
Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results

Rogue One · 11:43pm Dec 19th, 2016

I now commit the ultimate heresy in announcing that this is my favorite Star Wars movie. It ain't about space wizards and destiny, it's about a band of lost, broken souls giving all they have left for the barest ghost of a hope, and it's marvelous. I look up and can only hope my drama works (which often have similar themes) may one day evoke half as many emotions.

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Report Rune Soldier Dan · 618 views · #Rogue One

Nostalgia (or reasons why I thought Rogue One was probably the best Star Wars movie since Jedi) · 1:04pm Jan 14th, 2017

I'm in a nostalgic mood, fired up by listening to old TV themes (and possibly by remembering why I stopped programming last time). In particular, the theme to Tomorrow's World, a show that I practically grew up on and that probably did more than any other thing to influence my generally positive attitude about technology and the future. Javascript notwithstanding.

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Report archonix · 499 views · #rogue one #review

My thoughts on the movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" · 10:39pm Dec 30th, 2016


Rogue One if it were a Vietnam movie · 8:40pm Feb 8th, 2021

Very well-done.

And also, in my opinion, miles better than the entirety of the *actual* movie.


"Rogue One" impressions (Spoilers hidden) · 6:24am Dec 17th, 2016

So, saw Rogue One today in theaters, and thought I'd share my thoughts for anyone wondering if its worth seeing. While I prefer it to The Force Awakens (My thoughts on it can be found here), Rogue One is a rather crowded and rushed film. There are a lot of new characters thrown at us with the barest of introductions, and while I'm all for lean, efficient storytelling, Rogue

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Report Greenback · 346 views · #Star Wars #Rogue One

Rogue One · 11:14am Dec 18th, 2016

I forget how old I was when mom first introduced my sister and I to the Star Wars trilogy. It had to be when I was around 8 or 9.

There was no looking back of course. She had opened the floodgates that countless toys, books, and games would pass through. Even though my opinion of them has soured just a tad in recent years, going to see each of the prequels in theaters was special, especially the midnight release of Episode III which remains one of my favorite Star Wars memories.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Review · 4:44pm Dec 28th, 2016

Okay, so this was a little late. And I was tired yesterday, so I couldn't get this out. This along with a trip to Spencer's Gifts was an interesting night. Unfortunately there wasn't anything that I wanted to get while I was at Spencer's though. But the adults section was interesting:trollestia:.... I'm not weird. Do I have shame? Yes. A lot. Shut up.

And now with my review of Star Wars: Rogue One. A sort of, not really spoiler free review

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Rogue One and Star Wars: The difference between not sucking and great · 5:52am Dec 18th, 2016


Top Ten Things I Liked About Rogue One · 2:32am Sep 11th, 2021

I'm really sorry for not posting or updating you all in a while, I've been dealing with a lot of real life work which has been kickin' me down. Rest assured I'm still working to make sure I get some more chapters updated for Shattered's variant of Everfree and Star Wars, I am not dead. I still need to try and make a new one-shot of somethin', anything really just to show I'm not dead, but we'll get there soon.

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Warning: Nerd Rant · 11:39am Dec 17th, 2016

Getting seriously excited for seeing Rogue One. I think it's going to be perfect.

You know why? Because even the negative reviews are making me eager to see it. Some of these older reviewers need to seriously consider retirement, good lord.

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The Star Wars burnout is here! · 6:45pm Aug 23rd, 2017

This video proves that the Star Wars burnout is already here and I have been predicting this for a while.


Rogue One had me all like... · 4:39pm Dec 16th, 2016


Answering a question with an unrelated statement is stupid · 11:43pm Dec 16th, 2016

If you ask someone a yes/no question like "Want to go see Rogue One?" and they answer with something like "I had to wake up at 330 to go to work", then you can make a few assumptions.

1. They're passive aggressive
2. They're a fucking moron.
3. They can't use their big boy words to just say no like an adult.

Of course my reply was "Good for you, so you beat traffic!"

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) · 7:41am Dec 22nd, 2016

Tis the season for all sorts of stuff. Whether it's shopping, shipping or heading to church there's something that you're going to be doing. I can't offer much in the way of advice as to what to do at church though if I followed the rules set forth for me it was, "Sing when they sing, don't talk or fidget and drink what they give you."

"But dad," I'd say, "It's blood!"

"You're a vampire now son! Drink up!'

"And the cracker?"

"That's his flesh."

"How BIG was this guy?"

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The Melancholy of Star Wars: The Last Force-Bending Divergent: [Miss] Mockingjay, Part X: Jupiter's Twilight. Patreon reward for Somber Star! · 12:55am Aug 29th, 2018

Hello, hello! First off, if you missed it, a Patreon blog about a topic and character near and dear to my heart went out rather late last night, and that would be Sunset Shimmer! So maybe give that a read if you want a crash-course on what things of mine she’s been in and my opinions of her development in canon.

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Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results