After an enlightening discussion with Ember, Thorax springs to action to unify the changeling race. One particularly tense encounter with a group of renegades later, Thorax returns to Ponyville to discuss current events with Spike... and he has a couple of burning questions for the young dragon.

Chapters (1)

This is the first of the Moonlight's Redemption series, written by Hope.

Set 1000 years before the show, Princess Luna tells the story of Prim Rose, a young unicorn from a farming community near the coast. To escape from the pain of recently losing her sister, and to try finding some direction in her life, Prim travels all the way to Everfree City and the castle of the Two Sisters, looking for a job. She ends up meaning more to Princess Luna than she could have ever guessed.

This story was written half as MLP fanfiction, and half a love-letter-like story that I wrote for my wife, to bring her some comfort on lonely days.
This story was in part inspired by a story I deleted called Redemption in Moonlight.

Content warnings:
death and dismemberment (not described in detail), assassination attempt, witnessing someone bleed out, assisted suicide, Suffocation (non fatal), self harm, familial death and sickness, memory loss (aging related), homophobia, impersonation of a loved one, confused sexuality.

Chapters (33)

As a fan on MLP and a Brony, one of the most desired items is a pony plush. But which do I pick? One of the main six, a background pony? Who?! It isn't until I pick Rainbow Dash and take her home. After some time, I question if I made the right call? Or did I pick the right pony plush after all?

Chapters (3)

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live like a ghoul in the Fallout? Feel the ridicule, the radiation, the death? His is the story of a ghoul that went through it all and more.

Chapters (1)

Welcome to 1,000 years B.S. (Before Starlight). What a grand time to be alive.

This is a time when Luna was still appreciated. When every year, the longest night was still celebrated with festivities and fun and moon-themed sugary stuffs.

Luna's life is great. Ponies are happy to see her, she's actually needed to solve problems in the kingdom, and she and Celestia share a close, sisterly bond. Nothing in the six months from the Winter Solstice to the Summer Solstice could change that, right?


Written for the Nightmare Moon Group's Summer 2017 Contest.

Chapters (2)

Bon Bon, the ultimate sourpuss of Ponyville, gets dragged by her best and only friend, Lyra Heartstrings, to the chintzy Fillydelphian Alternate History Museum on an obnoxious trip. Naturally she doesn't believe any of it, which makes it all the more annoying when the building itself sends them into another universe, a 'World of the Plastic Beach'. And that's not getting into the other people there.

Or "Stands".

Chapters (1)

Sometimes it's not a matter of being the best mare for the job. Sometimes you're just the only one left. That's how a pegasus with no internal compass has been saddled with guiding back migratory birds for the last three Winter Wrap-Ups. Surely this year, Twilight Sparkle will see reason, right?


A long-delayed entry in Estee's technically open TEMPorary Insanity contest. Graciously preread by themaskedferret.

Chapters (1)

Grimoire returns to the human world and is given a request, Rainbow wants to play another game to help bring her friends together. But it wouldn't be fun to play the same game over and over again... So why not mix it up a bit? After all, this one is all about teamwork. Let's see if they can beat Grimoire's version of Overwatch.

Chapters (4)

After a tragic experience with a dare, Rainbow makes a hasty trip to Wall-Mart, more specifically, to the oral hygiene aisle.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Lights and Shadows - Part II

Following the events of the CMCs and Zecora escaping from the black dragon, Stormclaw, they found themselves taking shelter under the protection of the nymphs in their hidden village of Sunveil. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack just recently found the village in search of their little sisters, finding Zecora and Daring Do in the process.
While the adults talk to the elder, the CMCs are left to explore the village of the once thought to be extinct race of the nymphs.

(Covert art by aJVL on Deviantart)

Chapters (1)