• Published 19th Nov 2019
  • 7,770 Views, 77 Comments

Marks for Efforts: Twilight's Treatment - DakariKingMykan

The CMC won't forgive Twilight for misjudging them

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Act 2: Broken Trust

When the girls went to school, they were very upset for the whole day.

They didn’t seem too hungry at lunch either and hardly touched their food.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon noticed this.

“What’s up with you two?” asked Diamond “Usually, you’re eating like crazy.”

The girls decided to at least open up to their real friends, and told them about Twilight.

“She banned you from the school of friendship?” Silver asked in shock.

“We also can’t hang out with her students anymore,” explained Sweetie “…Or even try to help them.”

“Well, then why did you make Cozy Glow fail her test?” asked Diamond.

“We didn’t.” said Applebloom “We don’t know what went wrong, but Twilight didn’t even let us explain ourselves. She just up and kicked us out like old farming boots.”

Diamond and Silver felt livid for their friends.

“That’s horrible!” cried Silver.

“It is like, so, horrible, it’s that horrible.” agreed Diamond “Some-pony ought to do something about this.”

“It’s alright,” said Scootaloo “This is our problem, and we’ll deal with it ourselves.”

The other crusaders agreed, but Diamond was the kind of pony who wasn’t willing to let something like this just slide, especially not to her new friends ever since they befriended each other better.

She gave Silver a soft look, and Silver got the message and nodded in agreement, without the girls knowing what they were planning.

The crusaders already knew how to deal with Twilight.

Later that day, since Twilight couldn’t leave the school just like that she waited until after hours, knowing the girls would also be out of school themselves and probably hanging at their treehouse.

They were there, and they were playing with each other, but the second Twilight came into view, their expressions hardened to the same look of cold anger.

“Hello girls,” she said politely “Can I talk with you?”

The girls did not answer and turned away from her, back to their playing.

Twilight expected they’d react like that, but she remained undeterred.

“Girls there’s something I have to tell you,” and she explained what Cozy Glow had said, which made the girls shocked.

“She failed on purpose?” asked Applebloom.

“I thought something was strange.” said Sweetie.

“And she was doing for us too.” said Scootaloo.

Twilight thought this was it, “I came to apologize to you girls, and tell you that you are officially unbanned from my school.”

She expected the girls to smile and forgive her, but they did just the opposite; they only looked cross with her again, and still turned their backs to her.

“Girls?!” cried Twilight “I’m trying to apologize to you.

Look, I know you wanted to come to my school, but you have to understand--”

“No, Twilight-- YOU need to understand.” barked Sweetie “We don’t care about going to your school anymore.”

Twilight was amazed, “You don’t?”

“We know we don’t need to go there anymore,” confessed Applebloom “We just wanted to come because it looked so nice, much better than our school, but that ain’t the point. That’s not why we’re upset with you.”

Scootaloo turned to face Twilight sternly, “We’re angry that you violated the very things you teach about.


“Trust!” added Sweetie.

“…Faith!” said Applebloom.

Twilight felt every blow strike her like a burning pain in the heart, realizing this was true.

“We’ve known you a long time, Twilight.” said Sweetie “And while, we admit; we have done some pretty crazy things in the past, we would never pull such a stunt like that.”

“Girls, can’t you understand…” said Twilight, sounding desperate “I’m sorry, I want to make it up to you.”

“Forget it!” snapped Scootaloo “As far as we’re concerned, we don’t ever want to see you again, Twilight Sparkle. You’re no friend we would want!”

The girls headed up into their treehouse, and Applebloom said to Twilight, “We’re going to have to ask you stay away from us, and our treehouse.”

They walked inside, slamming the door shut, pulling all the shutters closed, but not before hanging a “No Twilight Sparkle” picture on the outside wall.

“Girls, please…!” Twilight called “Can’t we just talk this over?”

But the girls angrily opened the window and threw out pictures they had drawn of, Twilight, as well as a couple of books she had written on the subject of friendship.

Twilight was furious, while she wanted to snap at the girls and leave them to their sulking, she knew that wouldn’t make things any better, and she slumped miserably away.

Over the next few days, the girls kept very strictly to their word.

Whenever they saw Twilight on their way to school they would completely ignore her, even when she smiled at them and bid them “Good morning”

When she visited each Crusader at their specific home, they would slam the door in her face and not even let her get two words in.

When Pinkie Pie invited all her friends and the girls to her birthday party, via Twilight’s request, the girls refused to attend knowing Twilight was there, and they didn’t want to ruin a good party because of their issue with her, knowing it wouldn’t be fair to the others.

Now Twilight was feeling really upset.

One day, she sat in the Cakes’ shop, sadly having a milkshake, with all her friends around her.

“I didn’t think the girls could be this mad with me.” she said sadly “They don’t want anything to do with me.”

All her friends didn’t act the least bit surprised.

“Twilight,” said Rarity “Not that I’m actually supporting the girls, as I find their acts atrocious, I don’t think I can really blame them.”

Even Spike was finally seeing the light and agreed with her.

“Twilight, it’s bad enough you blamed them and punished them for a crime they didn’t commit, but the fact that you judged them and punished them without even hearing them out, and you’re supposed to know them better than that.”

“I know!” Twilight said sounding on the verge of tears “Stop rubbing it in.

Can’t you all just help me? I want to make it up to the girls.”

The girls all feel silent, and they all had queer looks on their faces, but it was Fluttershy who surprisingly found the courage to say it outright “I’m sorry, Twilight, but we can’t help you with this.”

Twilight looked at all her friends in shock and a horrifying stare.

“How can you all say that?”

“Um, technically, Fluttershy said it.” said Pinkie “…But the rest of us were thinking it.”

Applejack gave her a look telling her that she wasn’t helping.

Twilight opened her mouth protest that she thought they were all her friends, but Rainbow spoke up first, “We know what you’re going to say, and it’s true, we are your friends, but we didn’t make the mistakes. We can’t apologize to the girls for you.”

“She’s right,” agreed Applejack “This is between you and the girls, not us, but we can at least talk to them. Soften them up a bit.”

Twilight smiled softly, but she still only felt calmer, not better.

As she, Starlight and Spike began to make their way back to Friendship Castle, Twilight noticed a lot of other ponies were giving her a sour glare as they passed by.

“There she is.”

“You heard what she did.”

“How shameful…”

“And I thought she was the princess of friendship.”

They obviously knew what happened between Twilight at the girls, but all this sneering and anger was only making Twilight feel terrible again.

Then, the big snap, when a big slop of mud splat right in her face, by Snails, or Snips, who saw her.

“That’s what you get for being mean to our friends!” Snails snapped at Twilight.

“Boys that was very rude and mean!” scolded Starlight.

“Big deal!” scoffed Snips, “We heard the stories, that the so called princess of friendship judged the Crusaders wrong and banned them from her school.”

While it was unknown if whether or not the other passers-by felt Twilight deserved the mud in her face or not, or even if any of themselves felt like doing, they all booed and hooted at her, which made Twilight burst into tears and dash off.

“Twilight!” called Spike.

Both he and Starlight felt horrible for her, and dashed on after her.

Author's Note:

*Wicked snicker*

I'm enjoying this (Kicking Twilight while she's down) Sure feels great to be bashing some characters again.

I just love revenge, sweeter than chocolate.