This story is a sequel to Star Trek Online: Darkness Rising

"I thought my adventure had come to an end... but it seems the world just doesn't wanna let me go just yet."

Weeks have passed since the conflict with the Hur'q ended. The galaxy has to lick its wounds before continuing on, but for the most part, peace has been secured for the moment...

At least, in the present, that is. In 2256, a Klingon warrior of the treacherous House Mo'kai, J'ula, has managed to escape her time and is wreaking havoc amongst the timestream, many have gone after her, but she has proven to be a tough foe to eliminate. But there is hope.

In another universe, inside a large facility, a single pony lies strapped to a headset that allows her to control her worlds weather. She is about to leave her prison after ten years of being comatose and be recruited as a new temporal agent. But she will be in for more than she could've hoped.

{Note: This story, while a sequel, will be told in a first-person manner by our main protagonist. Also, Admiral Stone will not be appearing in this story (at least, not anyhow other than by name), he will be replaced by another character who, let's just say will have some experience with our new villain. I will also be attending college in a few weeks so when that happens the chapters may be a little delayed if I don't finish by then. I hope you enjoy a hopefully better sequel to this series. :twilightsheepish:}

Star Trek, Star Trek Online and other names are the property of CBS/Paramount Pictures Corp. and Cryptic Studios. My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro. Fallout Equestria was created by KKat.

Chapters (9)

Trixie had a simple plan with few steps: buy the magical artifact, use it to get revenge on the town that destroyed her home and the entirety of her worldly possessions, profit. Of course, Trixie hadn't actually thought this through beyond the 'sweet revenge' part, but she was sure that the details would fall into line easily enough once she got the ball rolling.

And then she got the artifact, and decided... differently.

This is the story of how a single pony set fire to the bad writing of an entire region, purely by being one big spanner in the works.

Chapters (2)

In the post-Sunshine and Rainbows wasteland Hearth's Warming Eve once again has the joy of snow. All across the land ponies gather for the holidays to celebrate with friends and family. In one small town a family gathers for the first time in a long time to celebrate the holiday.

Day 8 of One Shot-tober.

Chapters (1)

This is gonna be another completely regular day. One of sunshine and rainbows.

This work is a translation of a Russian story. The author doesn’t know English well and gave his explicit permission to translate and post the story. The translation is an independent work of fiction, and does not constitute theft, self-appropriation of authorship, or disrespect for the work of the original writer.
Edited and preread by Absolution and krdragon.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dawn’s Break

Two months ago, that is when the Elements were reunited, when the Combine invaded. Last is missing, Survivor is presumed dead, and the Union loses hope every day. Only three free cities still stand.

The Doctor, Kendrick, Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Clyde and Clive, Solare of Astora, The Lone Wanderer, Heavy, Reznov, Mason, Wolfram, Ceaser, and Blue Leader. Hero, Villain, Warrior, Civilian, we don’t care what they were.

The Combine establish themselves, and hunt us down. The Emperor of them a being of unknowable power, their technology greater than anything Equestria was ready for.

We will make our stand against any odds. We can only hope people will hold themselves together long enough so we do not fall.

Cover art made by user SkyeDragon, and I am very greatful for them to allow me to have something actually good looking for this finale!

Chapters (16)

Star Armor on a quest comes across a town harassed by Steal Rangers. This is how he earns his knighthood into the Applejack's Rangers.

This was a commission for Chrome Flyer. Star Armor is his character.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer and her friends have fought many magic filled villains and thought they could handle anything, that was...until the nuclear bomb's arrived. But thanks to an Organization called Vault-Tech, made underground villages known simply as Vaults, to protect the people from the radiation. But as they were leaving their homes, the main 7 were separated from one another, and had to live in different vaults. What happens to each of them, only time will tell.

Cover-Art Made by Indigo Lightning Strike.

Chapters (4)

After losing his family to raiders in the equestrian wasteland, Apple Tart, an ex-guard pony from New Appleloosa, scours the wasteland hunting Raiders and searching for any sign that could tell him his daughter is still alive.

Inspired by and uses the world from the Original Fallout Equestria made by Kkat, as well as Project Horizons made by Somber.

Chapters (4)

There are two big philosophy’s on killing others if you’re a smart wastelander. Shoot, and aim to hit, or throw explosives and prey. Hard Brass has never been a real smart wastelander.

Disturbing lack of ponies taking use of their Creator-given limbs, Brass plans to fix that. If you can’t kill something else with your own four good legs, then you are unprepared.

Reload, fire, reaload, fire, throw. You’ll eventually run out. You run out, you don’t get to run away.

Then, when a pony charges at you, ready to take off your head with pure strength, what are you to do?

Run, fast as your legs can take you. But if you are some morally corrupt bandit, you will never run fast enough. You will be caught by the Sentinel.

Chapters (16)

End of the Line is a massive city on the boarder between Equestria and Griffon Territory, it was untouched by the bombs and the mega spells, though the wasteland was not as kind. It is now under the control of several cartels each of them running massive industries between slavery to narcotics, and everything between. The city's run by a massive city council all of the ponies on which are all fighting for their own interests. And at it's center are the Big Five the largest cooperation in the wastelands. In this world the ponies, changelings, and griffons live under constant stress. The city would have been a living hell for them if it weren't for those that would fight tirelessly the good fight. This is the story of those few. Those brave. Those Heroes.

Cover art Ponies done by Leastways
BG done by Casteroki

Lapis: Sapphire the Crystal Archer, belongs to Dusk the Batpack, used with permission.
Light Chase and Dream Chase belong to SpheeDC, used with permission.
Ash belongs to LightningScratch used with permission
High Flyer and Rusty belong to MasterDerek118 used with permission.

Chapters (6)