
This story is a sequel to Twilight eats Sonata's Taco

The Dazzlings hope to sow some disharmony during gym class, but Sonata is hopelessly distracted by the the taco she lost, and her newest discovery: sweet, sweet peaches.

With a reading by AShadowOfCygnus!

Chapters (1)

Ever since the Magic Duel, Trixie has tried to leave her past and jealousy behind her. That all sadly changed when her once great rival, Twilight Sparkle, ascended into that of an alicorn princess. Driven by sadness, anger and more jealousy, Trixie vows to change everything and claim what she believes to by rightfully hers.

Breaking into the Canterlot Archives one night, Trixie searches for the one spell that can change her and Twilight's destiny. After careful planning, she has decided to change their future by traveling back in time to the one point where Twilight's destiny changed from a humble Student to an Element of Magic.

The night before the Summer Sun Celebration... The night Nightmare Moon returned!

Little does Trixie know, that messing with time can have serious consequences...

This is a One-Shot and sort of a prologue to a story I've been wanting to write for a while.

Chapters (1)

The night is young. It has been a week since the Battle of the Bands. An argument breaks out at a dining room table, with three teenage girls. Someone gets thrown out.

Even unable to sing well, a siren is never silent.

This is how it feels to be Sonata Dusk, right now.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to These Things Ain't Apples

Rarity explores a new cave and goes on her usual gem hunting expedition in preparation for a new line of dresses. She soon finds a shiny rock that looks truly unique and foreign to their world. needless to say, she just HAS to have it.

Chapters (1)

Ponies can’t breathe fire. Twilight knows this--but that doesn't stop her from trying.


For the Equestria Daily Friend-Off.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the song Heaven's Divide.
Family photo made using General Zoi's pony creator.

The virtue of a knight is not often thought of by most ponies they just see the royal guard. While to some it may just be a paycheck, for others it's much more than that. A calling to help those that need them, even if a country does not officially recognize their actions. To them, it's not about status, honor, or nobility, it's about being there when no one else is.

Chapters (1)

After the death of his wife Discord becomes more and more detached from his daughter Screwball but now his life has taken a strange turn when he's gifted or cursed with new powers and a new body follow Discord on this epic ride to becoming Captain Goodguy!

Chapters (1)

After parent's day at school, Dinky asks Derpy who her daddy is. Hesitant, Derpy lets her daughter know the real story behind her family history. After coming to terms with this new information, Dinky decides to find a special somepony for her mother that can double as new father.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to I Shall Remember Thee

When a life is lost, it affects many. When a life of an immortal is lost, it affects all. The ponies of Equestria must deal with the death of Discord.

I need your help choosing the ponies that I should write about. Please tell me what pony, and a brief idea that should happen! Thanks!
Twilight, Fluttershy and Luna are taken.

Chapters (3)

Every mahou filia fights for a wish. Some choose to fight for their lives, others to heal brokenness, still others to save the ones they love. But Ditzy was different. She chose to save the whole world from a cruel cycle, a cycle of despair. As an consequence, no one can remember her as anything other than a simple background pony.

No one, that is, but Octavia.

A Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica crossover. Based on episode 12. Spoilers for the series' ending is contained in this story. Familiarity with the series is recommended, but not required. Familiarity with Rebellion is not required, though the Sirens are based off Rebellion's Nightmares.

Cover art: "The Round Cake Goes Round in Circles" by CyanAeolin on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)