My name is Dr. John Trotson, and this is an account of the mysteries and tales that surrounded the deeds of my most faithful friend Sherclop Pones - one of Equestria's most brilliant minds. I do not doubt for an instant that my writings are anything but amateurish - but in any case, please feel free to peruse the book, and dabble in the selection of the fantastic tales that surrounded our lives in the first year of our acquaintance.

Chapters (20)

When Rainbow Dash wakes up to a burning Ponyville, nothing is as it seems anymore. She is left with only pegasi that are equally confused, and must attempt to discover what brought Equestria to ashes.

But as time goes on, back, and around, similar tragedies start happening to her friends, affecting the elements of harmony they bear. Can they work out what is causing these tragedies with their different pasts and futures before there’s no turning back?

(Formerly begun as Nightmare and Pinkie's Phantasm, Runining Harmony revamps Nightmare into Dash's Dilusion and combines the two stories before continuing on with other events.)

A thank you to Ekevoo of Equestria Daily's study chat. It is because of him checking each chapter before release that grammer errors or other mistakes are caught before each chapter is live.

Chapters (37)

Unseen horrors lurk just beyond the horizon, but the future is not immutable.

A strange new pony arrives in Canterlot bearing knowledge that could help avoid the dark times ahead. What begins as a straightforward mission soon develops into an adventure that will carry all involved to the borders of Equestria and beyond.

5-star Featured on Equestria Daily... for some reason. I've been meaning to add this disclaimer for a while, and so here it is: this was a first fic of a first-time author, and it really shows. Know that whatever well-founded critique you have to level at it, I will almost certainly agree with. It has problems, of that there is no doubt, and significant enough ones that I'll always be bothered that the story is up. Taking it down feels like bad form, however, and bringing the writing in line with my current standards would require a full rewrite, which would be dishonest to the readers who have been through it already. I leave it up as a badge for having completed something, but just be aware that if you start in on it, you will almost certainly finish bewildered and dissatisfied.

Chapters (17)

Megan Richards is a normal, everyday wife and published author of 'My Little Horsey'... however the tales she writes about aren't fiction, but stories from her past. She thought she put the world of ponies behind her, but sometimes the past has a habit of catching up with you...

G1 meets G4 in a hopefully epic tale of the past, the present and the future.

I own nothing, also, minor cameos from other Hasbro properties such as Jem and the Holograms, Transformers G1 and GI Joe.

Cover image made by the very talented Egophiliac and from here.

fanfiction.net link!
Equestria Daily link... one of these days.
TV Tropes page
All the Tropes page

Sequel: The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand

Side-stories and mini-arcs not able to fit into the main narrative: Side Stories of First Contact

Chapters (37)

(2nd Person POV) Your childhood started out just like any other. You had friends, you attended school, you had a mother and father. It was all taken away from you. You have no recollection of your childhood, only the scene of a traumatic event. Losing all hope in recovering, you leave to a small, secluded town known as Ponyville, hoping to isolate yourself. You'll find out that all you needed was a little color to revive those memories.

Edited by: Sleipnir and DoctorBrony

Chapters (26)

Will was an ordinary soldier of the Space Army with an extraordinary secret. He believes that he'd just kill some monsters and get off the planet he and his company were sent to. But it all changes when he chances upon two helpless Pegasus ponies being attacked by a manticore. He suddenly gets drawn into a grand tour of Equestria, the country of ponies, meeting new ponies... and saying goodbye to a few as well. And what happens when he falls for a Pegasus with a yellow coat and pink mane? Conflicting thoughts, emotions, and actions assail Will as he tries to do what he thinks is right... and what this new Pegasus in his life would like.

Cover art is done by x-ego-box on DeviantArt. Go check her stuff out! It's really great!

Chapters (20)

Frost Windchill is known to be a storyteller of sorts. Comfortable with telling the occasional sprite tale or legend, a child approaches him one day and asks for a real story.

And so Frost tells one- the story of his life. It's not a typical story, and there's more to it- just as there's more to the descendant of a Lunar Guard. It's a story not just of himself but the heroes he stood beside- big and small, legendary and obscure. But there's something amiss, buried lies between the lines.

After all, it's hard to kill memories when you remember everything.

(Cover done by the amazing Sw1tchbl4de. Check him out here! http://sw1tchbl4de.deviantart.com/

Larger version of cover art can be found here: http://sw1tchbl4de.deviantart.com/#/d4ovlt2)

Chapters (47)

A direct continuation of '27 Ounces: A Tale of Eight And One Half Ponies', the lives of a family of newfoals from their very first arrival in Equestria is followed. Join Caprice, Alexi, Pumpkin and Buttermilk in their day-to-day lives as they adapt not only to being humans-turned-Equestrian, but struggle to help found a new village in the ever expanding Exponential Lands. This is a story of courage, survival, and the process of bringing a new landscape under proper Equestrian dominion. Starting without weather, shelter, or any understanding, these brave newfoal pioneers face daunting odds.

Knowledge of the previous novel is not needed to enjoy this tale.

♥ As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (32)

Only fools, madmen, and adventuring parties go into the Malpheggi, the swamp beyond the Everfree Forest. It can be left as an exercise for the reader as to which of these categories Samus Marcus (a Thyatian swordsman, or so he says) and Ivan (his companion in trouble) fall into. When they are rescued by the registered adventuring party, the Elements of Harmony, a grand quest across the D&D world of Mystara begins. Together they face culture shock, international politics, romance, dungeons, and a dragon with a grudge as Marcus learns how to trust his new friends and make up for his past mistakes while the Elements of Harmony try to save Equestria from a threat which proves more... complicated... than they originally thought. Also, pie. And hats. A D&D (Mystara)/MLP Crossover.

Chapters (16)

A short-trip to help Twilight study some fallen meteors left Rainbow injured. But what happened when she started gaining new and terrifying ability.
And what, exactly, did those meteors bring to Equestria?

A Prototype-crossover.

(My first published fic)

Chapters (16)