
Viewing 1 - 20 of 282 results

That's curious... · 10:07am Aug 22nd, 2020

Looking over the stories I’ve written for this site over time... I’m realizing that a lot of them touch on different forms of suicide and self harm in varying ways.

Not the majority of them, I don’t think. Probably nowhere close. But enough that it’s noticeable to me. Sometimes it takes center stage, other times it’s just quietly there in the background. And certainly more frequently than I’d thought.

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On Leaving, or Quitting. (Not Doing It, Just Explaining Procedure) · 6:18pm Sep 16th, 2018

Drunk Cracker at the moment, quick little PSA.

Given the appearance that Trick Question has joined that long list of people checking out of the fandom or website for various reasons, I figured now's as good a time as any to clarify my own stance or procedure on it.

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So, how's that sequel coming along? · 6:02pm May 15th, 2016

Well... I'm halfway through the first draft. First two chapters have a first version, third one has outlines.

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An early statement of affairs, rambling about the passage of time. · 3:55pm Jul 6th, 2015

Not the usual time of month to update, but here goes. This one’s going to also be a little more personal than usual, but… well, hopefully this’ll clear up a few things.

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Lifeguard Testing · 1:23am Jul 14th, 2015


Equestrian Road Rage · 1:57pm Sep 15th, 2020

Yesterday, I saw this video, and if Equestria ever gets cars, this is pretty much exactly what pony road rage would look like.

And then I thought: what would current Equestrian road rage look like if it was actually rage-y?

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Alternate reality Vinyl/Octavia Who's better? · 6:16pm Apr 20th, 2017

I'm starting to like the alternate versions of Vinyl and Octavia now. This is what sold me on them. Plus, who doesn't like the idea of a prim and proper Vinyl Scratch? I've always loved these two but when the comics showed the alternate realities and I caught a glimpse of them my mind went wild with possibilities, to the point I now like the alternate versions rather than the originals. What do you think my loyal and dedicated fans?

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Respect the Earth · 10:09pm Aug 7th, 2015


A Day of Desserts · 8:28pm Apr 8th, 2022

I await you in the evening, I see you in when it's dark.
You know of me, master me, yet you remain my slave.
I am by your side longer than any, yet my visage remains veiled.
And in the twilight of consciousness you ponder, the brief moment I am known.
Each of those moments, I scrub from your mind.
And await you again, in the dread of night.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Infortune's Favour · 8:16pm May 13th, 2022

If a single ripple can disturb a pond, and a single event sculpts all forthcoming, then what is the magnitude of everything? All events,rippling the surface of the water, spreading through lakes and into the oceans, in all that chaos of disturbed peace, is one contribution truly meaningful?
Perhaps not.
Good thing we aren't ripples.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A Break for Toast, and asses. · 4:33pm Apr 29th, 2022

Should I listen to the voices today? Would I heed the call set out for me? Shall I strive ever onwards on what missions have been put a-front? What is, the purpose, really? For someone of my niche, to strive feels purposeless, for what is achieved can again soon be forgotten, locked away within a glass closet, whose doors lay cloaked in dust.
But should I not to strive, then what would call shall I heed?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Sweet nothings · 9:16pm Aug 12th, 2022

Is it not odd that rot can smell sweet? After years of deteriorating and building rust, a saccharine nature blossoms? Is it a sign to consider what rot represents, what it means to sink into the ground? Or perhaps to make one reconsider what sweetness truly is?
Leave a spoon in sugar, give it time, and it will tarnish into a tattered shadow of metal.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Poem To end The Year · 12:57am Dec 31st, 2022

Separated by a thread,
over the abyss.
Latched together one more time,
every day a miss,

Tensions mounting,
All are shouting,
Silenced by a kiss.

Happy Filthy Friday, and a Happy new year~.


Midnight Ass Worship · 12:38am Sep 3rd, 2022

My perspective of time ran out.
It didn't tell me when it was going, perhaps it wanted to pick up some ice cream. A time sensitive dish, as they all are, though this one more than most readily available alternatives. Perhaps it needed to cool down? You usually do not rush out in a hurry, without saying where you are going, when you are calm and collected. I ponder if I should go out and find it. But, perhaps I'll just let it be.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


The one Variable · 12:28am Nov 16th, 2019

What dangers await in a world where we know nothing? how much do you prepare for the inevitable and unpredictable? What do you bring? Such questions are posed every moment, every second, every twitch of an eyelid.
The answer to most is: I bring myself, the only tool to have survive every previous venture.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Precipice · 7:23pm May 26th, 2023

Sometimes I linger too long. Standing on the precipice of opportunity I waiver, apprehension swallows my mind. And in that darkness I forget that there was ever any ledge. So I keep going; back away from the precipice or over the cliff. The result is usually the same: the choice is made for me, be it in peril of amnesia.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Fanfare Finality · 10:22pm May 12th, 2023

We conclude the small party surprise today, the usual warnings apply, but always feel free to read if you dare~.

And so the morrow passes, and so the dawn is gone, before I got to say hello it left me all alone.
I speak with it to twilight, I speak with it to dusk, I always get so sleepy, passed out in evening's musk.
And so I try to speak again, with morning as it dawn,
but when it shows and when I am there, all I can do is yawn.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Farewells Linger in Liminal · 9:55pm May 19th, 2023

Farewells are difficult. Often it is unexpected, the deed is done, the stone laid, text printed. You cannot help it at that point, the finality has overtaken. But in the unexpected, a farewell never comes, it is left liminal: it is never to occur, and it has already been done.
Is it harder to say farewell in the moment. When it is known. When it is expected, than to never be allowed to ever say it.

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Ends of Times · 1:11am Dec 28th, 2019

I begin as I end, in the comfort of myself. Each cycle I live for the moment, content in leaving the chasing for others while I delight in the moments I have and keep having. I think little of the past, though I hold it in high regard; I strive to satisfy in the moments I live, yet every moment passes me by; I see everything around me just for what it is, and yet I am blind.

Who am I?

Happy Filthy Friday, and a pleasant new year to you all~.


Leaping Through Time · 1:06am Feb 29th, 2020

Does this day, even exist?
Is a day that appears once every 4 years, still a day? What makes it less of a day? It has a morning, midday, evening; the run rises and sets; the world goes about its daily business. But the people, the people know this isn't a "real" day.
That brings them comfort.
Comfort in the chaos.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 282 results