• Published 22nd Nov 2011
  • 9,082 Views, 136 Comments

Lacuna - Drakmire

Visions of a dark future prompt one pony to seek help, but she cannot act alone.

  • ...

01 - Eclipsed

Dear Princess Celestia,

When I first came to Ponyville, I was so preoccupied with following my own desires that it wasn’t until our encounter with Nightmare Moon that I truly discovered what friendship meant to me.

Since then, my friends and I have had wonderful, if sometimes trying times together, and there isn’t anything in the world that I would trade those memories for.

However, Ive learned that circumstance, as much as anything, is a necessary ingredient in making new friends. While almost everypony has been cordial in my interactions with them, try as I might, creating that deeper, more meaningful connection that I share with my friends has been challenging.

I hope that since times are not so grim, these bonds can be forged in the light of common interest and shared passion. It is with this in mind that I will be redoubling my efforts and exploring different options in my continuing study on the magic of friendship. As always, should I learn anything significant, you will be the first to know.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Spike finished the letter with a small flourish. “Uhm, Twilight? Wouldn’t she be the second to know?” The little dragon shot Twilight an appraising look.

“Oh Spike, she knows what I mean. Now go ahead and send the letter, I’d like to get started on this as soon as possible.” Twilight trotted over to one of numerous bookshelves, searching the spines for one in particular. “Ah ha! Here we go.” She pulled out a book covered in green cloth. “How to Win Friends and Influence Ponies.” Twilight paused. “Hm. That doesn’t sound right.”

Spike had only just finished sealing the scroll when he asked, “What doesn’t sound right? Seems like what you’ve been talking about for days.” With a small gout of fire, the missive flew off in a stream of grey smoke.

Twilight sat on her haunches with the book hovering in front of her, unopened. “Well....it kind of makes it sound like friends are prizes to be won instead of ponies of their own, and that’s not what I want at all.” She turned to look at him, sighing. “I mean, I want to learn more, but I’m just not sure this is the way to go about it.” Shaking her head, she walked away, letting the book lie where it fell on the floor. Spike grumbled to himself as he walked over, placing the volume back on the shelf.

“Maybe you just need to get out more, you know? Nopony seems to stop by for more than a few minutes usually,” Spike said as he started cleaning, though in truth, with so little handling (save Twilight’s occasional carelessness) the shelves were in pristine order.

“I do get out, Spike, I read outside all the time!” Twilight tried to remember the last time she had gone out, but a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. “Who could that be?”

Busy seeing to the door, Twilight missed Spike’s sudden lurch as he doubled over, belching out a royal missive. The sound of him unfurling the scroll was hidden by Twilight talking to her new visitor. “Greetings and welcome!” She stepped aside as an ivory-coated unicorn stepped through the doorway, favoring Twilight with a shy smile. She looks like Zecora, Twilight thought, immediately followed by, She looks nothing like Zecora. Shaking her head as she closed the door, Twilight realized what it must be: her visitor’s chocolate mane was cropped short, making it stand on end. An odd style, but really, who was she to judge what was in vogue? “I know it looks a bit homey from the outside, but you don’t have to knock during our regular opening hours. The library is here for everypony, after all.” She trotted around to face her guest, “My name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m sort of the librarian here, and this is my assistant Spike.” With a slight tilt of her head, she gestured at the small dragon. Spike waved, occupied with the contents of the letter.

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. My name is--”

“Sand Shaper?” Two pairs of eyes came to rest on Spike. “Sorry, I just finished reading the letter.” He tapped it for emphasis. “Princess Celestia wrote you an introduction and something about some business you came to work on? She was kinda vague.” Spike let the scroll curl back into itself, giving Sand a questioning look. She smiled back at him.

“Thank you. Yes, I am a...scholar of sorts, visiting from afar. I came to deliver information to the princesses concerning some upcoming political matters, but now that that’s done, they’ve left me to my own pursuits while they consider their next course of action. Princess Celestia directed me to you, Ms. Sparkle. She expressed an unshakable belief that you would be able to help me a great deal.”

Twilight beamed. “Yes, of course! If there’s anything I can do to help with--AHH!” Twilight turned to find a pair of huge, blue eyes inches from her own. “Pinkie! How did you even get in? The door was...you know what, nevermind.” Pinkie said nothing, but she wore a smile that grew by the second, threatening to engulf the lower half of her face. Twilight didn’t really have to guess. “Party time?”

“Oh Twilight why didn’t you tell me she was a guest this is so exciting oh you said your name was Sand right hi I’m Pinkie Pie and when I saw you coming down from the sky in one of those chariots I couldn’t WAIT to talk to you but you seemed to be in a hurry but I’m going to throw you my best ever Welcome-to-Ponyville-I-Hope-You-Love-Parties party but honestly who doesn’t love parties and WOW you have cool eyes I wish I could make my eyes different colors I’d make one cupcake-colored but there are so many types of cupcakes I’d never be able to decide!” Pressed nose to nose, Sand had retreated a couple steps under Pinkie’s verbal assault, her mismatched eyes darting around in frantic movements as she struggled for composure. Sand had only a moment to act before Pinkie would regain her breath for another barrage.

“Thank you, THANK YOU, Pinkie Pie,” Sand said, managing to put some distance between them as she spoke. She hoped her enthusiasm didn’t come across as disingenuous. “That would be wonderful and I’d love to get a chance to meet everypony. I have so many questions for my research though, and Twilight has graciously offered her help in the matter. Perhaps we can party...sometime during the evening?” Sand gave what she hoped was an encouraging smile.

Drawn up into a thinking pose, Pinkie hummed a bit before nodding, “That’s a great idea I wish I had thought of it first but since it’s not a surprise party that’ll give me more time to work on the decorations and there’ll be more cake and punch and I should go find Berry oh I have so much to do I’ll send you invitations!” Her voice was trailing away before either unicorn had even registered her departure.

They let out a collective breath they hadn’t known they’d been holding. They looked at each other; Twilight giggled while Sand lowered her eyes, blushing. “Pinkie certainly is something else,” Twilight said, moving to close the door once again. “Don’t let her put you off--she means well, and I’m certain that you’ll have a great time. She really does throw wonderful parties.”

Sand nodded, thankful to have a moment for thought. “Ah, I had forgotten in all that excitement. I have a gift for your library.” Reaching around to her side, Sand fumbled with her teeth at the straps holding her saddlebag closed. Eventually finding what she sought, Sand held a blue-gray tome in her mouth as she gestured for Twilight to take it.

Twilight gasped, “The Astronomical Astronomer’s Almanac to All Things Astronomy!” She gently levitated the book as she spoke. “I’d been hoping to get a replacement sent in from the Canterlot Royal Library, but I hadn’t had the time. Thank you!” Floating it over to her small assistant, she asked, “Spike, would you put this on the shelf? I think you know where it goes.” Spike gulped, afraid to take the book in hand, but a soft smile from Twilight sent him on his way. No hard feelings.

“Now, please, tell me how I can help.” Twilight had floated over quill, ink, and parchment, eager to get started.

Sand fiddled with her saddlebags, attempting to cinch closed the straps again. Struggling for a moment before deciding to just handle it later, she gave Twilight a tired look.

“I’d like to discuss Nightmare Moon.”


A short while later, they broke for lunch, promising to bring Spike something back. Sand insisted on paying for their meal due to all the help being provided to her, but Twilight was happy just to have somepony else as eager to learn as she was, however narrow the focus. Nightmare Moon may not have made the most pleasant of subjects, but Twilight found herself warming up to it as she went over the legends that had originally brought her to the topic. Doing her best to regale Sand with the adventures that led up to the discovery and use of the Elements of Harmony, her story was punctuated only by directed questions and helpful comments that kept her on track.

The complete tale didn’t take as long to finish as Twilight would have thought, and so it was after they had picked up some food at the market that a thoughtful silence descended between the two. Twilight looked over at her companion as they walked to the park, an unspoken agreement made that such a beautiful day should be spent outside.

“So was there anything else I could help you with? I’m sorry, my information on Nightmare Moon must seem so incomplete, but it wasn’t until very recently that we had more than a few old mares’ tales to go by.”

Sand lay down beneath the sheltering arms of an oak tree, nosing through her packs as she tried to fish out an apple. Voice muffled by the saddlebags, Sand reassured her, “Please, you have been most generous with your experience.” Finding an apple, she laid it between her forehooves as she spoke. “In all of Equestria, the only other ponies with knowledge of what I seek are the princesses, and that they sent me to you in my pursuits should tell you a great deal. I am indebted to you, Twilight Sparkle, and I hope to find a way to repay your kindness.” Blushing, Twilight busied herself with unpacking her meal, her horn glowing as she removed this and that while she found a comfortable seat in the sunlight. Sand regarded her for a moment longer before lowering her muzzle, taking small bites from the apple between her forehooves. Watching her guest eat, Twilight knit her brows together.

“Sand? I don’t mean to be rude--I know we just met and all--but do you...” Twilight fumbled for the right words.

“You’re wondering about my magic.” Mismatched eyes sought out Twilight’s own. From her prone position, Sand’s upward glance made it almost appear to be pleading.

“I'm sorry, if it’s something personal, I--”

“No, no, it’s perfectly fine that you should wonder. In truth, I had expected you to bring it up sooner.” Sand's words conjured an image of an offered book held between teeth. Twilight cringed inwardly as her companion continued. “I suppose for a unicorn whose definitive talent is magic itself, you would be curious enough to press the issue.” Twilight flinched. She started to say something again, but didn’t get more than her mouth open before Sand shook her head.

“As I said, it’s right for you to wonder.” Sand nosed the apple idly. “It’s simply a personal matter. You have been most kind, and I would not think to burden you with the weight of my troubles.”

“If you don’t want to tell me, I understand. But I want you to know you can talk to me. We’re friends.”

“If it were only that simple. Surely you’ve done things with many others, talked with them, spent time with them, helped them. Yet how many would you call your friends? And not just the casual acquaintances that invest little to no effort in your well-being, but friends that would, say, knowingly walk into danger with you, or stand up to a vengeful goddess in your defense?”

Twilight’s expression faded. Both of them knew the count.

“You said it yourself when describing your efforts against Nightmare Moon. There’s a...a spark, as much a signal as a catalyst. Without that...” Sand trailed off as she noticed Twilight slump. “Oh no, please, I don’t mean it with such finality. I just want you to know that I understand, truly. I’m just...” Sand looked away. “Not yet.”

The rest of their meal passed in silence.

“So...we’ll be seeing you at the party tonight, right?” Twilight asked. Sand nodded, gathering what small scraps of food had been left over from their impromptu picnic. Both took it for granted that their invitations would be waiting back at the library with Spike. “I’m glad.” She hesitated, not sure what to say. “Are you...do you have plans until then?” Twilight hoped her smile looked natural.

Sand watched the ground, studiously avoiding eye contact. “I will need to transcribe what you’ve told me. It will...take some time.”

“Why don’t you come back to the library with me?” Twilight asked. Noting Sand’s dubious look, she elaborated, “Spike takes down almost all of my letters to Princess Celestia. I’m sure he’d be willing to help if I asked him nicely.”

Sand opened her mouth to reject the offer outright, but truth be told, she wasn’t eager to sit down and begin her work. Writing always left her feeling like she’d been gnawing on an indignant chicken, with the residual taste to match. Sand ran a hoof along her shortened mane, exhaling one long, smooth breath. “Very well, Ms. Sparkle. I thank you for your generous offer, and accept. Your kindness has been limitless today, and I am grateful for all that you have done.”

The slight formality in Sand’s words struck a melancholy chord in Twilight’s heart. Twilight felt like she had lost something, but she pushed the feeling aside as best as she could. There would be time enough to puzzle over it later. For now, she wanted to regain that easy back-and-forth she had shared with Sand, and Twilight hoped the long walk back home would be a start.


The two unicorns spent the remainder of the afternoon in the library, with Sand providing her journal to Spike and dictating what relevant notes she had gleaned earlier in the day. Twilight had been surprised at the wealth of information already gathered, but Sand insisted that Twilight’s firsthand account meant a great deal more to her, and at the very least, served as an alternate viewpoint. “It gives the subject depth,” she explained.

Dusk had settled in comfortably when they had finished their business at the library. Spike flexed his hand, grumbling about being used as a writing mule. At least, he did before Sand pulled out a peridot the size of a grapefruit, offering it to the star-struck dragon. Twilight smiled and shook her head, wondering how he would even start on such a treat.

Never one to decline a Pinkie Pie Party, Spike did his best to find a comfortable perch on Twilight’s back that would let him gnaw at the gem’s smooth facets while they walked. Shutting off the lights and closing the door behind them, the three set off.

Long before it came into view, they could hear the party, already in full swing. Pinkie had really outdone herself...again! Not only was Sugarcube Corner bursting at the seams with partygoers, but the revelry had spilled out into the streets. Most ponies had little idea what they were celebrating, only that it was enough to be alive and happy and together. A deep bass thrummed through their bodies in time with the sound pouring out through the doorway.

Twilight smiled and put a reassuring leg across her guest’s shoulders as she tried to ease Sand’s apprehension. “It’ll be fine, I promise. Let’s go find my friends, I’m sure they’d love to meet you.” With a last steadying breath, Sand followed Twilight into the light and music and laughter.


Sand rolled over, groaning in the pale morning light. Dawn had yet to break over the horizon, but a songbird perched outside the window tried its best to drive her out of bed, singing in volumes that Sand swore could not possibly come from such a tiny creature. Half-awake, she struggled to remember where she was, a brief look around her room telling her a bit. Dimly lit furnishings described a small bedroom, well-maintained but not overly spacious. An inn. Yes, now she could remember the cheerful mare who ran the establishment finding her a room, even at such a late hour. Sand would have to remember to thank her later.

Goddesses, her head!

Sand slumped in place, eyes clamped shut. She called up the mental snapshot she’d taken of her surroundings moments before, searching for where her saddlebags might be. Deciding that an obscure lump in a corner might be what she wanted, she half-crawled, half-shuffled her way across the smooth wooden floor before colliding with the corner of a table. Swearing, she opened her eyes and rubbed the top of her head. The saddlebags were placed where she had thought; the table was not. Sand sighed. As her memories seeped back in with the morning light, she realized that a long day awaited her.


A faint chime hovered in the air a moment before a clear voice called out, “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique! Oh Ms. Shaper, how lovely of you to drop by! And so early too, I’m glad to see another pony with such commitment.”

Strips of ribbons and bits of fine cloth trailed in Rarity’s wake as she walked over to greet her guest. Even in small fragments, the floating textiles offered an elegant counterpoint to the pony standing in the doorway. Sand had done a passable job at grooming herself, but the walk across town and bright morning light had only aggravated her headache. As a whole, she felt wretched.

“Hello Miss Rarity,” Sand began, hoping she didn’t sound as bad as she felt. “I believe we had an engagement today?” She tried to make the question sound casual, but in truth, she couldn’t remember exactly what they had planned.

Rarity gave her guest a perfect smile. “Of course, darling. Well, let’s get you in here and off your hooves.” She maneuvered herself behind Sand, gently pushing her towards the back of the shop. Leaving her guest sitting at a small table covered in elegant china, Rarity busied herself in the kitchen. The sound of running water and a kettle put on to boil could be heard through the kitchen door.

Emerging with refreshments, Rarity met Sand’s bemused look with another smile, explaining, “This isn’t quite what we had planned, but if I may be so bold, you looked a mess when you came in. I supposed you could do with a bit of time to prepare yourself, and what better way than tea with a friend?” Rarity’s horn glowed, pouring for them both while levitating a plate of biscuits onto the table.

Sand restrained herself from drinking the entire cup in one quick slurp, remembering that present company demanded manners on par with royalty. Sand thought back to her dinner with the alicorn sisters. Well, some royalty, at least. Lowering her muzzle to sip at the scalding tea, Sand was too busy corralling her thoughts to notice Rarity’s curious gaze. “I don’t mean to pry,” Rarity began, meaning quite the opposite, “but are you having some...difficulties from last evening’s soirée? I’ve heard it said that Berry Punch’s Special Reserve can catch one quite unawares.”

Sand sat up, blushing as she rubbed a hoof along her mane. This conversation could go any number of ways, but from their time last night, Sand had come to trust Rarity, probably enough to tell her a bit of the truth. Sand had discovered that Rarity and her friends possessed a force of personality that made keeping secrets difficult. She briefly imagined them as friends, laughing together at some shared amusement. The thought calmed her, bringing the pain in her head down from a roar to a dull murmur.

“Ahh... no, the party was exquisite, but I’m afraid it’s just that my magic doesn’t work quite right. I can only use it under certain conditions, you see.” Sand's eyes rolled up, trying to catch sight of the offending horn. “Twilight Sparkle inquired about the same thing yesterday, but I’m afraid I was less than graceful in my handling of the subject. I do hope I didn’t put her off, but she’s a curious one, and I fear she’d have led our conversation to some uncomfortable places.” Sand looked at Rarity, hoping she’d understand the unspoken request.

“That pony does have a tenacious curiosity, one would have to agree.” Rarity took a demure sip of tea, floating the cup back to its saucer with little more than a whisper of noise. “Very well, I won’t pry further.” Sand gave a relieved sigh. “On one condition.” Sand froze, waiting for the hammer to drop. Rarity smiled, her gaze never leaving the mismatched eyes of her guest. Slowly, Sand smiled back.


The hiss of steam punctuated the lazy silence. Moisture beaded on her brow as Sand luxuriated in the heat, opening one eye to look at her companion. Rarity gleamed, even in the hazy light. Sand fought down a twinge of jealousy. She hardly considered herself vain, but nopony should look that good when they’re covered in sweat. As if sensing Sand’s gaze, Rarity smiled, but when she spoke, she addressed the yellow pegasus that sat across from them.

“Fluttershy, darling, you’ve barely said a word.” Rarity opened her eyes. “I do hope it wasn’t too presumptuous of me to invite Miss Shaper to our weekly get-together without asking you first.” She looked back and forth between them, as if to mediate some imagined conflict.

“Oh, of course it’s all right, Rarity.” Fluttershy turned to Sand. “After last night, I’m sure you could use the relaxation.” Sand gave her a lazy smile in thanks.

Her dulcet voice had surprised Sand. She could remember meeting the timid pony at the party, but not actually hearing her speak. It was no wonder--such a delicate sound couldn’t hope to compete with the music that had been crashing against them all night long. They had communicated in a mixture of smiles, nods and vague gestures, but it had worked out well enough. She seemed...nice.

As their time at the spa ended, they eased their way into the day over lunch.

“So what will you do now, Sand?” Fluttershy asked. They sat around a table at a nearby bistro, taking their time as though they could stretch the afternoon out forever. With the service as slow as it had been, they were making an admirable attempt at it.

“I...honestly am not sure.” Sand frowned, nudging at her salad with an idle hoof. “I arrived in Equestria for some pressing business with the princesses, but with that attended to, I have only my personal research to occupy my time,” she said, rolling a small tomato back and forth. “I came to Ponyville...well, honestly, to meet you.” Sand looked up, catching their startled looks. “Not just you two, I mean all of the Bearers.” She bit into her salad, hoping a mouthful of greens would buy her a few seconds from having to talk more.

“Why, whatever for?”

“You’re not from Equestria?”

Fluttershy looked abashed at having talked over her friend, but Rarity waved it off, nodding for Fluttershy to go first.

“I’ve never heard of anypony not from Equestria, though there must be some, right?” Fluttershy asked. Sand wore an amused smile, making Fluttershy blush as she hid behind a waterfall of pink hair. “Oh, oh..of course. I was just so surprised, but I guess that makes sense.”

“I tell most who ask that I’m from Singapony, beyond the Great Sea,” Sand said, noticing Rarity’s eyes widen at that. “For all I know, I could be. The truth is that I do not remember. I--” Sand stopped and tapped her hooves together, wondering how best to proceed. “Are you both free for a bit? Twilight should really hear the things I’d like to talk about, and I’d like to stop by the library if she’s around.”

“Oh...yes, Angel Bunny is looking after the cottage, but he knows how to find me if I’m needed.” Fluttershy smiled at some private thought.

“I suppose there’s no harm in taking more time for my friends.” Rarity put some bits on the table for their meal, giving Sand a stern look when she tried to pay. “My choice for lunch, my treat.”

Before long, they found themselves back at the library.

Twilight was not at home but would be returning soon, Spike assured them. They were, however, more than welcome to hang around and wait. One of them especially. Sand smirked at the little dragon, though he had eyes only for Rarity. Sand shook her head, trying to suppress a chuckle. Well, she couldn’t really blame him.

Rarity handled Spike’s fawning with elegance and grace as the others settled in. Sand walked around the edge of the room, reading the spines of the countless books that lined the walls. Many titles were altogether absurdly alliterative, but a few had simple names for simple topics. She pulled one called Supernaturals off the shelf--Sand had an eye for plants and wondered what she could learn. Finding a comfortable seat on the floor, she tuned out the quiet conversation of her two companions.

Before long, a flash and a twang from upstairs announced Twilight’s arrival. Hearing the clopping of hoofsteps, Sand bookmarked the page she had been reading and the two other mares paused in their conversation. “Well hello girls, what’s the occasion?” Twilight asked, looking surprised for a moment. She beamed them a smile as she descended, however.

“Oh..hi Twilight,” Fluttershy said, returning a timid smile.

“Hello, Twilight.” Sand had been lying on a cushion against a wall and had to twist in place to greet her host.

“Sand! I was hoping to run into you. I remembered a bit more information on Nightmare Moon. I wasn’t sure if you had it in your notes, so I’ve been out and about, hoping to catch you in town. Looks like I should have asked around first.” Twilight glanced at the book her guest had been reading, nodding in its direction as she said, “Remind me to tell you a funny story about that sometime.”

“Twilight, Miss Shaper had been wanting to talk to us about something, but she insisted you be with us when she did. Though Spike has been the perfect gentleman while we’ve waited, I admit my curiosity is getting the better of me,” Rarity said, looking from one unicorn to the other.

“Oh? What did you need to talk with us about?” Twilight wore an expression of innocent curiosity, but Sand felt more on edge than she had with the royal audience, even when both sisters had been staring her down. She shied away, half thankful that there was a wall at her back.

“I...hm.” Sand wished she had prepared a better opening, but the others expressed no impatience, and Spike appeared to still be in his own little world. Sand dangled one hoof, idly tracing the wood grain as she spoke. “I didn’t have any friends when I left...my home. That’s the way it’s always been. So when I came here, my audience with the princesses was intimidating, but not altogether surprising.” She looked up, mismatched eyes searching. “I’ve been here for all of...one day? A day and a half? And yet, even though I’ve barely gotten a chance to know any of you, you’ve done nothing but welcome me with warmth, with kindness and...” Sand’s voice cracked as she broke her gaze with the others. Twilight moved to put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder, but Sand shied away. Twilight flinched, looking abashed.

Rarity intervened, her voice gentle. “Sand Shaper, if you think we’re being disingenuous, I can assure you we are not. Why, we barely knew Twilight for as much time as we’ve known you before we were trotting through that loathsome forest into who knows what.”

Sand gave a small nod, Rarity’s reassurance easing the knot in her stomach a bit. “I’m sorry, this is all out of order.” And to herself, she muttered, “I really should rehearse these things.”

Sand sighed, thinking a moment. “All right, how about this? If you had a friend who was sick and in need of care, you’d be happy to help, yes?” Sand knew the answer before she heard the soft chorus of Yes and Of course. “But at the same time, you might fall ill yourself as a result, but that never enters into your mind, because it’s the right thing to do. Friends care for each other in their time of need.” Sand shifted in her seat, wondering if she could get at all comfortable. Probably not.

“But imagine that you were the sick one. To burden your friends, those closest to your heart, with your troubles, or worse yet, to spread what ails you to them too. On one hoof, you know, truly, that they do not mind. Yet you want to save them any pain that you possibly can, because it hurts to see those you care about suffer.” Sand couldn’t look at them, so she stared at the door, willing somepony to barge in, to grant her a merciful respite from this. No such luck.

Biting her lip, Sand continued after a moment’s hesitation. “You see my dilemma, I hope. You all, even your friends I met but briefly, are dear to me.”

“You’re afraid you’ll hurt us.” Fluttershy’s voice was gentle, understanding.

Sand nodded. “Some secrets,” she began, stopping as she felt a soft touch at her shoulder.

Twilight looked her full in the eyes, wearing a sad, soft smile. “Some secrets need to be shared, because as your friends, we don’t want to see those we care about hurt.”


Evening descended on the library. Twilight and her friends had agreed to postpone the heavier discussion until after they’d eaten, wanting to give Sand time to organize her thoughts. Spike had exhausted himself fawning over Rarity, falling asleep at her hooves. Twilight gave him a warm smile and moved him to the bedroom, closing the door so that their talking wouldn’t wake him. Dinner conversations roamed over a range of topics, among them whether to bring the other Bearers into the fold tonight, but Sand vetoed the idea.

“I know they’re your friends and that you trust them, thus I trust them as well, but I’d like to spend a bit more time with them first,” Sand explained. The others nodded in understanding, but she added, “It would save me having to retell this later, but no matter.”

She sighed, pushing a half-finished plate of vegetables away. “I told you I was a scholar,” she began, looking first at Twilight, “and that is true, to some degree. I said the same to the princesses when I met them. I do come seeking information, but it is less as an academic pursuit and more as a...” she waved a hoof, struggling. “...a confirmation. My people could be described as dreamers, but that is not quite right either, and gives the wrong idea. There is not a word I could use by itself that would sum us up in whole. We call ourselves ‘Eclipsed,’ but that too is meaningless out of context.”

“Like a lunar eclipse?" Twilight suggested. "I saw a few of those when I was a student at Canterlot.” She had witnessed several in fact, having taken full advantage of the city’s mountainside position.

Sand nodded slowly. “As with so many of my answers lately, yes and no. After Celestia banished her sister, she grew very weak. You have all used the Elements, you remember how taxing it was the first time, yes?”

The others nodded, but Twilight wore a puzzled frown. “How do you know about that?” The others looked at her. Sensing their confusion, she continued, “What? We were the only ones there. Ancient ruined castle, middle of the Everfree Forest? Not exactly a lot of ponies there to see every detail.”

“You are correct, Twilight. I was not there, but still I know.” Sand fiddled with her plate, turning it in small circles with one hoof. “I hope that my story will answer your questions in time, but I will do my best later if you are not satisfied.” Twilight nodded. Sand shifted in her seat, straightening. “I have heard ponies call them ‘Celestia’s sun’ and ‘Luna’s moon’, as though they were pet rocks, inanimate and leashed to their wills entirely, though perhaps they mean it more in the vein of how we are in ‘Celestia’s kingdom.’ I know not. But I do know that they are old magic, possibly older than the sisters themselves, and that they have a will, and a power, all their own.”

“With Celestia weakened and Luna banished, control of the moon was lost for a time. It kept its course, but cantered across the sky bereft of guidance. It took a long while before Celestia could regain her strength enough to both maintain her own duties and take on those of her sister as well. By that point, it had already happened, of course. Off the edge of the horizon somewhere, the moon interposed itself for the first time in...possibly forever. Picture an early dawn, the moon glowing as it makes its way across the sky. As day breaks, the sun blazes forth from the horizon, slowly overtaking its sibling, yet instead of their light brightening the sky together, darkness covers the land. The moon goes dark, blocking all but the thinnest ring of the sun’s light.”

Sand paused in her storytelling, giving the description a chance to sink in. It wasn’t wholly accurate, but only Twilight would appreciate the finer details and the image served well enough. Fluttershy hunkered down in her seat, eyes turned upward as she pictured the sight in her mind. Rarity’s eyes were wide, but stared at nothing. At first lost in the thought of such an astronomical event, Twilight grew from politely interested to expressing outright wonderment. She said, “I wish I had been there to see it. That must have been absolutely amazing.”

“I am glad that the creation of my home does not horrify all of you, at least," Sand said, giving Twilight a smile. "Old magic, I said, and powerful. I can only think of it like a focusing lens, similar to how a telescope gathers light from the sky...but it is not a perfect analogy, and I only guess at the truth. With the sun and moon aligned, a shadow lacerated the surface of this world. From our histories, the ponies who lived where the shadow fell became our people’s ancestors.” Sand’s smile faded, just a bit. “I wish I could remember it better. My home, that is. To have lived there all my life and not be able to remember it is a steep price.”

“Price? Whatever do you mean by that?” Rarity asked, having broken out of her reverie.

“Exile. As it turns out, you do not need to pack much when going into exile,” Sand explained, giving Rarity a half smile. Sand continued, “I can never go home again, not even if I wanted to. It is no great loss, but even so...” She shook her head, trying to clear it. “Any recent knowledge of the city itself--how to find it, the lands surrounding it, even what it was called--all of it was stripped from me.” Bitterness had crept into her voice. “They only let me keep as much as I have because of the gravity of my task. Besides, without modern context, it sounds like a fairy tale.”

“What?! That’s terrible!” Twilight reeled at the thought of anypony being able to do that to another. To her, the mind was sacrosanct, a temple of learning and wonder. To have it be defiled in such a way was beyond the pale. Twilight’s shock diminished as an idea flitted into her awareness. “I know! We can restore your memories! I’m sure that if I modify my memory spell, we can fix...things...." She trailed off as Sand shook her head.

“We are an insular people--those that choose to leave are forbidden from returning, and that is enforced in many ways, but I feel I should emphasize the distinction here: I was not exiled. Rather, I went into exile. Personal as they were, I gave up my memories willingly. There were many conditions established upon my departure, and that was one. I agree with their necessity, but I do not have to like them.”

“Conditions..?” Twilight asked as her gaze floated upwards, alighting on Sand’s horn. “Your magic.”

This time, Sand failed to suppress her emotions, giving a short, mirthless bark of a laugh. “Yes. My magic,” she spat, making Twilight recoil. “That price was unexpected, but by that point, I was already partway through. I do not know what would have happened had I backed out, but I doubt I would have simply been returned to my life as it was before.”

“What...what could be worth all this?” Twilight's voice was ragged, her heart’s blood in every word; what would she have done without her magic? What would she be without it?

“Dreams.” Seeing the disbelief on Twilight’s face, Sand continued, “I called my people dreamers, but what our minds see are closer to visions. True things, false things, wondrous things, terrible things--we have recorded them all for as long as we have existed.” Sand eyed her empty tea cup. “Most of them are benign, no matter their other values: dark tales of loss, pictures of love that could be, grand adventures through distant lands. These are simply noted in the records and put away.” Fluttershy quietly excused herself from the table while Sand continued. “However, a very few maintain a coherency that raises alarms. Dark times linked with a way of traveling down the future that would only lead to ruin.” With a small clank, Fluttershy put a steaming cup down before Sand, earning a surprised smile for her efforts.

Twilight mulled over what she had learned. Much of this was fascinating, and if her hunch was correct, Sand’s people had a written history that went back further than almost any in Equestria. She would dearly love to get her hooves into whatever kind of library they had, but one thing tugged at the corner of her mind, trying to bring her focus away from the thought of such literary wealth.

“But they’re just dreams, though? I mean, there has to be something said for coincidences, not to mention self-fulfilling prophecies.” Twilight had caught her friend mid-sip. Sand wished she could just keep her muzzle down, sipping at the tea forever.

Pulling herself upright, Sand explained, “That is why ponies like me exist, Twilight Sparkle. We see these dreams but through a glass, darkly. Most we record and leave be, but the worst cases bear personal investigation, and if possible, a remedy. However, sometimes finding such requires more direct intervention.” She looked at her assembled friends. “Dark things have happened, but there has always been light in the darkness. You, your friends, and this world are wholesome. Vital. You do not always see all that comes from your actions, but just by being yourselves, you contribute to the goodness that keeps your land at peace, that keeps the light of hope shining in the hearts of countless others.”

Sand stopped. She wanted so much to remain silent, to leave them with words that had always lain close to her heart, ever since she had first dreamed of the Bearers. Duty, and the weight of certainty, however, carried her forward when she would have preferred to dig in her hooves.

“Luna’s nightmare has returned,” Sand said, closing her eyes. “And I am the reason why.”


(Special thanks to Chris for looking this over and helping me fix numerous problems!)