• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen June 5th

Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫


When Button Mash finds an old game in his attic, the Crusaders and their friends gather around to play it, completely unaware of the consequences.

Minor ButtonBelle in the story, though it's not a big part of the story. But, in all seriousness, Ouija boards are SCREWED UP and you should absolutely NEVER use one unless you know for sure how to use one(unlike the Crusaders, of course).

So, if you want to know more about Ouija boards, here are some links~:
How to use the Ouija Board
4 Ways to Use a Ouija Board
23 Terrifying True Tales of People Messing Around With Ouija Boards

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

Wait.... What even happened to Scoots? Was her physical form still there? Is she alive? Or did the spirits swap hers with this "NOBODY"?

This was AMAZING. I do echo the first comment, though; I'm quite curious what happened to Scootaloo. Maybe an epilogue chapter?

That is why you have to "read the contract before signing it".

I went to a sleepover years ago, and they broke out the board. I took one look and Nope'd off to play my Gameboy Advance SP. At one point, someone insulted the spirit, and, in this order, things happened.

The lights flipped twice
All the electronics in the room wigged out
and then everything, My GBASP included, just DIED.....It was plugged into the wall....

I assume she was spirited off by the Nightmare.

this kinda reminds me of The Hunger Games Trilogy because 1 her friend died and she still have nightmares that wont go away and sweetie woke up in buttons arms from a nightmare :fluttercry: Scoots died

5188456 but as Tootsie Pops always tell us: The World may Never Know!

This story gave me the nostalgic feel of scary board games. Spooky! :pinkiegasp:

Ok...Here's something...*pulls out Scootaloo from Spirit World before torching the Ouija board with holy fire*

Spooky Scootaloos in my closet

It was the Nobody line that killed it for me. I once watched a show called Paranormal Witnes, that has reports of demonic and ghost invasions in homes, that had an episode that a demon similiar to this.

Really freaked me out

It was the Nobody line that killed it for me. I once watched a show called Paranormal Witnes, that has reports of demonic and ghost invasions in homes, that had an episode that a demon similiar to this.

Really freaked me out

See, this is why the reputation of bad juju is enough to keep me away from those things. If I ever see one of those near me, I'm peacing the fuck out. Screw that.

She took her Idiot Ball and went home.
Seriously, though, that's the thing. We don't know. We'll never know.

My sister once played with a Ouija back at my old house.
And since that moment creepy things happened in my house for like, 3 years.
Door sounds at 2 a.m, even I heard screamings who made me wake up at that freaking hour.
So, yeah, playing the Ouija is never good.
But nice fic, I really like it.


But seriously, I have never messed with an oulja board before.
I know that I don't believe in this stuff but I keep my distance to the things people usually consider as 'bad luck' or 'evil omen' and anything that I consider too creepy for me so......

With all that aside this is a really good story to get into the halloween spirit (no pun intended)
A person who is afraid of all kinds of scary and shit...

Damn. I am really a pussy. I couldn't get a nice sleep.

Casto noi lapido asterium manto.
Casto noi lapido asterium manto.
Alum raum om.
Alum raum om.
Casto noi lapido asterium manto.

I don't really have a Ouija board story-I have a faint memory of messing around with one with some friends but like, nothing happened. I do have a story in a similar vein though, of attempting to talk with spirits(or some supernatural entity). No one ever said 11 year old girls had good ideas. (be warned, it's gonna be long)

Anyways, this takes place back in the summer of 2002, iirc. Me and about half a dozen friends(all in grade 6-7, so 11-12 years of age) had an end of school party at a friend's house. Well, her grandmother's house, no one actually lived in it yet(her grandmother was going to move in) which is why I guess we were allowed to use it. At some point during the afternoon someone decided that this one little room in the basement was just, weird. And uncomfortable. The rest of the basement was fine, but this one tiny room, just off from the main room, was wrong.
First of all the positioning of the room was weird. It had no light in it, and no light from the main room could reach it because it was down a short hall(like, I dunno 7-10 feet long maybe?) from the big room and to the side, so the light from the main room couldn't get to it. The one small window was mostly blocked by plant life from the garden/yard outside, so very little light got in there. So it was dark, very dark(not dark enough that we couldn't we see eahc other, esp after sitting in there for a while). And the corners just looked even darker.
So someone came up with the brilliant idea to try and see if we could find out if there was a spirit there by holding, basically a seance(well that's what we called it xD) to try and talk/communicate with whatever may or may not have been down there. And this was where the weird shit happened.
-I was pinched/poked twice that I recall. And no it couldn't be anyone else because both times we were all seated in a circle, holding hands with the person on either side of us. I distinctly recall feeling a sharp pinch/poke to my arm. I think other people felt being tapped/poked/pinched as well during those times.
-A small quartz crystal a friend had actually glowed. I shit you not, the damn thing gave off a brief, soft glow, enough that we could tell it was glowing, while sitting in the palm of her hand. Before promptly rolling across her hand and on to the floor where upon it stopped glowing. Remember, it was in the palm of her flat, unmoving hand and had given no indication of sliding or moving the entire time before, then it just, did.
-We did the 'Light as a feather, stiff as a board' trick thing and got, interesting results. We did it twice, with two different people, the smallest member of the group, who I will call D, and the largest member of our group, who I will call C. (Remember, there was a total of like, 7 of us there, which puts 6 in the circle and one in the middle). We did D first, a tiny petite girl. For those who don't know how it works, basically one person lies on the ground while everyone sit around them using only two fingers each to lift the person, while usually chanting 'light as a feather, stiff as a board'. We could not get her to budge, at all. Like, not even a bit off the ground. We did C next, she was not only the tallest of us, but more than likely the heaviest of us. We had almost no problem lifting her up. Where this gets weird is, we tried the same thing again later, upstairs and got the opposite results. We lifted D with ease, but could barely budge C. Plus after we had finished in the basement, D said it had felt like someone was sitting on her chest/pushing down on her. A feeling not felt when we tried upstairs.
-I hesitate on this one because it could have been natural but, at one point there was a near perfect circle of faint sunlight on the floor of the tiny room(the window wasn't completely covered with plants). Just one. We watched as it visibly split into two circles of light. Which was eerie given what had been happening. Of course, this could easily have been from the sun itself moving but, it felt like it happened awfully fast for that.
Suffice to say, we were freaked out by the end and no one wanted to go in that little room for the duration of our stay. Nothing weird happened that I can recall the rest of the time there. Well, nothing paranormal weird, at any rate.

So, make what you will of this; the overactive imaginations of 11 year old girls, natural explanations, or something paranormal. I don't know.

I'm usually open to the supernatural things, seeing as how if I wasn't, I'd be the idiot who got killed in a horror movie scenario, so I usually hold a bit of knowledge in regards to this sort of thing in the event I ever do end up in said horror movie scenario.

When you mentioned the crystal, I wasn't all that surprised when you said it gave off a glow. Crystals are often used as conduits or materials when communicating with the dead, spirits and ghouls, which is why it's often seen that psychics or mediums have crystal balls(though perhaps in a stereotypical manner).

As for the other things, those are normal in regards to supernatural activity.

OH! OH! I HAVE ONE!!! It was horrifying... I actually talked to Hitler! I went to Germany with my grandparents. We went to some museum, and I said that Hitler wasn't a good man, but you have to admit; you had BITCHING military strategy. I played Ouija with my grandparents. He showed up. We talked some. Then, one simple question that changed my life; Why? The lights went out across the entire COUNTRYSIDE. Lasted for about an hour. It seemed like I was choking, but I could still breathe. It was probably the gas. Stayed that way for a few hours. Ever since then, I have had the ability to see into my own future. Sucks ass.

5190912 unless... Pre-sequels?!?! It WAS years in between epilogue and story.

I've never but a lot of stock in tales about Ouija boards. As a friend once said, "If it were real, you think Parker Bros. would sell it and risk the lawsuits and/or angry mobs?" :rainbowlaugh:Even so, while I've never messed with a board or knew anyone that did I still plan on avoiding them like the plague:ajbemused:. Why?

At the least, it's a cooperation's way of making a dishonest buck teaching a sick concept to kids that disrespects the memory of the dead.:pinkiesick:

At worst? Aside from the fact I wouldn't appreciate being ripped into another world cause some kids were bored, this story points out that delving into areas you don't fully understand and respect tends to leave you wide open for something nasty to come calling.

That said, good story HC. Nice, classic horror genre feel to it. :raritywink:

Ok, this was less scary than I thought it would be, didn't have mouth-stitching or anything, he he......... :twilightblush:
And another thing, THE NIGHTMARE FORCES POSSESSED SCOOTS!:pinkiegasp:
And one more, Ouija boards are real? They're not just from that movie? :rainbowhuh: :unsuresweetie:


They are real... real scary. Don't EVER mess with one unless you REALLY know what your doing. Take it from someone who has experienced this first hoof.

That was terrifying. I really felt nervous at some points. :twilightoops:

Very nice story it was amazing! I was wondering if I can do a story kinda like this one with the cutiemark crusaders buttonmash and some other fillies but it will be completely different but I want to have your permission before I do.

5749589 Thanks you so much and I will give credit too :twilightsmile:

I don't really believe anything would happen with it, that oujia board, never tried it though, gonna do it when I find such board

Wow, this legit creeped me out, which is hard to do these days. My only real Ouija story is that my aunt can instantly tell when she walks in someone's house if there's a board, and can tell the exact place it's stored in.

The ending confused me a bit, was the spirit who came Scootaloo or "Nobody"?:rainbowhuh:

Yes, those Ouija boards are real. I remember my stepmom got it for my sister and I for Christmas. My sister and I never played with it, and it's a smart thing to do since there are cases where people would be tricked into thinking they're talking a nice spirit, when really it's a demon. Not all spirits you talk to are nice ones, and there's this one demon known as ZoZo, or the Z demon as most people will call it, since it's been said that even saying his name will bring him from the other side of the world.

Basically, we have living world and dead world. I believe those boards work and there are lots of cases about it. Take the movie The Exorcist.It's based on a true story about a kid - a boy who's was thirteen years old - got possessed by an evil spirit by using that thing. Although the movie used a girl because the boy wanted to stay anonymous. I hadn't watch the movie but I've heard of it, and people say it's one of the most scariest movies of all time.

Never play with an Ouija board, they're bad to be around - and freaky.

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