I was too merciful on Twilight the last time, https://www.fimfiction.net/story/411596/marks-for-effort-twilights-reprimanding let's turn it up a bit.

After Twilight bans the CMC from her School of Friendship, after accusing them of a crime they didn't commit, the girls give her a big taste of the cold-shoulder, and this leads to major falling out with not just Twilight, the girls, and friends, but it starts to give her a bad image all over Ponyville, which could soon escalate into worse!

Chapters (4)

Flash Sentry downloads the latest popular streaming app. It's totally not a magical bootleg made to curse its users into wearing princess ballgowns.

Special thanks to Scampy for the cover art.

Chapters (1)

Moon Dancer was not prepared for the flood that swept through Canterlot. Twenty days can really change a pony, though.

Chapters (1)

After Trixie threw Starlight Glimmer's plant, Phyllis, into a trash can, Starlight and some of her friends struggle to restart Phyllis's "heart". Princess Twilight Sparkle would go as far as to risk Equestria's existence to save Phyllis's life.

Will Phyllis be saved? Or will there be a plant funeral?

And will Trixie's heart survive the sheer ridiculousness of the "crisis"?

Happens immediately after the season 9 episode "A Horse-Shoe In".

Last but definitely not least, special thanks to flutterJackdash for helping me edit this story.

EDIT: now has an audio reading here courtsey of No One and Nobody!

Chapters (1)

One cold Hearth's Warming Eve, a pair of ponies find a human infant, crying, alone and cold. Not knowing where he came from or who he is, they decide to adopt him and raise him as their own.

Little Nicholas is crafty, if he was a pony he would surely become a carpenter like his adoptive father, but instead, he uses his skills to make toys and thank all the ponies of Ponyville each year with their very own toys.

This is the story about how the human Nicholas became a saint, and a legend all foals would one day come to know. Santa Claus.

Inspired by:
The life and adventures of Santa Claus.
Christmas Chronicles

Chapters (11)

Fluttershy never thought Ember would take her words seriously, but now she has a whole clutch of dragons to take care of.

A cute little fic I wrote based on the silly line at the end of season 9, episode 9.

Lots of cute Fluttershy/Discord material.

Chapters (1)

Seeking to normalize cluster naps among the hive's excitable young, Thorax has invented a game. For five minutes he attempts to capture nymphs as they fly around the nursery hive. Upon capturing one, a swift hug and the phrase, 'squeeze the bug!' signals a countdown. The other nymphs have ten seconds to free their friend, lest Thorax get a point. Five points and Thorax wins.

Being a sentimental monarch is hard work, but tiring out little changelings so he can take naps with them - most especially with his favorite one of all - makes it all worthwhile for Thorax.

* Featured 11/19/19!
* Part of the Love Bug Continuity!
* A spiritual sequel of To Love as His Own.
* Cover artwork done by the awesome KamDrawings!
YouTube reading by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)

Twilight learns what comes after life ends.

Winner of the Happy Stories Speedwriting Contest, written in 60 minutes.

Do you want to learn to sharpen your skills as a writer? Then join the speedwriting Discord channel!

Chapters (1)

During Winter Break, Twilight is partnered up with Flash Sentry on a history project that isn't due until winter break is however. However, being the studious student she is, Twilight decides to get an early jump on the assignment and heads over to Flash's house so they can work on it. Unfortunatly for her, she arrives during the coldest day and when Flash's AC is busted.

Chapters (1)