• Published 20th Aug 2017
  • 485 Views, 12 Comments

The Pony Plush Problem - BlueCuddlePonyGhost

Life as your typical MLP fan is simple. Except for when you buy your first pony plush. Out of all the choices, I pick Rainbow Dash, and take her home. But I question if I picked the right pony. Or do I have more in common with Rainbow than I think?

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Chapter 3: Rainbow is Alive!

Chapter 3: Rainbow is Alive

The next morning, I woke up with my "Build-a-Bear" Rainbow Dash in my arms. I gently hugged her, enjoying how soft she felt. I cuddled her for a minute or two until I suddenly noticed something about her; as I hugged her, I felt a slight pressure going on and off my chest, and a soft faint "heee....huuuuu...heeee...huuuu" near her mouth. Wait! Was she doing what it sounded like? Was Rainbow Dash... breathing? I layed there trying to comprehend how this was possible, when I slowly, and unexpectingly felt Rainbow's arms wrap around me. Okay, this wasn't a dream. This was real.

I then tried to carefully pull away from the embrace, but Rainbow was holding on tight. She wanted me to cuddle her. I sat up and attempted to try again, but was suddenly shocked when Rainbow Dash yawned quietly a few times, blinked, closed her eyes, and then opened her eyes again... and stared up at me.

"H-H-H-Hi," Rainbow Dash said, just above a whisper, but not loud enough to be actual talking. It took me a moment to grasp the concept thst she had just talked, so I just said "hi" back and gave a small wave to her. In that moment, I think both our minds understood what was going on, and in an instant, our eyes widened in shock and surprise.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" we both screamed, jumping back as Rainbow and I now realized the other was alive. Alive! I jumped back and quickly landed on the floor, with Rainbow Dash doing the same. Except poor Rainbow Dash had been covered in the blue bed sheet, so when she had jumped off the bed, she took the bed sheet with her.

"Ow," Rainbow said before she sat up on her back legs, the sheet sliding over her body, covering her completely. I got up just as I heard Rainbow say 'ow' and slowly walked to the other side of the bed, just as she got covered by the bed sheet.

"Huh? What- Hey!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash as she got covered by the blue bed sheet. Rainbow Dash struggled under the blue bed sheet, looking like a ghost. I smiled in amusement as I watched her struggle for a while under the sheet. Like I said, I like bed sheet ghosts. I kept watching her struggle for a minute or two until she became frantic to try and get free from my sheets, which Rainbow Dash was now entangled in.

"Help! Kid, help me! I can't see! Get me out of here!" Rainbow Dash cried out, still trapped in the bed sheet.

"Don't worry Rainbow Dash. I'll get you out of there!" I replied as I quickly untangled the sheet, allowing Rainbow Dash to softly land on the carpet floor of my bedroom. I put the sheet back on the bed before turning to Rainbow Dash again.

"Rainbow Dash, are you okay?" I asked, concerned for her safety.

"The adrenaline is still going, but I'm good. Besides, it'll take more than a silly bed sheet to scare me!" Rainbow Dash replied, the last sentence filled with confidence. I sat on the bed and Rainbow joined me.

"Hey, how did you know my name?" Rainbow asked me. I went over and grabbed the special "Build-a-Bear" birth certificate that came with every plush I bought, and showed Rainbow her own.

"Oh. Okay. But who are you? What are you?" Rainbow Dash asked me curiously.

"I'm so sorry. I should have introduced myself. My name is Aaron, and I am a human being. You probably have never seen humans before. No offense! I'm sorry if I upset you," I replied to the pony next to me.

"Actually, I see humans all the time when I am in the store, hanging out in my bin. Every plushie does! You just don't know we can see and hear everything everyone says!" Rainbow Dash answered before turning to the readers of this story.

"Yeah! I can see you! I know you are reading this. Admit it! Don't deny it! I know you're laughing right now. Stop hating this story haters! Give the author a break, please!" Rainbow Dash said to the readers. To me it just looked like she was talking to a wall, but I ignored that thought.

'I'm just glad my dad isn't here or he would think I'm weird' I thought to myself before Rainbow Dash turned to face me again.

"Rainbow Dash, ... HOW is it possible that you're ... alive? When I got you, you were just a plush," I told her, still confused about the situation.

"Friendship is Magic. No, really! It is. The truth is, every Pony plush can come to life. Our friendships and being together allowed the plushies to come alive. We mostly come to life at night when the store is closed. We always make sure nobody suspects a thing when we return to our holding bins. Also, the Twilight plushies casted a spell so EVERY single "Build-a-Bear" plush can come to life! It's AWESOME! The special ingredient is a friend and imagination. You just gotta be friends with a plush from "Build-a-Bear" and we secretly come to life. Every Twilight plush did the spell!" Rainbow Dash explained to me.

"Why would she cast that spell? Aren't you afraid someone will find out and freak out and try and find out how you are alive?" I asked her with concern.

"No. We can sense when people are near, so we go all plush form and listen to people and see they what look like," Rainbow Dash explained.

"So, you're all the plushie versions of "Disney's Toy Story"? Technically speaking?" I asked, trying to understand the concept.

"Yes and no. Also, what's "Disney's Toy Story"? Rainbow said back.

"Never mind, go on..." I replied, wanting Rainbow Dash to continue explaining this plush phenomenon.

"Basically, you understand the idea. But we only come alive unless we are only with our "Build-a-Bear" owner who bought us. And the only way to get us to come to life is by giving us a hug or a kiss," Rainbow Dash responded. That made better sense to me.

"Okay. Thank you for explaining Rainbow Dash," I replied kindly as I could. She then looked around and then back at me.

"So, now what do we do?" Rainbow Dash asked me.

"I need to get washed up and ready for the day. Don't worry, we can hang out tonight. My dad has a group of friends he meets for dinner sometimes and tonight is one of those nights," I explained to Rainbow Dash as I got up.

"Ohhhh! Can I meet your dad?" Rainbow Dash asked me with excitement.

"No. Probably not the best idea Rainbow. He isn't exactly a fan of you or your friends....and he doesn't exactly understand why you 'ponies' are interesting and popular. He just doesn't understand," I calmly explained to her, putting air quotes around the word ponies, but still getting across why I disagreed.

"Okay. Chat with you tonight!" Rainbow Dash replied before turning into her plush form again. I then put her in the bed, her head on the pillow, and then pulled the covers, sheet and comforter over her before going to take my shower.

Tonight though, I was looking forward to hanging out more with Rainbow Dash.

Comments ( 4 )

i not sure how i feel about this story one one had its funny on the other its WAAAAY out in left feild

What do you mean by it's way out in left field? Could you please explain?

its one of the most random 4th wall breaking stories i have read

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