
I was a regular person of the male gender before by some crazy turn of events I got turned into a pony! My name is Dalton and this is my weird arse adventure traveling up the east coast

part of the PonyEarthverse

Chapters (1)

A cutie mark appears on a pony's flank when he or she finds that certain something that makes them different from every other pony.

But you knew that already, didn't you?

But what you didn't know, perhaps, is that a common past time is guessing what a pony's cutie mark stands for. This is a story about one such game.

Written for a creative challenge and a contest on Reddit.

Chapters (1)

(Note: set in Alt. Universe from the mlp comics.)
It turns out my biggest problems is affording coffee and paying rent. And potions. And spending time injured. And trying to coexist with the rowdiest, most destructive guild. Also Why do I sound so edgy?

I'm tired of being a loser. One day all of that changed, a mysterious player challenged me and I won. Said player happened to be a bored void dweller who was looking for losers like me.

He gave me powers, the powers of Brutalight Sparcake. He then threw me into a broken version of Equestria. He gave me the freedom and power I desired. And I don't know what exactly what I'm going to do...

Chapters (13)

Like many siblings, Rumble and Thunderlane don't always get along. The age gap and personality differences often leads to heated arguments that leave both ponies frustrated. With the help of a mysterious book, found in the library of Twilight Sparkle's castle, Rumble takes the situation in his own hooves and devises a plan to reverse roles with his older brother.

Commission for Twinkie Hoof

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of hypnosis, diaper usage, mental regression, or adult baby themes. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Overprotective Sist... Friend

Rainbow Dash does care for Flitter, she's been adapting to her new marefriend over the last month but Cloud Chaser's poor condition continues to put stress on Flitter's already strained relationship with her own emotions.

This is the second part of the series I started a bit ago, shipping the main six with background ponies. Fluttershy will be released later, I have to chop this up a bit, as I'm currently writing five stories at once!

I've added an in story dating system to the stories as the stories are actually somewhat intertwined so for any of you who are reading all of them they'll be easier to line up, the dating system has nothing to do with the real world (except that they coincide with 2019 just so they can be more easily tracked.)
Note on crossover chapters. They are the same chapter in two stories because they are relevant to both. They will say with what story they cross over and have the same (or very similar) titles.
Other Titles:
Applejack and Coco: The Obvious Conclusion
Rarity and Minuette: Time To Model
Pinkie and Zecora: Secret No More. Romance Galore
Twilight and Cloud Chaser: Secret Visits
Fluttershy and Octavia: Not Every Song...

Chapters (9)

After many incidents like The Great and Powerful Trixie, there has to be somebody to help clean up this mess. Especially when fire strikes, the five brave ponies of the Ponyville Fire Department are there.
Amethyst Star, the leader. Minuette, the resourceful. Cloudchaser, the first line of defense. Flitter, the brains. And Noteworthy, the powerful. These five will go head to head with fire itself in this suspenseful fic.
I realize now that I have to take away the E rating, sorry for any inconvenience.

The chapters of this story have some continuity which is why it says Complete. I will probably add more chapters whenever I feel like it or a big fire suddenly strikes the town. Also, I'm not sure what the categories for the story should be... a little help?

Chapters (2)

Rumble the young colt always had a secret crush on Silver Spoon, a crush that he always kept a secret, from every-pony even his brother. But when his secret crush finds out what will the gray earth filly do?

Thank you Storm Swirl for the picture.

Chapters (2)

Spitfire is just a young mare trying to find out where her future lies, but will that make her have to go through the truth? The truth hurts, and as for Spitfire, she has to make one of the most difficult choices of her life. Choosing her best friend, or someone she has just met.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash wants to shake things up in life when her friends annoyance and predictability take hold, but when she finds new friends in Thunderlane, his little brother Rumble and the Pegasus Twins Flitter & Cloudchaser, how will her other friends react to that development? Will they accept him or reject him?

Chapters (3)

Cloudchaser has just been saved by the doctor. Cloud Chaser starts to love him for saving her. But now Derpy loves doctor and SO does Cloudchaser. And, what will happen if the two just get into a mare fight? And who will win? Now Doctor has TWO lovers.

Half the credit goes to Cadance Paladin for the idea of the story!

Chapters (5)