscing… what about another review set?

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Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results