
Viewing 1 - 17 of 17 results

Asking for Feedback · 8:37am Aug 21st, 2020

So I’m going to more or less get straight to the point with this one. I’ve been writing for around two years now, and I struggle with getting any kind of regular comments on the majority of my stories. It’s starting to get to me a lot more than it used to, and I really just need feedback. Writing is my way of relieving stress from my day to day life, and life’s been rougher than usual lately. As a result, I’ve been getting more attached to my writing than I usually am. I’ve been trying so hard

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Chapter Update - Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 6:02pm Sep 6th, 2020

Today’s chapter update is a little shorter and more slice of life, but it at least sets up a couple of motivations for a character that’ll come back in later. I’ve also updated some of the tags to better reflect the story, and the rating’s been changed because ultimately it didn’t really need a teen rating, which was just a holdover from its original incarnation. As always, I’m always looking for feedback so feel free to give it a read and tell me what you thought of it!


Hey I need a bit of commentary on my writing · 11:53pm Nov 22nd, 2022

like just I need to see what I need to work on, what I'm doing good at. Im not new to writing but I am a bit of an amauture


Chapter Update - Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams?” · 6:12pm Oct 3rd, 2020

Another brand new chapter today! Nothing ground breaking, but it’s back to the cute characters I really enjoy writing the most. I’ve got another in the works already, and that should be out next week.

As always, I really appreciate any kind of feedback, I’m working really hard on trying to get some, and even just something small would mean the world to me.


Bats, mangos, and uhhh bewilderment? · 5:13pm Oct 5th, 2020

So... I have to say, I’m genuinely surprised at how well “Just a Bat... a Bat on the Hunt for Headpats!” Was received. It’s something I spent probably 5 minutes planning and an hour writing, and I honestly didn’t expect it to do well at all. The fact that it hit featured and is now my top rated story came as a complete shock to me, in a good way mind you.

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Chapter Update: New Horizons · 5:11pm Sep 12th, 2020

Sorry for the delay on this one, had some stuff come up but I finally found time to finish it. This one’s got a mix of slice of life and lore stuff, and some of it will play a larger role in the story itself going forward.


Chapter Update: Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 5:15pm Sep 12th, 2020

This chapter was another fun one to write, and ultimately got a lot more of the character development stuff than I originally planned on including. Dare I say, this was one of my favorite chapters I’ve ever written, and I’m excited to write more in the future! As always, I’d love to hear what you think about it, so comments and feedback are always appreciated!


Chapter Update: Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 5:43pm Oct 17th, 2020

It’s that time again! New chapter day!! Kind of alternating between Saturday and Sunday to see which is the better day but still keeping this weekly. Today’s chapter is back to some of the cute romance stuff, with maybe even a little bit of suspense... hope you enjoy it!


Chapter Update - Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 5:00pm Sep 27th, 2020

Here with another update! What happens when you try and micromanage every detail of a village? Lots of arguing and ponies that don’t necessarily agree with all of your leadership ideas. It’s a small break from some of the romance, but an important break nonetheless. The next chapter should see more of that sooner than later.


Chapter Update - Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 4:55pm Sep 19th, 2020

Another new chapter is up! It’s another shorter chapter, but I honestly had a blast writing it and it’s important for the characters nonetheless. I’m going to try writing these more regularly, so keep an eye out for more updates!


September Update · 5:12am Sep 3rd, 2020

There’s really not a whole lot to say for this month. I’m dealing with some personal loss which is making it hard to find motivation so I’ll probably only wind up working on Dreamers for right now. That’s become my favorite story and it’s been my escape from real life stress for a while. I really enjoy writing it out even if it doesn’t get the comment activity I really wish it would get, and I’ll probably shift focus to that for the foreseeable future. I might poke Stardust and New Horizons on

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Story Update: Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 5:11pm Nov 7th, 2020

Sorry for the short gap in chapter posting, I was busy writing the unexpected hit that was “You’re Probably Wondering Why I’m Wearing a Maid’s Dress...” which wound up pushing back the rest of my writing. That’s not really the worst thing imaginable though, because it gave me some more time to work on today’s chapter. I’m quite happy with it and I hope you all enjoy it as well, because it sets up the next leg of the story and I have some fun moments coming up that I’m excited to share with you

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Just a sequel to... Just a Bat, a Bat on the Hunt for Headpats! · 2:49am Oct 15th, 2020

You guys liked LOVED the first one so much, so I thought I'd go ahead and make a follow up. It's not a huge fully fleshed out story, but it IS a cute side story that leaves more room open for the characters again. Nailah was hosting another speed write on her discord, a speedwrite themed to bats, which was the perfect excuse to write more cute bat stuff, so I hope you all enjoy it!

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Chapter Update - Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 8:40pm Oct 11th, 2020

first thing's first, I got a dog!

He's not what this blog is about, but he was being too cute to not include.

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Chapter Update - Stardust’s Odyssey · 5:16pm Sep 19th, 2020

Surprise, two story updates in a day! I wanted to work on Stardust some more and try and give it some more love. It’s still a huge learning experience and I’m trying to find the best ways to convey what I need to convey, so I did things a little differently with this chapter and tried some new stuff out.


Rare double update incoming! · 5:46am Sep 12th, 2020

So the planets have aligned and I’ve managed to finish chapters for both New Horizons and Dreamers (Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams?). I enjoyed writing both chapters, and I can’t wait to get them out tomorrow. New Horizons will probably wind up back on hiatus so I can better plot out the next leg of the story, and that means that Stardust will likely re enter the update cycle. I don’t have any idea on when that’ll be out, but I’m overly optimistically hoping for a late September Release,

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October Update · 6:49am Oct 2nd, 2020

Time’s been flying by almost too fast it feels. Lots of life stuff still getting me down, but I’m trying to keep more upbeat lately. October is one of my favorite months of the year, and coincidentally that’s the month I have a lot of big things planned for at least two stories, both of which are passion projects of mine.

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Viewing 1 - 17 of 17 results