Twilight's an alicorn.

Spike is confused. And stressed. Suffice to say, he's in a pretty bad place. Not to worry. Rather then surrender to the incoming emo wave, he decides to take a quick vacation. Get his head straight and all. Oh. He forgot to tell anyone about it.

Well, he left a note, so that's good, right?

Chapters (1)

The wail of the siren could be heard all across the island.

The attackers groan at the sound.  Their camouflage is perfect, the time impeccable.  It’s in the middle of the night- and the moon never shines here, for the storm.  There is not so much as a speck of light on the island.

But the alarm still went off.

Two squadrons of pegasi take flight, charging towards the island.  To get inside the defenses, before they can be stopped.

One of the two ships explodes with no warning.  No survivors.

Two squadrons of pegasus blood runs cold as the mountain peaks emit little pops, accompanied by momentary flashes of light.

Two squadrons of pegasi are dead before they hit the water.

The other ship explodes.  No survivors.

The attack is over.  The siren stops.

The first defender reaches his post, finds all is well.

He returns home.

While the above isn't technically part of the story, it does exist in the story timeline, before the beginning.

I don't know where I got the idea for this story. String of the Stars was originally intended to be an origin story for my take on Lyra, but didn't turn out as anything close. This has turned out much better, as such, so far.

While the opening may be a little dark, it is worth note that this is NOT a tragedy.

As always, tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Chapters (8)

On another normal day in Canterlot High in 2019, the Humane 7 with their new friend Marty Mcfly have came across Dr. Emmet Brown of Dr. E,B, Enterprises as he introduced his time traveling Delorean he made back in 1985. He gave them a demonstration of how it works and what made time travel possible is the flux capacitor. But when they where attacked by a terrorist group, Marty and the girls ran for their lives and accidentally went back thirty years from 2019 to 1989. As they came across the Emmet Brown of 1989 they all must assert his help in order to get back to their time period and give him the warning of the terrorists before they return.

Back to the Future (c) Universal
MLP EG (c) Hasbro

Chapters (5)

Discord. The Elements of Harmony. The Pillars of Equestria. The five Alicorn Princesses. With all of them keeping Equestria safe, Flash Sentry begins to wonder what the point of the Royal Guard is anymore. In the face of such doubt, he decides to speak with Shining Armor in the hopes that doing so will set his mind at ease.

Check out all of my stories here!

Chapters (1)

What do you get when you mix an earth pony lost in the woods with a sprained ankle, and a witch prone to fattening her victims up to immobile blobs?

Well you get a fun situation for at least one of those ponies.

A secret santa I wrote for Liquid Savage, in about 48 hours, and is entirely unedited... hope y'all enjoy.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Midsummer's Eve

Twilight has been dating Princess Luna for some time. She feels that it might be time to take the next step in their relationship. But even if the proposal goes according to (elaborate, checklist-strewn) plan, forces Twilight knows nothing of may disrupt their happy future profoundly.

The final conclusion of the Mythic TwiLuna trilogy, following Spring Tide and Midsummer's Eve.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Starshield Shatterhorn: And the Saphire Caves

The continued adventures of Starshield Shatterhorn. He now travels into a foreign land with creatures beyond his understanding and a magical force the threatens his life at every turn.

Chapters (1)

While tearfully repairing the wall she destroyed, Sunset Shimmer can't help but reflect on what a horrible person she is. Convinced she'll never be forgiven by her peers, and unsure if she's even worthy of it, she's visited in the night by one of the last people she expected.

Chapters (1)

Sweet Mist is a newer member of Luna's guard, and has put on a little weight over the Hearth's Warming holidays. But she'll find slimming down rather difficult when she meets a certain apple-loving pony who has an overstocking problem...

My first writing of 2019! Just a silly quick thing I had an idea for last night.
Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)