After her journey with Cinder Star, Goldenrod continued her adventures in Pony Valley. After accidentally getting lost in the woods she encounters a small house in the middle of nowhere. Little does Goldenrod know that the house belongs to three pegasi.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie and Applejack experience an ancient, scandalous royal tradition.

Spoilers: ApplePie, Spicy Tuna, maybe whatever you call AppleJack x Pinkie Pie x Princess Celestia, Spike gets treated properly like a kid for once instead of a tiny servant or a trained talking dog.


Thanks to Tipper, who had an idea that I turned somewhat inside out and back again.

Chapters (1)

The exam for Celestia's school was postponed due to an incident, and gave Twilight more time to research the exam. Cadence took her to the Royal Archives to look for a spell after Twilight found a passage in a book that said seventy percent of the tests required the testee to hatch an egg. While looking she found a spell to make Cadence and her real family. Unfortunately while the exam was postponed, that didn't stop the Sonic Rainboom from happening and making Twilight surge as she cast the spell, placing her in Cadence's womb as her new daughter, as well as draining some magic from Princess Luna still trapped in the moon, making her the new father. How will this affect Equestria. And will the upcoming threats still be stopped.

This story was inspired by the story...Full of Love by Autum Breeze which gave me the idea for a story where a spell accident causes Cadence to be Twilight's new mother. though unlike the story that gave me the idea, Celestia, Shining Armor, and Twilight's parents wouldnt know what happened until Discord at the earliest. Though like the story it will start before Nightmare Moon.

Disclaimer for the whole story...I do not own My Little Pony.

Chapters (9)

Zipp braves a magical storm to save Maretime Bay, and meets two mares from a time lost to history.

A tribute (?) of sorts to https://www.fimfiction.net/story/465824/never-forever.

Chapters (1)

When ponies start to find out that Scootaloo has been stealing from them, she begins to get shunned and outcasted. Not even giving her a chance to explain herself. Scootaloo ends up getting expelled from school and even her own friends kick her out of the cutie mark crusaders. Rainbow Dash not wanting to be associated with a thief, starts avoiding Scootaloo. Depressed and alone she starts to get angry at the rest of the world. On one fateful night she ends up getting visited by the nightmare...

Chapters (3)

You are an avid enjoyer of MLP:FiM, despite the show having ended a number of years ago, and Princess Luna, to you, was always best pony. One morning, following a long day of work and an even longer night of drinking, you find that very same lunar goddess helping herself to a warm shower. In your shower. In your home.

Sex tag for naked Luna and probably going to be implied stuffs later on. No actual sex, sorry.

Featured: 05/13/2022 thanks guys!

Chapters (2)

(If anyone takes art commissions, I'd like to request actual art for the cover art. Flit Wing is a Changeling character I made in Ponytown)

A face of sorrow hidden behind the mask of deception - Flit Wing - a lost changeling found refuge in the quaint town of Ponyville, and has been living a quiet life among the ponies there. During his times in this new town, he's made friends, a strong contrast to the hardship of the hive life - a life he refused to return to. However, among ponies is not where he belonged, or so he thought.

After months of living in disguise among ponies, and having grown so close to them, it began to dawn on him that after what his kind did, there's no way they'd accept him for what he truly is if they were to catch wind of it. However, that's the least of his problems as word gets out of changeling sightings. They couldn't have possibly figured him out, could they? Or is there something more going on...

Chapters (1)

In need of models for her new line of summer clothes, Rarity turns to Fluttershy for help, but has to work up the nerve to ask first.

Chapters (1)

An Equestria Girls one-shot. The big Halloween Costume Party is coming up, and the girls can't wait to dress up in their costumes! Unfortunately for them, they awaken to find themselves turned into real monsters overnight, and not any that they recognize from any monster movie! Will they find a cure for their condition, or will they submit to their inhuman urges?

Chapters (1)

After a changeling crashes into her castle with summons from King Thorax of the Changelings,
Princess Twilight Sparkle is intrigued to learn of a new species having been discovered deep underground. The species, however, is quite unlike any she's ever met before.

When she goes to investigate them, Twilight finds herself the recipient of initially unwanted snuggling. But perhaps she needs them more than she thinks at first.

Cover art was drawn by JazzWolfBlaze.

Edits were suggested by NavelColt, TheMajorTechie, Supermarine Spitfire, and Wolfsbane.

Chapters (1)