After losing everything, Rainbow is racked with anger, hatred, and bitterness, slowly losing herself to her unfortunate fate. Will Fluttershy be able to save her? Or will Rainbow fall beyond anypony's grasp?

Chapters (2)

'She' didn't exist. Only 'we'.

So why did that white thing bring up such emotions?

An exercise in minimalism. Just a short, quick, probably terrible oneshot.

Chapters (1)

Dawn is a girl who lived (and died, who knows) in the world of K̡̘̱̰͓̣̮̣ïͬ̇͛̔͛̌҉̭̲͈m͔͍̣̖̝̏͋y̶̎̃ͮ̈́ō̋ṅ̹ͮ̎̈͊̊͠a̙͕̣̺͎̹͓ͬ̊̿ͩ̚ ͈̽̋̈́ṃ̶̣͕̺̹ͬͭa̡͇͔ͪ̒ͨ̂hͥͣͩ̔ͣ͘ṓ̯̹̭̣͒ͨ.

When for some unknown reason, she gets tossed into the world of Equestria, where she is only 'increasingly above average' in terms of magic, when she held a monoply on the title of strongest. AND, what's worst is the fact that chai tea is not a THING here.
Pretty sure she hates her life now.
....Do you think anyone will notice if she causes a little chaos?

A great sage gone rouge. A fateful encounter with her assassin. And a purple pony.
Two of them, to be exact.
What could go wrong?

Teen rating for mild violence and speech.

Kimyōna mahō, (奇妙な魔法), is Japanese for 'Strange Magic from Another' I felt it was fitting.

Chapters (1)

Who doesn't know Rainbow Dash? The fastest pegasus of Equestria, the best flying that exists, representation of the loyalty, undisputed star of the Wonder Bolts. Everypony knows her amazing mane of rainbow color, her intense fur coloring of the sky, the same color of her right wing, and the soft yellow color of her left wing.

Chapters (1)

For the sake of maintaining a T rating, any scenes of sex will be toned down. Any time this occurs, a parallel chapter will be uploaded in a side fic for those of you who'd prefer clop.

Ivyshine is the last mortal pony left. and she is seen a celebrity. With Equestria gone and culture redeveloped, she is one of the few that remembers how things came to be this way, and what the world used to be like.

This is her story, and the stories she tells. Parables of morality, stories of the old world, answers to how things got to be this way, this is the story of her knowledge.

But this is also the story of a pegasus stallion named Duskdawn, the one who caused immortality in the first place, his ex-student Daring Do, and the terrible secrets of an ancient pony civilization that caused these events to unleash in the first place.

This is the story of past, present, and future.

This is the story of her senescence.

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo is a young filly ready to start her journey to become the very best like no one ever was, however things take a turn for the worse when it turns out that it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Instead of fainting like they promised would happen in school, they were dying. Getting to the Elite 4 was going to be a lot harder then she thought. Follow her journey with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom as they become true Trainers.

Loosely following all of the Pokemon Black because I'm playing Pokemon Black to know which Pokemon Scootaloo will have.

Chapters (4)

I guess introductions are in order, my name is...well I go by two names, Thomas and Shulk, either one works. Allow me to explain, it was going good for me at the Rose City Comic-Con, I had my costume in order, mostly (Monado included), bought a few cool souvenirs, and even got to meet Adam Howden.

It was at all Nopons and Unicorns for me, until (both figuratively and literally) I made my last stop. I'll keep this short and sweet, I'm missing one part of my costume, and this mysterious "Merchant" has just the item I'm looking for, he asks for a reasonable price, I pay it, a few hours later I get sick, fall unconscious and the next the thing I know I'm in a world of anthropomorphic technicolor pony weirdos as the person I was cosplaying as, but here's the real punchline, I'm not the only one in this new body, someone else is in here with me, and he has the biggest god complex.

Hopefully I have what I takes to protect this word, and at the same time, find a way to control my powers, the Monado, and as a certain someponie's orders say, "Make some friends". Well this is gonna be interesting.

This is my first ever attempt in writing a story of any kind, so if I'm breaking rules let me know,and also please take it easy on this novice, one more thing, the sex tag is for the jokes I'm going to using, Mostly.

Chapters (2)

I died in a car crash, and thought that was the end of me. But insted I just woke up in a forest, being stared down by a gecho with three heads. I ran screaming, my pride dribbling down my leg. From there, my death became the best thing to ever happon to me. And the worst as well.

Chapters (2)

Princess Cadance is many things: A loving pony, a caring mother, a supportive wife, and a wise ruler. What she's not, however, is patient. When Shining Armor takes his time with joining her for a dinner they planned, Cadance decides that she's not going to sit around bored out of her mind. Instead, she's going to entertain herself in the only way she knows how.

With her imagination.

...In hindsight, maybe she should've just ordered take out.

Chapters (1)

Depravity is a draconequus, with a problem. She loves ponies, a lot. So much so she has traveled across the seas to their homeland of Equestria to stalk them in secret. However, when her blatant obsession manages to catch the attention of a particular Princess of the Night, Depravity is immediately sent into a panic! If she is banished for her obsessive compulsions, how will she ever observe anymore ponies!? But come to find out the esteemed princess has actually come with a request for the draconequus. A request that may be an utter dream come true!

[Warning: Story contains suggestive themes/references.]

Chapters (1)