
Viewing 1 - 20 of 36 results

Hey, remember that random, off-the-wall blog I made about continuing to live in a parallel universe? · 3:41am May 19th, 2017


I just found out that there's a video about that now. :pinkiecrazy:

For reference, this is the blog I'm referring to.


Random thought that I had while switching classes · 5:10pm Jan 18th, 2017

I just realized that if my brain was a hard drive I'd have a folder labeled revenge plots against nonexisting enemies. :derpyderp1:


Just a random thought that's been brewing at the back of my mind. · 3:11am Apr 25th, 2017

What if...

Whenever you die, you die in the universe you currently are conscious in, but in the process of doing so, your perception shifts to a parallel universe where you don't die, and you just don't notice?

I mean, sure, it's a wacky way to explain near-death experiences, but who wouldn't want to hop into a different reality every time they're about to die?


So I'm thinking about something... · 2:37pm Mar 2nd, 2020

Would anyone be interested in fic commissions from me? I'm thinking a flat rate of $50 for 2500 words.

There would be some strict rules about what I will and won't write, of course, but I've been needing some extra money and this seems like a good way to get it without burning myself out.

What do you guys think? Is that something you'd be interested in?

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About my stories again · 3:12pm Sep 4th, 2020

Well we finally have a real name for the commander and her story is coming along nicely from my brain. I don't know why but for some reason dear readers I keep getting new ideas for another story while I'm working on another one so after I finish that chapter I go and work on the new idea for the other story before I forget and then something else new comes to me for another story and so on.

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TRANKLE GRANKLE LEEDLE MANKLE! · 5:20am Aug 23rd, 2018

This here... this is my "Tutant Meenage Neetle Teetles" moment.

Except, instead of a funny ripoff of Ninja Turtles, it's a complete and total replacement of the title of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

Trankle grankle leedle mankle...

This started off when I made a joke about "Twinkle twinkle little Tsar". And then my brain filled in the rest... somehow.


Just a Little Thing That Made My Day. Also, a Quick Thought on Unconventional Friends. · 10:45pm Jul 27th, 2018

This really has no relevance to anything, just me throwing my thoughts on a page.

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Random thought · 4:20pm Dec 22nd, 2015

I don't know how this came to me, but If Luna entered Shining Armors dream, would that be classified as a night in Shinning Armor? :derpyderp2:


What would a prequel to "Molten Gold on a Spring Evening" by "coleisfantastic" look like? · 12:25am Mar 10th, 2018

What would a prequel to "Molten Gold on a Spring Evening " by "coleisfantastic" look like?

It's something I've been thinking about since I read the original story. Part of why it's a fascination for me is because of the numerous questions the story leaves behind:

  1. Why is Scootaloo a dragon?

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Rando Thoughts - A Ship With Potential · 6:52am Jan 1st, 2018

Heelloo, FiMFiction! I was deep in one of my contemplative thoughts a few days ago with MLP in mind, and I had this random thought. Rarity x Fluttershy - or RariShy - would make a decent ship if written correctly. So I thought I might as well toss that idea into the ring of The Herd's one-stop fanfic sites.

My Thoughts

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The Automaticity of Magic · 5:17pm Apr 29th, 2020

In some ways, I love fantasy because of the easy outs it provides. In other ways, I loathe fantasy because of the easy outs it provides.

Although, technically, there's really just one: "it's magic". How does the fridge work in a pre-industrial society? Cold spell. Why is the guards' armor so strong? Strengthening spell. How can the court stenographer record things so fast without fingers? Dictation spell. But do you ever stop to think about how automatic a spell can be?

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Two Short Life Stories · 12:47am Feb 15th, 2019

Hey, all! The following stories don't really have anything to do with... anything, really. They're just small moments that had a meaningful impact on me. I wanted to find some way to share them, but each individual one wasn't enough to make a post on its own, so... here you go.

Story 1:

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Transparent Living Ch 42&43: A deeper look · 10:06pm Dec 19th, 2020

I was recently studying the three unforgivable curses from Harry Potter carefully. The unholy trinity: Imperio ‘I control’, Crucio ‘I torture’, and Avadra Kedrava ‘I kill’.

Now, I’m not very well-versed in Harry Potter nor I pretend to be. What my takeaway here is the thinking of the three things that are morally dark (not just in Harry Potter, but in reality as well).

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State Of Psychosis, as of January 11th, 2018 · 2:24am Jan 12th, 2018

Another year passed, and me another year older. Hooray! Or not. Whatever floats your boat. Anyway, down to business.

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Fanfic content house? · 2:59am April 22nd

One of my friends asked me what would happen if fanfic writers made content houses like some YouTubers? And honestly, it is not nearly as interesting as they would think.

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Thoroughly Random Thought · 6:01am Mar 12th, 2023

Been finding myself chanting "Chai! Chai! Chai!" under my breath recently. Huh, I wonder why. :pinkiehappy:

No, I've never actually played the game; it's a bit too high-energy for me, 3-D platformers aren't my thing, and I have a little issue with something called "heights" that the game indulges in here and there. Seen plenty of footage of it, though, and I find it fun to watch.


Random thought... · 5:38pm Aug 2nd, 2018

Why do fans of kids shows insist on rigid continuity and timelines for everything... and yet, they're perfectly fine with the main characters not aging in primetime animated series like The Simpsons, Family Guy, or Bob's Burgers?

Has it never occurred to anyone that FiM and Equestria Girls is operating on those same rules? The characters just don't age and time doesn't move forward unless the story dictates they should?

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Annihilation · 1:00am Feb 24th, 2018

Does anyone else get reminded of The Conversion Bureau by this?


other things that seem important · 5:47pm Jun 3rd, 2020

  • we would very much like to work on making a video game one day
  • we would like a kitty or small creature to love and keep us company
  • we would very much like to join a band

thoughts about these thoughts:

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Random Thoughts #2, and a Quick Update · 6:42am Dec 1st, 2018

So, Star Wars has been a topic of some contention in recent years, and for obvious reasons. The Last Jedi being what it was, polarization in the fandom has reached all time highs, and it's hard for a Legends junky like myself to really be optimistic about the future of the canon EU. There's a couple reasons for that, but I'll come back to them in another blog.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 36 results