After an acident at a Concert, I wake up in Equestria with all my memories intact. Trying to create a new life will be a challange I have to face, but it proves to be difficult in a society that is the complete opposite to what I am used to. Will I manage to find my place here in my new home or will it just end in another failure?

This story is named after the song that gave me the courage to finally start posting here.

Sex Tag is only for implied sex in the later chapters.

Edit 02.06.2020: Changed rating from E to T for the fool language, what I plan to do, and for implied sex in the later chapters.

Cover by the amazing Mix-up, check out his DA here.

Big thanks go to rikithemonk for his help with editing this story until the Interluder VI. Ch. 33, 34, and 37 are edited by Luckyfanisaac. Also many thanks go to Javarod who joined the team as a proofreader.

From now on, you find out who helped with what in the AN of each Chapter.

Featured on 21.12.2020, Thank you guys for all of your support, otherwise this wouldn't have been possible. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (45)

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. 1'000 years ago, she used the elements of harmony to banish both of her aunts to their respective celestial bodies, in the battle to determine who'd rule Equestria, by accident.

Her guilt weighing heavily on her mind each moment she took up the mantle as the new ruler, was another moment that reminded her, of how she got the crown in the first place. Despite the negative thinking and worries she felt, Princess Cadenza's rule is well received and prosperous with the assistance of a few trusted ponies through the years of her reign.

Now, a thousand years later, the day to celebrate her victory over both siblings and her coronation as Equestria's ruler coming up.

So, she has sent a mare that she foal-sit for to ponyville. Moondancer is tasked to look over the celebration and add any finishing touches to the celebration if necessary.

Cadenza hopes that the mare will make a few real friends in the process. But, with the threat of losing what social standing she has, and the imminent return of the Celestial sisters, can Moondancer, learn the value of true friendship or will Equestria be led under a new rule?

The first story of the Cadenzaverse!

Chapters (3)

A colt braves a storm, not caring who he is, not caring if he will die. All he cares about is catching that mare falling from the sky. Lightning breaks open pockets of air, releasing thunder into the air. He rides across the sky next to the booming roar, and all he cares about... is catching her before she hits the ground.

Chapters (5)

Equestria Girls universe. Y'know. Pastel-colored skin and strange names, but still claiming to be humans.
You were always the quiet one. Always in the back of the classroom, separated from the other students. You get teased every now and then, but never anything you can’t ignore or retort. Hardly anyone talks to you and you never talk to anybody. Friends always seemed pointless to you. You’ve tried friendship before, and it just didn’t work.
But when a new, blue-haired girl wanders into your life, you’ll find that perhaps friendship isn’t so bad.
Thing is, this girl may be a little too strange. Always speaking oddly. Always getting confused on obvious things.

...And sometimes making use of the word thou.

Here’s a theme I think could work for the story. Got a better one? Let me know in the comments. Fortress of One by 4th Order.

Hey, if you liked the story, you think you could add it to a group or two?

Going on hiatus until The Scar is complete. Please see the blog post about it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tools

Reading "Tools" first strongly advised, as the story contains spoilers.
It's been three years since Toolsmith was caught. Physical and mental wounds were healed, and Equestria seems to come back to normal. Twilight works as a librarian, Rainbow Dash becomes a Wonderbolt, and Vinyl Scratch gets mugged in Detrot by a suspiciously familiar-looking mare... who looks for the new victims.

Proofread wonderfully by The11thWonder

Chapters (12)

Thunderlane is the type of stallion other stallions would kill to be. For some reason mares find him irresistable. He likes the attention but he is still lonely. Having more options can actually make things, harder. The one pony that he would actually like to get to know is just out of reach. He doesn't want to lead anypony on. He doesn't want to hurt anyponies feelings. But, why can't he be happy.

Written in 1st person. My first fic from this perspective.
Has incidences of bad language and hints of sexual encounters.

Chapters (11)

Cloudchaser has been dating Thunderlane for quite some time but things don't go so well when she discovers he isn't real serious. Cloudchaser is heartbroken but fortunately for her, her sister Flitter will be there to mend her broken heart.

Chapters (3)

Seeing how ungrateful Spitfire and Fleetfoot were, how they ditched Soarin', Rainbow Dash is frustrated. If being a Wonderbolt was being like them... she didn't want to be a Wonderbolt.
She decides to create her own flight team, and maybe compete with them.
With the help of many of her friends, maybe their team will get on top. Being friends is a lot better than being a Wonderbolt.

Vote here for Rainbow's flight team's name!

Chapters (2)

From first love to disapproving parents, from school dances to discovering the difficulties of living together, Cloudchaser and Flitter embark on a journey together that will last them a lifetime.

Chapters (3)

When the Wonderbolts Academy holds a party for the trainees, Rainbow is excited to go! But when she also finds out Soarin' is going, she brings out her A game.

That is...until something goes wrong of course!

Chapters (1)