
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

Placed in the monster pen · 3:32pm Sep 23rd, 2019

A popular setting for horror anything is the haunted asylum. See, it was filled with crazy people. Crazy people are all sociopathic professional serial killers, and when they die they all turn into ghosts with have an insatiable drive to kill stupid teenagers. Nevermind that the inmates of asyla generally had even fewer rights and protections than even regular prisoners for a ridiculously long time, and the mentally "normal" staff would visit unspeakable torment on them, or allow others to do

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Another Delay... -_- · 4:59am Apr 8th, 2022

So I know how this looks, but I swear I will release my new story at some point this year. Things have just been out of my control and I am very sorry.

For now, I recommend reading Reverberations of the Heart by Unamusedwaffle. His story is incredible and I think everyone should read it :)

THarmonic Reverberations of the Heart
A companion is meant to be there for somepony. To be the driving force in their life, to be the reason to keep going. I always thought I'd never find that pony for myself, until now.
UnamusedWaffle · 70k words  ·  189  17 · 4.5k views

I know I've said it before in previous blog posts · 10:14pm Oct 18th, 2017

But writing is hard, yo.

I'm sick as a dog at the moment, which isn't helping. I'm trying to keep chugging away on active projects, and I've gotten a lot done so far this month, but this week in particular has been pretty much a lost cause. Hopefully, but the end of the month I'll have a couple of things updated.

Stay healthy.


Patreon: the crowd funding nightmare. · 3:51pm Feb 13th, 2016

WANRING: This post is written like a short essay. The information presented is from personal experience and opinion.

I've noticed a particularly disturbing thing happening over the last few years. Patreon. This has probably been said several times before, but I figured throwing my two cents out there to help solve the problem.

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BarCast : PLEASE HELP: YouTube’s New BS is hurting our horses... · 9:57pm Jan 17th, 2018

So, as you may have heard YouTube changed their policies again. I guess I can't really blame them, but it still sucks!

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Paul's Monday Reviews XV · 6:25pm Jun 8th, 2015

This was a difficult week for reading, and it also holds the record for the most number of words read in a week for these reviews. Even stretching the reading period to encompass an extra two days, I was still reading around 24,000 words a day. While I don't mind doing a lot of reading, it does make it tricky to keep up with my schedule. With this in mind, I've decided that from now on if any reading set for a week exceeds 200,000 words then my reviews will come out on Tuesday instead of Monday

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Tales From the Trash Bin #10. Pass A Beer to Your Centaur. · 12:14pm Jan 8th, 2021

Well, it’s the final Tales From the Trash Bin… Maybe? I dunno, maybe I’ll try another one shot and stop halfway through and just put it here. Only time will tell. I do still have that unfinished one-shot stalker story, and I could post it here if I just lose interest in it… Eh, I’ll probably post it on my blog.

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how unfair justice can be · 2:08pm Sep 29th, 2019


Read It Now Reviews #63 – Colors of the Soul, Unfair, Did Not, The Ever Ash Project, Denial · 2:32am Dec 4th, 2015

With season 5 over, it is time for people to release their reaction fics. I expect that this season finale will be fertile ground for fanfics for many months to come. I myself have some ideas, but I am going to try and push out a lot of stories I’ve got in my pipeline first.

Of course, there’s another writeoff coming up in just a few weeks, so maybe it won’t be such a long delay after all…

Today’s stories:

Colors of the Soul by Monochromatic

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Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results