Tread lightly is considered a brillaint flawed scientist. A few ponies are ashamed of her while others appear to embrace her ideas. Today however, her new lab assistant has finally arrived and with that it is time to begin a journey to create something beautiful for those whom have suffered the loss of a wing.
Her new assistant and an old friend will face a few trials along the way past the northern lights of equestia and into the depths of the mountains to search for something that fell from the stars. All this way only to discover the reason why no pony really uses the star rock known as iridium; as something terrible is secretly awaiting their arrival. It even goes so far as to inhibit their journey, terrorize the ponies, and leave them with scrambling for solutions to their troubles.

Chapters (11)

An unexplained cosmic event reveals a completely alien world; that of ponies. For 100 years, it remains untouched... Until the Blitz, an unexpected massacre caused by horrifying metal constructs of unknown origin known as Wolmetahls that shakes the kingdom of Zir'lan from its foundation, slowly leading to its downfall. Noir Disharmony, the young princess of Zir'lan and heir to its throne, remains the sole survivor of the Blitz, and is the only pony who has the power to fight the Wolmetahls... However, this power does not come without a price, one that the princess will eventually not afford.
With fragments of memories from a mysterious past life still lingering in her mind, Noir is as unstable as the red dot in her eye. Will she survive in post-Blitz Zir'lan, when the enemies are not just the Wolmetahls, but her own people and even herself? Will she uncover the horrible truth behind her erased memory, the grand scheme of the Empire and her own origin?

Will Zir'lan hold itself together, or will it crumble and fall before Noir's eyes?

The project: AKA The OC-Fic project, Disharmony is a series featuring OC-s from all around the web as the actors. For more details, entering the project or checking out the OC-s, visit the project page on Deviantart, located here: http://fav.me/dbckj0s

UPDATE: The project has been shut down for an indefinite amount of time.

Chapters (3)

A pony was attacked at the Crystal Empire and suffers an amnesia from the assault. Only Copper Top seems to be able to solve this case, but shortly after she arrived, she recognizes that her regular police work will hardly be enough to solve this riddle. And with the help of a particular princess, she suddenly faces a dark part of Equestrian history, that never should have been revealed...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Bitter Pills to Swallow

Second Person is involved in a car accident. His wife, Sour Sweet is not amused. Inspired by a true story! :pinkiehappy:

(Gore tag for descriptions of minor injuries involving blood)

Chapters (1)

Time moves eternal. Those who were young become old, those who are children, become parents and in the fullness of time, parents of parents.

It's Grampa Neb's birthday and all the family will be there. For Twilight Sparkle, it's a chance to put things in perspective.

Chapters (1)

The Flim Flam brothers introduce gambling to Las Pegasus, and Rainbow Dash is quickly drawn to the allure of the new games while Pinkie remains indifferent ... but when Rainbow's luck takes a turn for the worse, can Pinkie salvage their vacation plans?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shatter, Silence. Shatter

✽ Tale II of XXXIII ✽
adapted from Volume II, Track IX

I hear them calling, Pa!
I hear them calling for me!

Chapters (1)

Semi-sequel to The Last Sparkle Before the Night. Reading not required.

Twilight Sparkle died. She died saving everypony from the changelings, slaying each and every one of them with a single spell. The results?

Regrets. Pain, suffering. No chance to say goodbye, no chance for anypony to say sorry. She left behind betrayals not forgiven, and not one pony was left unburdened by her sudden passing.

There is no such thing as a second chance. Unless something special happens.

After all; Death has its servants as well. And with somepony as special as Twilight Sparkle, perhaps it might see its way to asking for her services.

Death pays well, but asks for everything. Can Twilight find her chance, or will she turn into nothing more than a pawn of the end?

has a sequel: Once More, With Feeling

Chapters (4)

Sunset has never flown out of her city before. So when Twilight decides to bring her to France for their honeymoon, she readily agreed. After all, France can't be too different from all the beret wearing people she's seen in her sitcoms... right?

Sequel to this fic! (Reading that fic is not necessary in enjoying this story)

Birthday present for the mod of Sciset daily. You can check out the awesome Sciset daily blog here! (She was also the one that did the cover art!)

Chapters (1)

I am lost and that is okay

I cannot find the normal

but I do not need it

I have the ones that find me.

Cover art by WubcakeVA. Part of the Oversaturated World.

Chapters (1)