
Viewing 1 - 20 of 28 results

Well then... · 5:22am Jul 6th, 2018

I just hit 1500 followers. I shall let Twilight speak for me.

Seriously though? Thank you all so much. I'm happy to be a writer that you all appreciate so much. I vow to keep working and to keep getting better.

Thank you!

Report Foals Errand · 342 views · #Wow #thanks guys!

*sigh* · 7:03pm Jun 21st, 2016

Alright...guys my last 2 blogs may have sounded almost....snappish and depressed, that's only because I haven't been feeling good the past 2 days. Father's Day threw me off pretty bad and the resulting action was me ranting on one blog and struggling to not break down in tears on the other blog. Let's just say....some bad memories resurfaced and I've been trying to cope with them. Even IRL I've been rather quiet and irritated these past few days. For that I apologize to you all. I know some of

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I Won 3rd Place In My First Writing Contest! · 9:42pm May 22nd, 2020

I’m so floored right now. Like I’m speechless.

I’m really so glad my stuff has made an impact. It really helps. Thank you Secret Moon for the honor. It really means a lot.

And thank you fans. I wouldn’t be here without your encouragement. I love you guys :heart:



10 Month Anniversary · 1:17pm Sep 22nd, 2020

I started on here and made my account 10 months ago! I know it’s not a year yet, but I was just hope-wondering:
I hope I’ve helped others out with having great days/nights. So, have I been a nice person/pony on here?:scootangel:

In two months I’ll reveal why I joined on here, and how I found out about this website.


Fluttershy The Kindest Changeling queen, Got featured on the front page! · 8:31pm May 13th, 2016


I never thought this day would come, thanks to all you guys giving support to my story it has made it the front page of

Thank you all so much!

I'm literally speechless over here

Just have a Fluttershy!:yay:


The Wind Down. · 3:51am Mar 29th, 2018

With Chapter Seventy-One of A Thief's Tale: Road To Redemtion being posted, there are only two chapters left of the madness. Here's hoping you enjoy.


TSC · 5:34pm Sep 27th, 2015

So, some of you might have noticed that I posted a new chapter to The Sweetie Chronicles last night?

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Looking For Editor(s) · 1:27pm Oct 11th, 2017

As it is, I've already got an editor and I read through my own shit after they do their thing, but things are still slipping through the cracks and it's killing me on the inside when I read through a chapter and 'find' missing words, fucked up capitalization, or odd spacing/punctuation. If you're a bit of a Grammar Nazi or just paid/pay decent attention in school, feel free to PM me or comment on this shit.


Yoooooo we hit 100 · 5:07pm Feb 17th, 2019

we were at 96 likes when i finally went to bed, and i woke up to 103, now 104.

and a ton more views than a single chapter publish usually nets me. i'm excited for all the readers i've got, new and old.

i just submitted Family Tree to the submissions folder of "The Good HiE List" group, and I'm so so happy. i don't know how long these things take to get approved, but this story's already got so much attention without it, more than i ever thought it would.

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Woo! We Cracked 1M Words! · 2:09pm Aug 15th, 2017

I don't know if I'm going to do a milestone or anything for the event, but I do know that I'm hype for it. I thought the story would be closer to ending by now, but shit just doesn't seem to be slowing down all that much as I write. Maybe it'll close sometime in the Seventies, but for now, it's not looking like it's ending before we hit another 500k words. It'll be nice to have A Thief's Tale done, but I don't know. I've enjoyed the journey to get to this point so much, I might just

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So I Finally Got A Job · 9:54pm Jul 21st, 2017

First things first: Fucking finally. I've been waiting for this moment for too fucking long.

On another note, my work schedule is fucking weird. I'm on a 12 hour swing-shift that means I work two days, have two days off, work three days, off two days, work two days, then off three days. Get it? I don't, but that's not important.

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Spoilers For Lupa's Quest in Chapter 34 · 9:43pm May 16th, 2017

There are spoilers in that shit. If you haven't read Lupa's Quest, I suggest you do so now rather than later. Chapter Thirty-Four should be up within three to four days of this post, and Lup's quest in its entirety is shorter than most of my chapters, so make of that what you will.

In other news, exercise is hard. Muhshithurt.

As Always, Don't Fuck Wolves

Stay Cool, Kids


Page Count For A Thief's Tale · 6:48am Jan 23rd, 2018

It only took me an hour and forty-five minutes to dig through the archives and get my number, but I managed to get everything out of gdocs and loaded up. As of Chapter Seventy-Two, A Thief's Tale is 3,784(ish) pages long. I made sure to get all of the longer chapters, but there may have been some that slipped through the cracks, so there's a 20ish page deviation there.

Not exactly a big deal

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It's Decided and I'm Excited · 1:32pm Oct 6th, 2017

Fans of A Thief's Tale, I have come to a conclusion. I'm hype af to share with you that The War will not be the ending arc. Nah fam, I'm not ready for the journey to end. There will be another arc on top of the wind-down/Epilogue, so let's see how far that gets us.


Alright, So I'm A Bit Ahead. · 10:16pm Jun 6th, 2017

I’ve got two chapters of A Thief’s Tale written. They’ll need to be edited and proofread, but I do that the day before posting the chapter, so that’s some words right there. In any case, Chapter Forty is finished and I’m debating on what to do next. I was thinking of doing a short story because I have a decent backlog now and that creative spark for the main story is waning a bit. I’ll take succinct suggestions for short stories, but the main thing I want to know is if I should make

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Bi-Weekly Update Schedule · 1:18am Jul 31st, 2017

The title says it all. Instead of being posted on every Monday, A Thief's Tale will be updated on every other Monday. Basically, the 31st of July will get the usual update, but the next one won't be until August 14th.

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TOP ONE FU*KING HUNDRED (In Length) · 11:33am May 12th, 2017

A Thief's Tale: The Road to Redemption is the 87th longest story.

Can you quack, mother f*cker?

Slap happy af. So hype. I'm so very hype, like you can't even comprehend.


News Concerning Chapters and My Backlog · 1:00pm Nov 15th, 2017

Dear fans and casual readers of A Thief's Tale: Road To Redemption, I, as of like, two minutes ago, have five months worth of chapters in my backlog, and the next chapter isn't even slated to be posted until I have my long weekend off, which means that I'll most likely be adding another chapter to said backlog. Ride the hype train.

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So The Old Motivation Has Taken A Hit · 3:29pm Jun 14th, 2017

I don't know how long this bout of minor block is going to last, but it's been going on since I got Light Sprint's Little Problem published. It's killed my momentum with A Thief's Tale so I'm going to extend my usual release schedule from every four days to a week to help me maintain a decent release schedule. It'll slow down further once I get a job, but as it is right now, I'm just not feeling it as much as I once was. There are still events and things that I have planned and I

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Words on A Thief's Tale: Chapter 39. · 5:51am Jun 2nd, 2017

So the story is already quite morally sketchy. A lot of the things Max does could be considered bad or even evil, but in the chapter I'm currently writing, I recognize that things get more than sketchy. It's a debate on whether or not people have certain rights, and whether or not you agree is completely up to you and how you view good and evil. I'm personally on the fence about the matter, but I feel like Max, as a character and a fictional man has grown and evolved in such a way to make such

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 28 results