• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 6,976 Views, 60 Comments

Age of the Dragon king - golden dawn

Here how it goes I almost died in a blizzard but just as I was going I meet Bill Cipher from gravity fall. gives me a chance at life if I give him my old body. I said yes but with some added perks to the new body.

  • ...

Ch 1

It's freezing out here, why did I come out here. I thought in my mind while walking through a blizzard. Let me introduce myself my name is Bill Cipher and no I'm not the triangle guy from Gravity Falls my parents had a messed up sense of humor, and thanks to them I had a messed-up childhood 2. Right now I'm walking through a blizzard because My so-called friend canceled on me after splitting payment for a trip to the mountain. I don't want to waste the monthly rent that we pay for. So I was on my way there when this blizzard came out of nowhere, causing me to crash my car and now walk 6 miles to the cottage.

It's so cold I can't feel anything right now. Plus to add to that so sleepy and barely see where I'm going right now. I didn't notice when I fell to the ground, the only thing going through my mind right now was how this was the most out of way death that I ever thought would come to me. The last thing I saw before I close my eyes was what I thought was a yellow triangle sign.

(1 hour later)

I slowly started to open my eyes still can barely feel anything in my body and a little cold even but alive. Looking around my surroundings, I notice I wasn't outside anymore, in fact, I wasn't anywhere anymore. What greeted my eyes was Darkness or to be more specific a black void there was nothing.

“Okay, where the heck am I, Should I be dead right now?” I said out loud only to hear an echo of everything that I just said... Creepy.

“ I'll come on kid, of course, you probably know where we are, now use that head of your.” a voice said that was all too familiar to me.

I turn to my left to see none other than Bill Cipher, the triangle where my name originated from.

“Finally I get to see the kid who's responsible for keeping me alive.” Bill said making four more arms growing out of his body and start applying.

? how the heck did I say this guy. I remember going online and researched anything about Bill Cipher he'll the most I knew about the guy was he was that of a god in an alternate world with a vast knowledge of almost everything and wanted to turn the world into weirdmageddon.

“ I bet you're wondering what I'm talking about!” Bill said while pulling up a chair and floating down to it.

“ Well here's the gist of it after Stanley destroyed his mind with me in it I was just about to end up dead, but thanks to your parents name you after me, my spirit was able to manifest itself into you. My only problem is you were in it, and I bet you were thinking right now that I'm here to steal your body well you're close to it.” Bill said well I started to shake a little out of fear, but then I thought I wasn't dying just a few minutes ago.

“Now I can't take your body I have to make a deal for my powers to go into full effect, but this is going to be a deal free because I'm only a spirit now. I can't take your body I need full consent over it and me being stuck in here isn't a good thing either especially with you about to die. So here's the deal kid I can get you a whole new body, powers, knowledge everything to go with your new body. All you gotta do is make the deal and tell me what you want in your new body, and I'll hand it right to yo the only downside is that you can't be in this universe. So I have to kick you out but don't worry you're not going anywhere bad I already had that all planned out. Thanks to the stuff I saw when I was stuck in your head.” he gave me a deadpan look after saying all that, and I thought about the times of all these videos and shows I watch and the only thing I could think of that came to mind that actually would make sense right now would be..... Ohno if he's been in my head the entire time my life does that mean he saw!

I looked at him right in the eye, and I saw him shaking his head up and down I looked into his eye and he showed a picture of a show that I had not wanted my parents to see or anyone to see out of fear of being made fun of.

“ Okay Okay Okay just stop showing that right now!” I yelled out trying to cover his eye only to passed right through him.

“ Thank goodness because if you didn't take the deal, we are so dead.” Bill said wiping the sweat that started from his four triangles?

“ Alright let's get to work first up what body do you want.” Bill said then the whole Space around us turn showing billions of different creatures monsters anything that I've seen from shows games and TV series. I looked around and watched everyone of them I know I wasn't the strongest when I was young and I sure as hell didn't want to die quickly like I I'm now. so I wanted the biggest body that there was I ended up somewhere that looks like everything was a beast from Dragon age all three game sessions and found the body that I've been looking for it was Hakkon Wintersbreath If I remember correctly this hard dragon had an old god's soul in it.

“I what the body of Hakkon Wintersbreath.”I said as I look at the body if I look closer I could swear the body just glowed at the fact that I recognized its power.

“ Good choice kid I figure you go for something around that area you were always obsessed with Dragon Age.” Bill said as he is transferring me and to my new body, I can already feel the strength coming from it and I felt like was meant to have his body as I got the hang of it fast.

“ Okay next what do you want for the powers the barbarity has the originals, but I can give you something extra.” Bill said while moving his head out in a nonchalant manner.

I put a claw to my head and thought I know Hakkon Wintersbreath was a mighty High dragon, but it wasn't invincible I can still by killed, so I figured of all the other High Dragons for all Dragon Age, and I had a brilliant idea.

“ I want all the High Dragons abilities from all the other Dragon Age games and not just the breath attacks I mean their immunities to the element their unique skills and the magic from the high dragon of Flemeth.” I said we'll Bill looked at me while rolling his eye, he through a blue fire at me as it envelops my whole body and I can already feel the additional power increasing into me.

“ OK kid last thing now I gave you the body, given you more power into your body. Now the last thing you get is knowledge of what every you want with your body plus you have the original understanding of what this body already had its knowledge with you're. So don't panic if you find information that wasn't yours, to begin with, now whatever experience do you want and don't forget you're talking to Bill Cipher here.” Bill said while pointing to things that himself.

I thought about it, Knowledge
It was the most powerful thing any person can have I already knew I had the knowledge of an old god especially one that was a God of War and Steel. So I didn't need any information on that the only information I did want was everything knowledgeable that was worthy in Dragon Age like the phylacteries, the Advil of the Void, Magic knowledge of the fade and much more. So that's what I asked for knowledge of everything that was in the Dragon Age world, and I don't mean just the secrets I mean everything their users their construction everything so I would know how to make them as wall.

This time Bill had actually to think about it, and look like this might be a little longer than the last two.

“Okay kid holds on this might take a while, I'm going to put all the knowledge I have into making something to hold it in its going to be a little while.” Bill said walking into a meditative position and millions of symbols of peered in his eye changing rapidly.

What Bill was doing that I went to the corner or what I thought it was a corner and started practicing with my dragon breath first with my frost breath than was poison font by shock and finally fire it was fun.

“Ok kid I have it here you go.” Bill said while holding up a glowing symbol from the Inquisition. But just as I was about to get a better look at it the most horrible and painful thing I could ever think of happened he jammed the symbol right into my right eye. I thrashed my head back in pain as I roar out loud in pain I could feel the blood rolling down my eye after what felt like hell the pain stopped. I looked around and saw that I could still see throw my right eye the I look at BILL Bucker anger and Fury.

“What in the nine gates of hell was that for!” I roared out in his face with fire, ice, and lightning all coming out at the same time well I was dripping poison into the void.

“ Whoa Whoa Whoa kid I just did what you asked me too, can't have that knowledge anywhere but put into your body, and the only place that was left with room and was less likely to kill you was right in your eye, besides try thinking of some information from Dragon Age.” Bill said well putting his hands behind his triangle head.

I looked at him still ready to eat his head off. But slowly I started to cool down and start to think of the information I wanted it was slow. But eventually, I got images and ideas that appeared in my mind of the dwarves especially their ways to make Golems, next came Ancient Dallas knowledge, lastly was the Chantry hidden Magic Arts.

“ Okay story checks out but a little warning next time you do that to someone.” I said with a deep growl.

“ Yeah Yeah Yeah whatever well the deal is almost done, all you have to do is shake my hand kid.” Bill said while putting out his hand as a blue flame appeared on it.

I reached out to and should his fire hand and then a portal open, right under me which I immediately fell right in. But not before Bill sent me off with such parting words.

“And remember reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold bye!”Bill yelled out as I continue to fall through the void hole.

( third person point of view)

In the Frozen North of Equestria, we find ourselves with a pure Crystal Pony trying to make it to the borders of Equestria to get help for her kingdom. She's been walking for days without food or water, and she's already getting signs of frostbite. She had Shackles on her hands and hoofs a collar chain around her neck.

“ So cold but need to get help for the empire, must get help for everypony.” the Crystal Pony said while slowly freezing to death. Just as she is losing hope a portal open. A look of confusion came over her face until she heard a loud cursing and soon followed by somepony saying something about crushing a triangle guy like a Dorito? Whatever it was she could care less the only thing she cared right now was that she found another living individual that may be able to help her and her home.

She began moving towards the voice hoping that whoever it was didn't leave. Just as she got over the steep snow hill, she finally laid eyes on the creature only to have her eyes widen in horror at seeing one of the most largest and fearsome looking dragons in her life. It was at less 20 meters tall she was so in fear and awe that she didn't notice the dragon looking at her with a raised eyebrow, worse when she finally did see him looking at her she did the only thing anypony in her situation would do she passed out right there and then.

(Hakkon point of view)

Okay after my little...rage fest from finding out that bucker has thrown me right into another blizzard I mean seriously I just got out of one so why through me into another one? After cursing him out saying how I would have eaten him up like a Dorito, I felt the presence of someone looking at me. A quick look around and I finally found who it was or her, it was a pony getting a look at her I noticed she was in bad shape little show signs of frostbite. Positively malnourished and dehydrated scars all over her body she had slave collars all over her as well as barely any clothes.... Oh, I'm so pissed right now. Just as I was about to ask her something the girl pass out right in front of me I just had my hand or claw now cut up in the air from my mouth.

“ Pass out right in the middle of a blizzard. Ponies are so weird.” with that said I grabbed the pony into my claw and carried her near the closest warmth I could sense to be no longer than 30 minutes to fly there. I landed down Breaking trees that were nearby and started a fire. Then I began looking her over. Bruises and cuts were all over her body she was just showing signs of frostbite early stages so I could easily help with that. I merely grab some of the snow that was nearby and melted it near the fire after Halloween out a tree in a bowl and putting it there.

With the knowledge of the head of the delish, I was able to find some plants for cuts and bruises on her and make a medicine for the frostbite. After that is used what little herbs I had left and conjured up a healing potion. Doing all this was really hard to being the size of a three-story house. I slowly brought it to her lips two potions and she slowly drinks it down both of them. The effects were immediate the frostbite slowly went away, and she started to look healthier things to the healing potion. She still laid on conscious so I just right here close to me and kept myself to the fire to keep her warm for the night. Let's hope by tomorrow. This Pony gives me some answers... And hopefully, find some clothes for her I thought out while looking away from her.

While waiting for her to awaken, I began focusing on the knowledge in my head little by little I started getting small ideas popping in and out one it came from the delish elf information I had it showed me a technique to bind certain spirits to inanimate objects. Just then I felt movement near me. Looking down I see the mare getting up and looking around most like wondering why she's not dead Once you got a good look around she finally noticed the looming shot all over her she looked up, and the first thing she did after seeing me was to scream at the top of her lungs. All I did was roll my eyes at that of course.

I took one of my claw fingers than covered her mouth with it to stop her from screaming out loud.

“Okay, you gotta stop yelling because you give me a headache right now. Take a deep breath in hold it and then let it out.” After I said that I waited for her to calm down the too deep breast, but I still took some time. After about 10 minutes she finally calmed down all they would still fear in her eyes.

“ Where am I mr. all-powerful Dragon.” she said looking up at me while saying that with a shaky voice.

“ I can't honestly tell you I just brought you here after your pass out looking at me. Then I had to start up a fire gather some herbs make a potion or two force them down your throat. Just to keep you alive then I put you close to me to share body heat to keep you warm Since you are still freezing.”I said while moving the hollow tree to her when she saw the water she got up and threw her head into the water I just had a trade I brought her the entire time. When she finally took her head out of the tree, she began to get together her breathing after keeping it under the water so long. After that, she calms down but only for a little bit then she started to cry... what did I do now! I thought in my mind while trying to comfort the Little Pony.

“ Calm down calm down I'm not mad please keep cool don't cry.” I said while rubbing the back of her with a clawed finger.

“ I-I have to get help must save everypony from the Dark King.” she said small wall tears rolled down her face.

I had a confused look on my face dark King, the only dark King that I know of in MLP King Sombra. I didn't begin to ask questions about what she meant. She explained to me in gruesome detail how the Empire was taken over Sombra who was the princess's advisor, rumor had that Sombra imprisoned the princess into a crystal statue. After that, he enslaved every pony in the Crystal Empire to make sure no Rebellion happen he also took all the children and keep them in his dungeon train to execute all of them. She told me her name was Morning Harvest she was one of the crystal ponies that lived outside the Empire on her farm land, when word reached her, and her family and what happened many of them tried to escape. When some of the Mind washed soldiers finally arrived her father, and two brothers held them off while she and her mother tried to escape. But they were still captured and forced to work in the mines. I asked her what happened to her and how she escaped, which was the worst question to ask turns out that during one of the guard shifts she and her mother escaped and made it to the end of the empire's border but the guard cut up to them so in a last-ditch effort to keep her daughter safe her mother Push Morning Out into the cold North while using herself as a distraction. What made this worse was that it was just two days ago.

Once morning Harvest was done explaining she looked up at me with pleading eyes little tears on the edge of her eyes. Too bad with this face she couldn't tell that I was actually really engaged. I had a messed-up childhood growing up especially with that name I got from my parents, but there was no way in Tartarus, hell or the underworld would I let small Colt and Foal be kept in a dungeon and be traumatized by one greedy obsessed Pony. I wasn't paying attention at the time the morning Harvest did when she noticed the ground around her or more specifically my body started to freeze she actually backed away a bit as it was getting close to her.

I look directly into morning Harvest eyes while I didn't know this but morning Harvest saw two different eyes looking back at her one was bluish White like a blizzard going on behind it the other one Blazing Green.

“Morning Harvest where would the Empire be by any chance.” I said in a little dark voice has a cold started to increase around us.

See left hesitant at first then she got up and looked at the sky she put her hand in front of her most likely star mapping with my guess. Then pointed to a Direction.

“That Way Northeast it would take two days on hoof to get there, why do you wish to know?” Morning told me while looking back up to see my head scanning in that direction.

I did not answer Morning Harvest as I was looking in the direction she pointed me too, four different color Flames were escaping from the corners of my mouth, with that I grab Morning Harvest and put her on top of my head.

“ We leave now.” I said in a calm voice, but the coldness that was coming off of my body made it all the more threatening.

The only thing I heard from Morning was her screams as I took to the air.