• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 3,739 Views, 58 Comments

The Toast - TypewriterError

At the reception of the Royal Wedding Twilight gives a heartfelt toast to the new couple.

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The Toast

Above the small conversations and hushed murmurs of awe at the beauty of the newly wed couple, the distinctive ding of a utensil against a wine glass could be heard. Almost, immediately, a sweet voice rang out across the room. “I would like to make a toast,” the lavender mare said, all eyes turning toward her, “To my big brother and best friend forever, Shining Armor.” All those close to the unicorn and the young couple gave respectful smiles as Twilight cleared her throat and continued, “And also to the mare who has been a big sister to me since even before today: Cadence.”

At the middle of a long table covered in white and gold, a pink alicorn laid her head lovingly on the shoulder of a white unicorn. Her eyes sparkled at Twilight who gave her a quick smile before beginning her address,

“I have to admit I wasn’t entirely sure how to take the news that Shining Armor was getting married when I first heard about it. I suppose the fact that I found out when Princess Celestia sent me an invitation to the wedding didn’t help.” Some shocked laughter interrupted her for a few seconds. She graciously continued after sending a wink to her brother who had facehoofed himself but was still smiling through a slight blush.

“However, once I realized that he was somewhat preoccupied with the possibility of attack, I was a little more willing to consider his excuse.” Another small wave of laughter. She smiled again and turned to address her brother directly.

“But, all that aside, I honestly did feel a little sad to hear you were getting married. Not because of Cadence!” she hastily explained, “I was excited to have her as a sister-in law once we were able to get rid of Chrysalis.” Twilight stopped to suppress a snicker as her brother groaned with the memory of the Changeling Queen, “But, I knew your life was only about to get busier. You would have a wife and soon, hopefully, a family. I remembered how hard it was for you when I left to stay in Ponyville and I realized you wouldn’t stay the same pony I left behind. Your life would have to be divided to included whomever this Mi Amore Cadenza was that you were marrying.” Cadence gave a small snigger into her hoof. Twilight smiled but then bit her lip.

“I felt guilty because I realized how I had forgotten to keep in touch with you and became worried you had forgotten me just as easily. I went over so many happy memories that we had together. You teaching me to fly a kite, always splitting the last apple on picnics instead of fighting over it, you encouraging me to practice and improve my magic, and how we would so often sit, watching the changing of the Royal Guard... memories I treasured and still treasure. I didn’t want to give that up unless it was to the right pony.” Twilight turned her attention to Cadence who had been giving her husband a fond look filled with warmth and entrancement that came from no spell she could conjure. Her purple and lavender eyes turned to look at her new sister when she felt the unicorn’s address had moved to her.

“Cadence, I have just as many memories of my childhood with you as my foalsitter as I do with Shining Armor as my brother. We had so much fun together and you really were an unofficial part of our family. No matter how many times I asked you to read me stories from “The Tales of Starswirl the Bearded” or no matter where we were when I would start our little cheer we would do it. Even that one time we were in the throne room and bored out of our minds during the middle of somepony’s being knighted and we were about 10 feet from the throne.” Twilight stopped to look at Princess Celestia who had muffled a snort in her hoof. She took her hoof away from her face and regained composure without losing any warmth in her smile.

“I am sorry about that.” she said with a suppressed laugh, “Thank you for being... gracious with us.” Luna turned to her sister, who was having increasing difficulty suppressing her laughter, and whispered almost accusingly ‘You never told me about that.’

Twilight swallowed, looked back to Cadence and spoke again over the sound of suppressed chuckles from many ponies in the room, “But, in all honesty, you were the closest thing I had to a sister and I was overjoyed when I realized you were the one marrying my brother. But, your attachment to me, while it might have started your attachment to Shining Armor, doesn’t even begin to explain what you and my brother have.” Twilight took a deep breath and addressed the crowd,

“Only a handful of you know this: but while the Changeling Queen, Chrysalis, was here in Cadence’s form, planning to trick my brother into marrying her, Cadence was imprisoned underground. Later, I too was imprisoned when I confronted her during the rehearsal. Throughout the entire time we were down there, trying to find an escape, Cadence mourned for a wedding she was supposed to be at but couldn’t go to. But it wasn’t the wedding she was grieving about missing... it was her marriage that might never happen. All of her thoughts, hopes, desires were set on the stallion sitting next to her now. Her goal was only to be reunited with him. Seeing her passion and love for my brother... let me know that perhaps... perhaps losing Shining Armor to Cadence wouldn’t be so bad after all. Because, she was not only a good mare for him... but the best mare. And because no matter what our future held as siblings... he would have the best foalsitter in all of Equestria as his bride... and to me he would always be my Big Brother Best Friend Forever.” Twilight stopped and all around her saw her pause to control her breathing while she levitated a glass before herself.

“So, to my brother, and my new sister: I hope your futures will be as full and lasting as your love and commitment to each other. To Shining Armor and Cadence.” she finished with a slight lift of her glass before she took a sip.

NOW KISS!” Pinkie Pie squeaked.

Comments ( 58 )

Hehehehehehehehe. Yay.

Lol, Pinkie Pie.

Hey, why is this classified as sad? *sips from a glass of wine*
I couldnt help but smile all the way. Is there no "Happy" Tag? Only comedy, we have to change that!

Slice of Life would fit, too.

Why was this not in the show? This really seems like you snuck into the building found this among the "deleted" scenes and wrote it out for us to read. It is that believable. (Maybe I am over doing it a little, yes.?) :pinkiehappy:

It's cute and quick. Says what it needs to say. I feel that a good portion of the time though, I'm reading about things we already know from the episode it's based on. It makes me want to hear more about the stories Twilight has of her childhood around Cadence and SA.

I'm also going to join in the genre conversation here. Slice-of-life would work better. Twilight speaks with the usual "losing a brother, gaining a sister" bridal tone here, and that's far happier than sad. I wish there were more tags on the site to fit things that try to go outside the box, but until then, this is definitely a slice fic.

Good job.

now how the hay did I know pinky was going to do that with her ADAD + self.

D'aww!! Wonderful! :heart:

PINKIE! yes?:pinkiesmile: why did you ruin a perfectly good speech? Cause it was funny! :facehoof: I can't argue with that...

Anyway, that was very sweet and I agree that it should have been an official part of the show

Wait a minute... A non-Dark TypewriterError story? Madness!

But in all seriousness, this was a nice little story. Well done. :moustache:

And LOL, Pinkie :rainbowlaugh:

I cried. That should tell you how moved I was. :pinkiesad2:

901962 it can happen :raritywink: lol

901632 901647>>901716 I have to agree. I wasn't sure if it was Slice of Life since it wasn't a sort of "Day in the Life" thing but sad was perhaps the closest thing I could find. I think they need a "Family" tag honestly for something like this. I've changed it.

901659 if you were the only one maybe but apparently some others think so too. :derpytongue2:

901629 901860 901962 come on, most of us were thinking that through at least half of the second part! lol :twilightblush:

902307 Why you correcting my grammarz :rainbowwild:

902328e__e You mareclopper.

902343 Why yes, I do clop, thanks for asking.:trollestia:

Eight spots from featuredom, come on!

902362 What the- :facehoof: do you know what that means?

902376 Of course. I wouldn't have said that otherwise. :3

902415 O my sweet Celestia. :rainbowlaugh: I've never meet somepony before that has admitted that out loud. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
O crap. There goes my liver.

902446 Oh*
You're welcome. :]

902459 I'm going to bake you into cupcakes.

*facehoof* you guys are crazy :derpytongue2:

... Needs more crazy Celestia. :trollestia:

902562 maybe during the next royal wedding... besides, it not Jubilee yet :twilightsmile:

902484 I hate to break it to you, but Pinkamena doesn't scare me.
Not many things in this fandom do.
Sweet Apple Massacre wasn't scary, it was just disgusting.
Trixie's funhouse wasn't scary; it made no sense.
Cupcakes made me hungry.
I'm a crazy motherfucker, that's why I love TypewriterError's stories. She implements one of my favorite plot elements: the Mindfuck.

902583 ....ok now you've scared me :rainbowderp:

dawwww:twilightsmile: this should have been in the show. great story:yay:

902624 What? My lack of fear over Grimdarks?
I love reading them, they just don't phase me.:moustache:
At the very most, I just kinda go, "Damn, that's fucking crazy! :O"

902648 wow... I still can't force myself to read through "Cupcakes" :rainbowderp: more power to you I guess. lol

902657 Really, it's not as bad as people say. The worst thing about it is gore.:pinkiecrazy:
Unless you hate that kind of thing.:twilightsheepish:

902675 ...that's it exactly... I barely got through Dante's "Inferno"... and only because I had to for class. :pinkiesick:

902583:ajsmug: I like the way you think. I'm militery bound and part German so I have the god given right to be crazy. As for TypewriterError, it the same here. My brain has always enjoyed a good book fuck. If your looking for good brain fuck muisc however. Liston to Rammstein. yes it's German, but it goes great with TypewriterError's story's. Especially Feuer und Wasser with Status. The story moved my heart. But the music combo almost brought a tear to my eye. But still I'm going to make cupcakes out of somepony. Tonight over Xbox live. :trollestia:

902697 I'll check it out :pinkiesmile: I usually get inspiration from Immediate Music, Brand X music, Groove Addicts, and Two Steps from Hell, or anything like them.

And NO CUPCAKES out of Anypony I know! :derpytongue2:

902688 O_O
The writer of probably some of my favorite stories on this site ever since I joined, both of said stories being great mindfuck ones, is Hemaphobic?

902727 I'm not scared of blood...but picturing flesh tearing or a living body being maimed painfully bothers me.

902743 Wow...
And after all this, I still can't play Amnesia: The Dark Descent or SCP: Containment Breach without flipping my shit. And while I can take maimed bodies and shit, The Human Centipede is probably the most disgusting movie I've ever seen, probably because it's so real. ;_;
But maybe that's because psychological or realistic horror is a thousand times more scary than the basic variety of horror (i.e. Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, etc.)

902719 If your looking for inspiration, I'v got so many songs on this ipad2 for inspiration on my war fic that you can go TO THE MOOOOOOOOONNNNNNN.
As for the cupcakes :pinkiecrazy: No promises. Besides, I said over Xbox live. :rainbowwild:

I am Dissapoint. you know the now kiss part was Spike's line!
He didn't rehearse those lines with the dolls for nothing!

902762 That's the thing. When I see a random body get hurt or bruised I will automatically put my mind and sympathies into that character and, even if they're insignificant, I will create a story of who he or she was in my mind. I think that's why it bothers me so much. :pinkiesad2: I just have an overactive imagination.

902770 But do you think Spike would have had the guts to shout it with Princess Celestia there? He's a gentleman :moustache:

902801 That's pretty deep doe.
I wish I had an overactive imagination.
Then I could climb rocks while sitting in a box!:yay:

902767 hmmm... and fair enough.

902582 Lol

By the way, I've changed my mind. I just can't think of anything to do with that whole "Jubilee" idea for a story. Maybe I lack the inspiration, maybe I just am not as good as you at writing crazy people, but I figured I'd let you know that the idea is up for grabs should you want to use it. XP Go for it, miss.

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