
The Dazzlings have lost everything and now must struggle with human lives and human bodies. What seems like a lost cause to live any longer is given another chance when a fellow kindred spirit meets the Sirens. If they can harness this new oppurtunity and return back to their world of magic and forge new pendants. Will the Sirens get vengeance upon both worlds and rule over all? Or will the lack of foresight doom them to Tartarus and the lives of all who cannot be saved from the fire.

Meanwhile Sunset Shimmer becomes the center focus of a cabal which seeks unknown ends into Equestria once again, but can she overcome what's stacked against her? Will she find solidarity and stand for what is right?

Chapters (50)

Five humans fell through the barrier between two worlds, straight into the clutches of King Sombra. Forced to drink from a mystical teapot, their bodies transformed into beasts he could use. With his helmets in place he now commands them:

The Yak with brutish strength, the Unicorn and his piercing spells, the Thestral who stalks the night battlefields, and the Dragon that rains down fire on those who oppose their Great King. All four now loyal soldiers.

But what of the fifth? What happened to the last human in the group and why does he not fight alongside the others?

- The death and gore tags relate to particular moments that are more implied than seen and described.
- Darker themes are usually in, but not exclusive to, the main story arcs.
- There is also minor talk of suicide in a very short part, so I have added the tag just to be safe.
- Contains themes regarding gender identity and dysphoria which play out over the course of the entire story.

As before, this may need to change rating from Teen to Mature.

Cover art is by the very talented Mix-up.

Um, apparently this made the featured list on January 15th 2020... Thank you all so much!
Featured on Equestria Daily on May 26th 2020!

This is the home of the stories known as the Teapot Tales.
Side story arcs will be between the main arcs.
Side stories along with a second and third arc are already planned.

Chapters (22)

The world is vast -and it's life even more so- but what happens when creatures seen by the world to be little more than a blight by most sapient creatures are taken in as pets; taken in and cared for like one would a do for a lost cat or dog?


The world is cruel, and runts experience this reality starting the moment they are born. One night, a young foal hears the cries of a pup and runs into the forest behind his home to find it and rescue it. This pup though turns out to be a timberwolf runt, abandoned by its pack. However, the little colt doesn't care, and he convinces his parents to allow him to keep it.

Most creatures of Equis see the creatures known as timberwolves as a menace that needs to be controlled. But one pegasus knows otherwise; Forrester. Forrester has the special talent of being able to communicate with and care for any timberwolf he comes in contact with. One day, he comes across an injured timberwolf that's larger than him while exploring the forest near where he lives in an attempt to find out if the rumors he'd heard regarding strange behaviors of the timberwolves that live in there were true. He is able to convince the injured timberwolf to allow him to help heal it. Will Forrester be able to help this strange timberwolf, or better yet, will he be able to gain something he had always been hoping to acquire since he was a colt, his own pet timberwolf?

This "story" will be a collection of stories, all taking place at roughly the same time, and all involving the adoption of timberwolves by creatures of all stripes.

Edited and proofread by 0_0
Cover art by Little Tigress

Chapters (5)

I remember that fateful hunting trip. It was just me, my rifle, and the prey. That was supposed to be it. Score a big buck and come home with the kill. That was not the case here as nothing could have prepared me for the outcomes of that day. As I was following a trail, I stumbled upon a cave of sorts. Curiosity got the better of me and I found the most beautiful crystal I had ever seen. And like a moth to candle flame, I touched it. And man, as soon as I laid finger on that stone, everything changed. As cliche as that sounds, it’s the truth. Stranded in the middle of no where, I am now the chosen light among the chaos in this new world. Armed with nothing but my rifle and my wits, a world of wonder and magic is up for the taking. Thus my new life and adventure begins. And before I go, know that I’m in this game till the end.

- Jack Cobalt

Note of 11/29/18. Made it briefly onto the Feature page. I am very happy for how long I earned said spot. Even though it was shortly lived. 😁

Chapters (7)

I was one name Bill Cipher....and yes IT the name of the triangle from gravity fall my parents were an ass to me and name me after the guy. But that all chang as I was killed by the last thing I thought would happen....KILLED IN A BLIZZARD! NOW I'M GETTING ANOTHER CHANS AT LIFE THANK THE GUY OF MY GIVEN NAME!

Now I'm Hakkon Wintersbreath and I'm going to have a good time. >:)

Chapters (2)

The Dragon Lands are a relatively harsh land when compared to other, more fertile regions. Full of many different large reptilians, poisonous creatures, active volcanoes, the occasional forest or jungle. And, of course, dragons. It is a land of competition, aggression, resilience, and struggle. Though there are many creatures clawing and biting their way for survival and territory, dragons often find themselves on top. They have a pretty easy time dealing with most opposing creatures, given their fire breath and thick, hard scales.

With that being said, dragons are not left without adversity or nuisance. Other dragons and certain larger or unique beings can be found giving dragons a hard time for any number of reasons. Rocs, for example, attack their young with hard beaks and talons. A few of them together, if desperate, could harm an adult dragon. Sling Tails tend to inhabit mountains, making flight near mountains require finesse. Or, at least, hardheadedness.

One creature, however, will prove to be more than just an inconvenience. More than just a potential source of food. More than a small part of a larger picture. In fact, this creature will prove to be not only persistent, but dangerous. And, many times, deadly.

Dragons are not safe from this creature. They aren't even sure what it is. What they do know, is that it is one opponent worth paying attention to.

This is the story of...

Chapters (4)

Hello my name is specimen 6 but everyone calls me 6 for short i was once a human female pegasusister but i met a guy that looked like mr. Wayland and i bought some stuff then got sent to equestria as a chest burster and well turns out I bursted out of my previous body and to make matters worse I am in a research facility were changelings have killed all the ponies by breeding xenomorphs so yeah when I get out I'm gonna do my best to kill/harvest all who are responsible for the deaths of the equestrians and I'm not alone in this [displaced fic]

Chapter 1-5 are the prologue to ark-1 of the story and the displaced crossover's won't happen till chapter 6 ark-1. So I hope you all enjoy the story and have a great day. :twilightsmile:

I don't own avp or mlp other than oc's

Chapters (1)

We all know about Spike, dragon assistant to Twilight Sparkle. But what we never saw got to know about was Spike, a pony conclier assigned to Twilight Sparkle. Confusing yes? Turns out, there's an alternative universe to Equestria called Brimstone, and in this world, everything we thought we knew about our favorite ponies had some strange...counterparts.

And now, these two Spikes will find out just how similar yet different their worlds really are. And maybe, there might become a reason for their switch to remain permanent.

Looks like I'm keeping the isekia'd Spike train rolling. Seriously, there's been a trend of MLP:FiM's Spike being isekia'd into all sorts of things. But I doubt anyone's thought to isekia Spike into an alternate version of Equestria known as Brimstone.

Yeah the tags are basically spelling out what the heck you can expect. I shouldn't even try to hide my plans for this side project. So I won't bother. Just look at the tags and tell me what you think I have planned. Because I've officially gone mega crazy creative mode with how I'm tackling this.

Pray for Spike the Dragon's sanity; because it might not last long. Also, the teen rating is just to be absolutely safe, even if "kissing" isn't a mature warning tag. I...consider the act of kissing to at least be something that not everyone and their dog should be allowed to read.

As a side note, I couldn't find an outright pic of a Pony version of Spike & the dragon version of Spike we all know and love in one picture. So, I opted for the current picture instead. If someone out there wants to make a picture of Pony Spike & Dragon Spike in the same picture, or if someone finds on, link me to what you made/found, and I replace the current cover.

I may end up just keeping this one around for a sequel, as this is only meant as a prequel story to a much bigger side project.

Chapters (8)

Queen Celestia has a problem. Although her court consists of many mighty beings willing to aid her in the overthrow of her sister and the retaking of her throne they seem unable to work together. In order to try and get her court to bond she decides to organise a Hearth's Warming Helper so that each member needs to provide another with a gift.

A non canon story set in Rainbowdoubledash's Lunaverse AU where Celestia was banished to the sun for a thousand year by Luna.

Chapters have been written by thatguyvex, Rainbowdoubledash and myself and will be released daily leading up to Christmas.

Chapters (10)

Garble and his cohorts kidnapped Rarity, and sent a ransom letter to Spike. Their only demands: Spike tells no one and gives Garble the Dragon Lord Staff. Spike must engage the trio in a deadly game of cat and mouse to keep Garble from getting his claws on the scepter. Failure could spell disaster for all of Equestria and a war between dragons and ponies.

Chapters (6)