A young Twilight Sparkle can't sleep. And why should she? It's Hearthswarming Day tomorrow! And so, she stays up in the night, eyeing her gifts, just waiting to open them. But Santa won't come if she stays awake. Perhaps an early Hearthswarming present will help her rest easy?

Yes. It will. And it will do much more than that...

Filly Twilight Sprite by mini-deus

Chapters (1)

Affection therapy: a new and innovative practice in Equestria wherein the patient/subject is calmed and relaxed through simple displays of platonic affection, such as ear scratches, nose boops, and belly rubs. It's surprisingly effective, and leaves the pony happy and content. The strangest thing, however, is that you, a simple human living in Ponyville, 'invented' this practice completely by accident.

*I wrote this a long time ago, before Every Little Thing She Does aired. The first chapter takes place between No Second Prances and that episode, and I decided to touch it up and release it now as an early Christmas gift to you guys, as a simple piece of cute, platonic fluff. More to come, too, when I find the time and inspiration. :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Cover art by ElementOfFaith

Chapters (22)

This I know: cold feet and a lousy day at work and hunger can all be solved by cuddling a pony in front of a fireplace.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Now with a Chinese Translation by gezhehuohu!
Now with a Russian Translation by Mordaneus: (Ponyfiction) (Ficbook)

Chapters (1)

Being a human roommate to a pony leads to all sorts of cultural misunderstandings . . but one fundamental proverb remains true.

Chapters (1)

In the future, we'll colonize the solar system, cure cancer, clone the human genome, and build trans-dimensional hoodies that can summon tiny talking horses from an alternate universe.

It's pretty snazzy.

Cover art by xioade.

There is no beginning and no ending; only hoodies and the poni poni poni that fill them.

Chapters (26)

When Button Mash finds an old game in his attic, the Crusaders and their friends gather around to play it, completely unaware of the consequences.

Minor ButtonBelle in the story, though it's not a big part of the story. But, in all seriousness, Ouija boards are SCREWED UP and you should absolutely NEVER use one unless you know for sure how to use one(unlike the Crusaders, of course).

So, if you want to know more about Ouija boards, here are some links~:
How to use the Ouija Board
4 Ways to Use a Ouija Board
23 Terrifying True Tales of People Messing Around With Ouija Boards

Chapters (1)

Evildoers beware! Ponyville's latest masked vigilante is here. She's small, she's blue, she can inexplicably use a bow and arrow despite being an earth pony. She's the Masked Arrow!

Written mostly because Archer is an awesome background pony who needs more love and deserves her own tag.

Chapters (1)

A short story about waiting, hay fries, and the dangers of space and silence in matters of the heart.

Takes place in the background of "Twilight Time".

(Featured by Equestria Daily, The Royal Guard, and the Royal Canterlot Library. Thanks so much, everyone!)

Chapters (1)

What is it like not knowing who you are? To be different from everyone?

When a foal is accidentally sent flying with the changelings, it is up to Chrysalis to care and raise the lost filly, though keeping her from learning about her own kind would prove more difficult than it seems. After living her whole life with changelings, this little filly's life is turned upside down when she takes her first steps outside the hive. Old tensions are revealed, and this little filly is going to learn that changelings don't have it easy. But what can filly like her do? All the answers wait for her in Equestria, where she will meet new faces and see new places.

Special thanks to Poets Dream for proofreading.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Tantabus Communication Protocol

What started with laziness and a tiny slip-up in arcane intelligence creation has blossomed into its own being. With Luna's blessing, the second Tantabus is free to flit around the dreamscape as it pleases, unburdened by oversight. And what pleases it is making good dreams. Who couldn't be happy by making others happy?

As the Tantabus settles into its life, its horizons keep expanding, forever revealing more of the world and of ponies. There's always new things to learn. New dreams to spice up. New nightmares to beat down. New ponies to help. New ponies to annoy.

Don't tell Luna about that last part.

Cover art by Harwick.

Chapters (44)