
After finding Rarity distressed and crying, Rainbow takes action to restore Rarity's beauty to what she knows is true. And only nuzzles her a few times along the way.

Cover and chapter art done by IrradiatedPirateBooty.

Thanks to PseudoBob Delightus for proofreading.

Chapters (1)

An out of his luck gambler throws a family heirloom onto a table in a drunken fit, accidentally activating a magical ability and getting transported to Equestria... As a filly... this can't go wrong, right?

Credits for low effort cover art is me and me alone >:3

Chapters (2)

Darian Frey is the best pirate in all of Cyrodiil, at least according to himself. After visiting Atmora, fighting off a vampire invasion, blowing up a Dwemer city and destroying the Awakener Cult, he started to run out of things to do.

Far away from the coast of Tamriel, the leader of the mysterious unicorns of Sun Tower learns about a threat that could spell doom to everycreature. To prevent it, she begins looking for an adventurer that might be daring enough to go to the place that most call the Dreadlands, that Ponies call the Old Country and that ancient texts call Equestria…

Crossover between MLP:FiM and Tales of the Ketty Jay (with a few other fandoms and ideas thrown in).

Chapters (15)

Rainbow Blitz meets Scootaloo and takes care of her during the Zombie Apocalypse.

What will decide their fate? Where will they go? How will they survive?

(Rainbow Dash is Rule 63fied. Characters are all Anthromorphized. Also, this was inspired by The Walking Dead Telltale Series.)

Chapters (1)

A curious little foal asks his father for a bedtime story. Even though he just got home from his rough day of work, he agrees and picks up a book. He does not expect to stop his son from joining the fight.

Chapters (2)

Nurse Redheart gives a eulogy.
Do something about it.

Edited by Seventh Heaven

Chapters (1)

When King Sombra returned and sought to conquer Equestria, the Imperial Lunar Army stood in his path. Under the stalwart leadership of Warmaster Saturn Hawkrich, a mighty counteroffensive was launched to tear Sombra down before he knew what hit him. The war would be over before anyone knew it!

That was months ago. The war carries on and continues to take a bloody toll on Equestria. Now questions are beginning to mount regarding the conduct of the war and Hawkrich's capability. Questions from soldiers, from civilian officials, and most vocally by the young General Selenite and Empress Nightmare Moon herself.

Warmaster Hawkrich wants the job done. General Selenite wants it done right. The soldiers are getting weary. But perhaps most importantly of all, Empress Nightmare Moon demands results.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. More information can be found here, but no prior knowledge of my AU beyond the general concept is required to read this story.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft. Additional proofreading and consultation provided by Dice, Danielle and Kalashnikitty.

Chapters (7)

When Luna gets tormented in a gun war, it's up to Twilight Sparkle to save her.

Based on the 1934 Disney short with original material added.

Chapters (1)

Kennedy goes to Equestria after being WACKED by the CIA.
How Starlight Glimmer got some very bad ideas on how to create her utopia.

This is a fun little story I thought up one day at work after looking at a silly little picture.
Then I added Starlight Glimmer, because it was fun. Then I added Pinkie Pie, because it was fun.
In the end I made what I found to be a silly little comedy story. So that's what this story is, a silly little comedy story.

Really the thanks go to 'Arareroll' for making the image that inspired me in the first place, and for letting me use it as a cover art.

Chapters (1)

Pipp decides to show one of her friends, Izzy, a shopping mall she loves to shop at. Having never been in such a large shopping center, Izzy is taken aback by the sheer size of the place. Not only that, the mall came with a large arts and crafts store, which sets off Izzy's creative juices once again! What will the chipper purple unicorn create this time?

Chapters (1)