This story is a sequel to Making Adjustments

Snails is a colt. He's shy, slow, clumsy, and most ponies don't bother trying to get to know him. Which is fine, because Snails doesn't need their company anyways. He's got his friends and they've got him. He also has a secret, one that brings him shame and fear. He's very afraid that somepony will find out, and that'll be the end of him.

But, one day, he learns that he might not be alone. And maybe, his secret doesn't have to be that much of a secret. Snails struggles to cope with the harsh reality of his situation, but will his will alone be enough? Or is his secret going to cause more problems than he can deal with?

Chapters (4)

When Luna became Nightmare Moon there was a battle between the two great goddesses. Celestia was defeated by the overwhelming power of Nightmare Moon. There was Celestia at the mercy of her corrupted sister but Nightmare Moon was to far gone. In an effort to extinguish the light, she threw Celestia into the deepest dungeon she could find. Lost to the light, the land of Equstria began to fall away.

Two hundred years pass, leaving the Princess of Light to her own thoughts but a prophecy had been foretold two ages ago that could save the world from Nightmare Moon. When all would be lost there would be a hero that would rise up from the ashes of defeat and restore balance to the land of Equstria. He would face many trials and his path would be littered with the pains of his heart.

Celestia doing everything within her power contacts an angel by the name Icerus to seek out the one that the prophecy told of.

Chapters (1)

"Lonely, oh so Lonely" Twilight writes in her diary.

"Always will be, and always on an on"

The story of Twilight's Loneliness from her point of view. And how her dreams take a hold of her and everything gets set in place.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy made a mistake, one that is haunting Ponyville and killing ponies. She knows who is doing it. She knows how to stop them. She knows why. But is she strong enough? Or will she need the help of a certain rainbow maned friend?

This is my Halloween story, one that sparked when listening to this. Be warned, blood is present, though not much. Also much Flutterbat Badassery as well.

This takes place after Bats! but before Twilight's Kingdom, thus there is no Crystal Castle, but there is Twilight Alicorn.

The cover image is not mine. Used without permission. If the artist wants me to take it down, I will. Found here: Cover art

Chapters (2)

My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm the last living princess of Equestria. I've been hiding in a cave for a while now. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, even Shining... they're all dead. The Elements aren't working for some reason. I fear that there may be no hope for us.

Pre-read by Don't Look at My Name Bro

Chapters (1)

This is a story about a girl. A girl who traveles to Canterlot in hope of a new life, but ends up with something far more valuable.
[Set in the EgG-universe]

Chapters (2)

A story about a broken toaster, arcane methods, and the Bureau of Appliance Repair.

My first story, yah.

Chapters (2)

When Applejack get sick, the cmc tries to get their cutie mark... Of course, they dont have a clue about this. Why not borrow a book about from Twilight?

-can have a little bad grammar..... Sorry

Chapters (1)

Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity all get transformed into their opposite selves. Meaning, their Elements have been reversed backwards. Twilight turns into an Earth Pony, Applejack starts lieing, Rainbow Dash stops being loyal, Pinkie Pie becomes mean; and Rarity stops being generous. All of them were changed around, but Fluttershy. After Fluttershy, along with Spike, find out that their friends aren't acting like themselves, they go to Celestia, and tell her whats going on. All three of them go to Discord, who they think might have been behind this terrible crisis.

(CMC are Main characters too have no room for them as tag)
Edited by: MagicPegasus123
Written by: SonofThePoppyman and MagicPegasus123
Story Idea By: SonofThePoppyman

Chapters (3)