
Twilight, Spike, and their friends leave the School of Friendship to embark on another adventure. To fill in during their absence, Twilight assigned a substitute teacher to cover for her and teach her History of Friendship class. When the students find out they begin discussing what pranks they should pull or how they can convince what they assume will be a pushover substitute to go easy on the homework.

The pony who walks through the door is not who they were anticipating.

Chapters (1)

When they began to read the ancient book Twilight and Spike only had the slightest of ideas what it could possibly be about. As the illuminated inks revealed to them an image of Princess Celestia locked in combat with a massive dragon and his sons they realized that the song written upon the aged pages was telling of a long forgotten battle...

... and that the Celestia they know and love is capable of things they dare not imagine.

Inspired by the image "By Celestia's Might" by John Joseco.

Chapters (1)

Infuriated by a seemingly unwritable essay, Twilight Sparkle turns to bashing her head against a table to ease the feeling of literary inadequacy. Luckily, Spike is there to offer some more practical advice on finishing her essay--and why she should write it in the first place.

Dedicated to all editors: the grandest fools of all.

Chapters (1)

Twilight’s flying lessons have taken to a slow pace, but things quickly heat up when she gets her very first wingboner... right in front of Rainbow Dash.

Could her best friend be responsible for this?

Youtube reading by Doom Pie Network

Chapters (1)

Just when Twilight’s at the end of her rope, weighed down with her latest mistake, Discord pays her a surprise visit for a “dance lesson.” Grudgingly she accepts and finds that there’s more to be had from Discord’s lesson than a simple dance routine. Sometimes it takes an intervention to see what should have been obvious from the start.

A collab with my best friend, Miranda Laufeyson. Couldn't have done it without her!

Now with an audio recording by Crafty Arts! Check it out.

Cover art by BlazeMizu on deviantart. Used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Ponies are unique amongst the sentient races in that their souls are equally comprised of light and dark. All the other races have a gravitation towards one or the other, but only the three pony races hold the two in complete balance. It was for this reason that Celestia and Luna came to be in the first place, as the Fates decreed that keeping an entire race on such a narrow path was too great a task for one entity.

Ever since her return from her banishment, Princess Luna has felt something wrong with her subjects. The ponies of Equestria are lively and joyous, their eyes bright and happy as they bask in the light, but one thousand years of light has disturbed the balance of their souls. Now, Luna must take drastic measures to restore it before it destroys her beloved subjects.

Inspired by the poem 'Come Little Children' by Edgar Allen Poe and the video 'Children of the Night' by Spiritto and Lionheart.

Cover by kittenlover101.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has seen and learned a lot about Celestia. Little too much for her own liking sometimes.

Chapters (1)

Have you ever wondered what toast the Best Mare would give at the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence?
A one-shot piece.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Times We Cherish

Sunset hasn't seen Princess Twilight in a month and wants to meet her at Sugar Cube Corner. However, she decides to have a little bit of flirtatious fun with Twilight first.

Chapters (1)

Troubled. Disturbed. Stabbed. Entombed.

Sometimes, when you're playing a word game with a magical princess from another world, the words you choose aren't just words.

Dramatic reading by Scribbler and Neighrator Pony!

Now has an authorized sequel, written by Cynewulf!

This is a brief "Humanized Pony Visits Earth" tale, based on a minific I wrote for (but was unable to submit to) the July 2017 "TBD" Writeoff.

Rated "Recommended" by Titanium Dragon! "While the Pony On Earth thing might put some people off, here I felt like it made excellent use of the idea … This is a short and punchy piece, and I think a lot of folks will find it worth their while."

Reviewed by Chris! "It's refreshing to read a story with a clear, explicit moral that nevertheless doesn't beat you over the head."

Reviewed by Present Perfect! "Peering into the darkness of one's own heart is difficult and painful. But this is also about the nature of goodness ... plus, it'll teach you a really unique driving game."

Thanks to Morning Sun for prereading/copy-editing changes, and to Titanium Dragon for the story description.

Chapters (1)