
Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results

That feeling when · 5:04am Aug 14th, 2017

When you've been out o f the game f or so long, your writing stinks and it takes you six hours to write ten pages.

Getting old sucks.

Also I lost my "f" key. And copypasting is a pain the plot.

Report Brony_Fife · 364 views · #writing is hard

my brain and thoughts when i'm up way too late on a work night · 2:12am Apr 28th, 2017

i'm at that stage between tired and energized where anything goes. my tastebuds are completely open. I would nibble on deep fried turds if you bet me a ten. or hell, i'd just try a fucking cheeseburger. wouldn't do that normally.

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Should The Teal Changeling be rated teen? · 8:47am Sep 5th, 2015

Did the fight in chapter 6 cross the line? I feel I really skewed reader expectation with that fight, in a negative way...

If I am changing it to teen, the way it's present isn't going to change moving forward, or retroactively. No blood, swears, or porking.

With the first act coming to an end soon, I'm going to update the story's blurb to better express what the story's about, and I was wondering if I should tweak the tags while I was at it, thus the blog.


Words Are My Enemy · 8:41pm Sep 9th, 2017

Ever since the hurricane, I've had trouble getting back into my groove. Just when I think I've got a good one going on, I lose it and have to work a day or so to get just my motivation back. My concentration broken, my spirit shuddering, I get back in this cold and threadbare chair of mine, forcing my fingers to dance on a keyboard that's losing letters, losing words. The rhythm my fingers dance to is listless, graceless, losing contests of speed and precision.

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Goodness, that was much more difficult than it needed to be. · 5:30am Feb 21st, 2016

So, new thingy coming out for all of you patient people. Sorry it took me so long, I couldn't decide on a few things that should happen, and life just loved to give me excuses to not finish the darn thing.

But now it's done! Get hype! I'm posting it in a little over 12 hours.

Hopefully now I'll be able to get back on a good posting schedule for this story.

I hope you guys like it!


Random Ramblings CCLXXXI · 8:15am Jun 17th, 2018

Okay, I'll elaborate on that directly. But first, Laura Brehm's newest song!

Now that your day is automatically improved by Laura's existence, onto the meat of my post…

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Interludes · 4:09pm May 5th, 2016

I will try to publish the next chapter today sometime. The meat of it is done, but I want to get in a bit more polish and get last minute opinions on whether or not everyone is in character.

In terms of format, I cut this chapter short because it was already dragging on at about 10k words. There will be a followup interlude hopefully with a much shorter turnaround time than a full chapter to further flesh out some of the character stuff before the story proper continues.

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Pre-canon Celestia is tough to write · 7:45pm Apr 18th, 2019

Mainly because I have my version of her as being still pretty guilt-ridden over Luna's fall from grace and writing about a depressed character and their thoughts doesn't exactly put a person in a good mood. Harry being in a similar's not exactly sunshine and roses. :raritycry:

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I'm Sorry!! · 1:06am Oct 6th, 2021

Forgive me dear readers for I have sinned......

I haven't written anymore of the story. I have been trying to write ch 4 for the last month and words are just struggling to make it out on the paper. That being said, I am still working through things with ch 5 to 10 (because I still have no idea how those are going to play out yet because the timing part is due in part because several stories intercept) so that everything lines up time/plot wise.

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A (Late) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year · 2:20am Dec 29th, 2017

'Tis the season to be forgetful~

Yes, 2017 is on the way out and 2018 is rolling in. Year of the Doggo, so be prepared for a fuckton of shitty memes coming from that. I, for one, am excited for what next year will bring. Lot of big choices to make and places to see, though I'm keen on journey across China some more in the coming Winter break.

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Hi · 4:26am Jul 17th, 2015

So I don't have my laptop for a while as it's getting fixed. Minor thing and will be done in a few days. So ''Life in the Donut Hole'' episode 2 got uploaded early. I have a notebook and pencils so I can work on episode 3, but it might take longer than expected. So, instead of Friday, the next update might come out on Saturday.

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Ask and Ye Shall Receive · 3:35am Sep 18th, 2020

The first chapter of the Days of the Dead's sequel has been posted, and the second should follow in a few days. I was gonna wait until the second chapter was finished and post them together, but I got impatient. No second chances for that either, I suppose.

TNo Second Chances
It's not easy, keeping the truth of the dead secret.
MayhemMoth · 15k words  ·  55  5 · 1.2k views

...Shoot I almost wish I had waited for Halloween to post it, but that's still so far away.

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A day late, a bit short · 10:22am Mar 29th, 2018

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