It had been a while since a large group of friends... and enemies had entered the streets of Paradise City but... a temporal glitch can put the chaos into a whole new level.

Extra tags: comedy (for what Danger says sometimes)

Chapters (2)

Starlight Glimmer's parents discuss a recent incident she had with another foal in town.

Submission for the Thousand Words contest. Submitted under Angst/Drama.

Chapters (1)

Applejack's life as a spy hasn't left her much room to be the kind of sister that she wants to be to her younger sibling Applebloom. To make it up to her she's promised she would be at her play tonight, which shouldn't be too hard. All she has to do is finish her mission: infiltrate a high-profile charity gala and retrieve a stolen list containing the names of various Organization operatives before it can be sold to the highest bidder. But a chance encounter with a mysterious woman threatens to make things more complicated.

(Very) loosely based on Spy x Family

Chapters (1)

This tale is a sequel to If You Would Friend a Tiger. However, it also leans on the lore of its timeline more than most of my stories. I therefore recommend that readers at least be familiar with Cadence of the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle Was Shot, and When All Your Wishes are Granted. The story also refers to A Canterlot Wedding from the television series.

Years ago, she was defeated at a royal wedding by the ponies of Equestria.

Before that, she was both destroyed and brought into being by a young pegasus named Cadence.

And centuries before her birth, the Two Sisters and their precious Elements...


Princesses. Bearers of Elements. Nobility, all. And all of them so secure in their pathetic, sadistic victories over her.

Over. And over. And over again.

But this time, things will be different.

This time, behold her greatest plan. Her final ambition. Her most magnificent failure. Victory is irrelevant; her enemies’ deaths are all she requires, broken and in agony.

With her madness fully unleashed, Queen Chrysalis begins The Last Changeling War.

Cover art by Zig-Word on DeviantArt.

And, of course, the seminal story that starts it all begins here.

Part of the Sunset Rising Continuity.

Chapters (21)

No one is quite sure why "A New Generation" turned out the way it did, though evidence points to Applejack and her... less than charitable views on certain topics.

Set after the end of Season 9. The timeskip is non-canonical in this story.

Cover image is an edited version of the A New Generation poster with a vector Applejack found on the internet. If you know the original source of the Applejack image, please post it in the comments and I'll update the description.

Chapters (1)

(The Human World Sunset Shimmer is the Main Protagonist)

Sunset Shimmer is the new student in the illustrious Canterlot Duelist Academy, where all duelists in training come to test their skills in order to become master duelists in the future. Some people duel for fame, some duel just to show people their better than them. Sunset, however, only duels for fun and entertainment. Using her Arch-Fiend Deck and the new friends Sunset will make, Sunset will do her best to hopefully pass all of her dueling courses and become a dueling master.

However, dark forces roam through the world of Duel Monsters, spreading hate and fear, and it may bring about a duel between friends to save the entire world from eternal darkness.

(This story takes place in the ARC-V Universe, so all the duel disks in this story are the ones used in ARC-V).

Chapters (6)

Rarity is a complicated mare, more than I can realise even now. But even then, I wouldn't change anything. Even with her romantic silliness and lofty nature, I can't help but love her, and this is why.

Written for the A Thousand Words contest under the category: Fluff.

This got a reading, listen to it here!

Chapters (1)

And then they kissed. And Trixie’s heart shattered into a thousand pieces.

Trixie is on the verge of saying something to Starlight. Finally. But then she sees Sunburst and Starlight together, and her world begins to crumble.

Written for the Quills and Sofa 'drama' contest.

Chapters (1)

An adolescent, and starving, Changeling Princess has captured Princess-to-be Cadence, and on the night she was supposed to start foalsitting, too. Cadence refuses to feed her love until the job is done. Chrysalis knows what she needs to do.

(Chrysalis Vector Artist): weegeestareatyou
(Cover Creator): Psyga315

Chapters (1)

Lyra decides to investigate the Everfree for any presense of humans. It goes about as well as you'd expect.

A finished fic, updates every day.

Something a tad different from what I usually write, hope you enjoy.

Featured 18/05/2022.

Edit: Here's a link to a chinese translation, done by fox2077!

Chapters (8)