• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


Everyone's* Favorite Author | Iced Ko-Fi, scalding glances


Ponies can’t breathe fire. Twilight knows this--but that doesn't stop her from trying.


For the Equestria Daily Friend-Off.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

I don't even know where this will lead, but I wanna find out!

Poor Twilight.

Hate to be "that guy", but:

If the worst came true, at least she could fight nightmare Moon.

That n should be capitalized.

Seems an interesting premise. I wonder where you'll take it. I hope to know soon! :twilightsmile:

Lovely introspection :)

Oh, this was quite goodly. :heart:

I'm not sure I quite understand why Twilight would want to breathe fire.

Ooh, very nice.

Now I want a fic with an actual fire-breathing Twilight for some reason though...

Which story did the artist make his/her picture with?
I read the rules, and I want to compare.

Commence read.

Seems interesting.

He swerved and tied to lean into...

Tried? Not sure, just seemed strange.

Even if I physically couldn't age, like elfs, I still wouldn't be immortal. I'd probably make it through about 200 years and then jump off a bridge or something. To have known AppleJacks great^45 grandson, and out live him, Twilight must be pretty awesome. But why would someone even still insult her after so long? Unless She's immortal too!

I love the slow, steady pace at which it sets in that this takes place long after everypony we know but Twilight is gone, and she hates that fact.

the evening Nighmare Moon swept down from the moon in a carriage of ice

You left out the T in "Nightmare".

Only marveled the determination which the townsponies carried out their mantra.

Shouldn't that be "Only marveled at the determination with which the townsponies carried out their mantra."?

It looks like a writer or artist just decides to make something based on another artist or writer's work; it's not a you-draw-for-me,-I-write-for-you trade.

5223178 I thought it was 'artist makes drawing for another person's story, writer makes story for writer's art of other story."

Not a bad story, by the way. Might be a bit too vague, but it does make me a bit sad.


Well, I have to say that I'm slightly confused and intrigued.

I kept waiting for something to happen and then it did:

The text ended.:unsuresweetie:

At first I was confused but I kept reading and I realized this is a extremely sad fic. Why spike? Why?:fluttercry:

In retrospect, this is more deserving of the "sad" tag then anything else.

I like the different take on alicorn immortality, but it just feels too random and all over the place for me to latch onto any of the concepts. That may have been the point here, and unfortunately I can't really get into it.

I was going to make a Skyrim joke, but I'm too depressed.:fluttercry:

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