By year 1010, the Changelings have become more aggressive. They have conquered Olenia, home of the reindeer and coerced the Polar Bears to the north to submit. The situation in diplomatic talks have broken down as Equestrians found the Changelings to be warmongers. A small portion of the Equestrian Army and Navy have been sent to the border to ensure that the Changelings do not invade Equestria.

This was a scare tactic by Grand-Commander Prince Blueblood, to tell the Changelings that Equestria was off-limits. It was believed that the Changelings would return to talks soon after this show of force.

A young Pegasus who joined the Royal Canterlots Division was assigned to a city close to the border. The cities name was Acornage, a quiet city that upheld the virtues in harmony. The young Pegasus craving the adventure and belief that Equestria is unconquerable assures friends and family back home with letters that the Changelings are not a threat. Little does this Pegasus know, these letters will be the only comfort in the near future.

Chapters (1)

Agni and his brother are orphans moving from family member to family member until the moved to their uncle's house and Gym.

this is a story to join the Pome Universe all Characters and property belong to their creators.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If?: Volume 7

Eight seasons of material, seven volumes that have come before it, six new characters to include, five times as much focus, four seasons of rewritten episodes, three non Season 8 episodes, two special characters to add, and one volume to hold them all! It's that series which seeks to answer the fateful question "What if that episode had been written differently?"

There are fourteen episodes in this collection, three from Seasons 5-7 and the remaining eleven are all from Season 8. There will be quite a few personal rewrites of episodes I enjoyed or found good enough, but could've done more or done something differently. And there will of course be much more focus on the student six, giving them the screen time they were sorely lacking during Season 8's original run. There's also going to be one Season 8 episode expanded into a two parter, which means another episode will have to bumped off to make room. And some characters that were either absent from Season 8 before or appeared only in the background will get their chance to shine in this collection.

As always, the same disclaimer applies, the episodes rewritten are based on my personal opinion so please respect it. Don't get offended if an episode you liked is on the list here, or an episode you didn't like isn't. I'll gladly respect your opinions if you respect mine.

And of course, I mean no disrespect to Hasbro, the DHX writing and editing staff, or anyone who likes the episodes that appear here. The intent of this fic, like all of its predecessors, is for entertainment purposes only.

You can access the first volume from the main page of my account, and from there you can follow the links to see what episodes have already been rewritten in Volumes 1-7. To list them all here would take forever.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to A New Friend

Ten thousand years have passed since the golden age of ponykind collapsed and the horror of Old Night fell across the galaxy. Equus itself is now but a shadow of the shining beacon it once was.

The rulers of that golden age are long vanished, and few believe them to be anything more than myth and legend if they existed at all.

But one mare means to change that. None know her name, but none can deny her prowess or ability to lead. All will one day call her by a simple title. The Empress.

In her heart though, the Empress, the mare once known as Twilight Sparkle, will carry that title even though she feels she does not deserve it.

Chapters (8)

It’s not uncommon for young stallions or mares to come to Cadance to request blessings in their love lives or some other such thing. It’s all part of being the Princess of Love, really. This latest request, however, is altogether new. Granting it could start a political firestorm, but a powerful part of her says she should do it anyway. Filled with indecision, she decides to get advice from the pony she trusts most.

Born from a minor thought experiment based on the theory of Equestria having a female supermajority population and the potential cultural impacts of such a society.

Generously preread by Wanderer D.

Cover art by vintage-kiddo (formerly known as JadedMelody613).

Rated teen for topical discussion of sex (just playing it safe).

Chapters (1)

(Actually not based off the Metallica song, as it’s an instrumental)

“Have you ever stopped to look at the stars kid?”

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash are easily sisters in everything but blood. So one night, Rainbow Dash decides she wants to apologize to Scootaloo for the Washouts incident, and bond a bit more, so they take a look at Luna’s sky. They view several constellations with Rainbow Dash telling Scootaloo which one each constellation is.

Likely going to be a one-shot.
Also, please leave any comments if any of my on-the-fly headcanons became yours.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer's life implodes when Trixie dumps her, but Sunset Shimmer is there to help pick up the pieces.
Starlight may need a friend, but how far is Sunset willing for their relationship to go?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Duel to Save Camp Everfree

Have an argument with your friend? Duel to see who is right!
Two people want different types of dessert? Duel and the winner gets to pick!
Is there a force of evil baddies out to steal all the magic in the world and ruin everyone's day? Well you better duel them to stop them!

The city of Canterlot, like the rest of the world, has embraced the spirit of the duel. Here, any problem can be solved with a simple duel. Yet dark forces are gathering, ready to steal all of the Equestrian magic in the world and harness it for their own ends. Can seven girls wielding the heart of the cards contact their duel spirits and stop them in time? The final, epic story in my dueling series begins now!

Editing done by Alchemik

(Side note. If I get enough likes and support I will commission a new cover for this story.)

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle vs Ponyville

It's just a normal, typical day... aside from Twilight flying into space to destroy Equestria. No biggie.

A sequel to Twilight Sparkle vs Ponyville . Best to read that one first, basically. Or you may get slightly lost.

Picture credit LeraJack on DeviantArt.

Featured from 23-24 Jan 2019.

Chapters (1)

Biollante, the first plant like Kaiju, combine with cells of a rose, a human and the cells of Godzilla Sr. She's also the elder sister of Xenllia (a.k.a SpaceGodzilla,) and Godzilla Jr. A few week after Junior and Xenllia defeated Grand King Ghidorah, Biollante appears in Equestria and spend the day with her brothers and the mares they had attached too.

Part of my What if stories for Tarbtano Story The Bridge. Characters use with his permission and Picture belong to Faith-Wolff. Warning first time writing Godzilla characters, might be Out of Character. Turning it into a two shot.

Chapters (2)