Two awkward ducks walk into a house together. Sunlit snuggles and talks about relationships ensue.

(Takes some inspiration from Study-Cuddling with Sunset Shimmer by CategoricalGrant. Go give him a shout eh?)

Featured on 5/18/20

Chapters (1)

The tundra had enveloped everything. The everlasting winter coated Equestria, and suffocated the land for almost a year.

Their goal was to reunite with the others, but the blinding blizzard made such a feat almost impossible. Once they reach their destination, they come across the entity that caused all of this.

Chapters (1)

The Friendship Games are over, magic in the human world is once again under control (sort of), and Sunset Shimmer is looking forward to a nice, relaxing celebration with all her friends, both old and new.

Too bad she ends up stuck on repeat; living the same night over and over with no idea why and even less idea how to make it stop.

Forced to watch her closest friends live out the same mistakes again and again, Sunset must find a way to break the cycle before she herself breaks down... but is the solution as simple as it first appears, or is the wild Equestrian magic stirring in her soul a sign of something more?

Coverart compiled by my actual waifu (hands off, Sentry!) MelloReflections.

Chapters (7)

Scootaloo has never been the best of fliers, especially when compared to her parents. But then again, neither was her brother, Flash. For most of her life, they've both been unable to meet the expectations their parents- and everypony else- have set for them, but they've always been able to take comfort in knowing they would face their problems together.

Now, however, things have changed. Flash is not only a member of Canterlot's Elite Guard, but he is also engaged to a Princess. He has become everything Scootaloo has only dreamed of, and yet she still can't even fly.

Will their relationship be able to survive? Or will Scootaloo abandon him forever?

Chapters (1)


It is a powerful force. It can burn through the laws of the heart. It can warp the best of minds. It can torture the purest of souls.

In the end... all it needs is just the right spark.

Written for FTP 9. Cover art by YogurtYard.

Trigger warnings: Swords used for warfare, with all associated slicey-dicey. Fish horses popping limbs off non-human monstrosities. Bone-breaking baddies. Lots of creatures going squish and/or exploding. Horrific transformations, the kind that Lovecraft had nightmares about. Oh, and saucy millennium-old teenage girls who occasionally skinnydip.

Chapters (3)

There's a new mare in town, one that's been hanging around with Stella a LOT. What happens when one of Stella's friends starts wondering who she is, and then gets three other friends to wonder who she is too? Well...that would telling wouldn't it?

All Next Gen characters are the creation of Faith-Wolff.
Edit: Coverart Pic created by Faith-Wolff, thank you!
I read all the interactions and this just popped into my head, had to write it.

Chapters (1)

This is the story of a brony, who inserted into Equestria.
But instead of a pony, he became the enemy of Celestia.

Would he decide to do what’s right, to love and tolerate
Or would his evil changeling nature make it hard to integrate

Then there is the question of the duty that is his natural birthright
Tasked by the changeling Queen, he was to murder Princess Twilight

So, here’s my attempt at a SI with a bit of a twist that others have done before. Go to Equestria, end up on the wrong side of the tracks, and have to deal with it. Enjoy!

Art provided by SoukiTsubasa

Chapters (13)

When Flash Sentry takes a break in one of the nap rooms, Tempest Shadow (Fizzlepop Berrytwist) discovers a how much the pegasus truly care about her.

Note: In this story, Flash Sentry is Captain of the Crystal Empire's Guards, succeeding Shining Armor, and Tempest Shadow (or Fizzlepop Berrytwist, as I've decided to use her real name in this story) is his right-hoof mare.

Art by a person on DeviantArt called Renciel.

Chapters (1)

Flash Sentry's world sucks. Maybe it's high time he left it.


Cover Art by amalgamzaku aka mix-up

Chapters (150)

This story is a sequel to Frequency

Vinyl Scratch thought it was a joke. Adhiambo Longstaff thought it was a miracle. Now, two years after fate and an old two-way radio brought them together, all of Equestria will stand with Vinyl to honor the only human they've ever known.

A fan-made addition to 'Frequency', by PaulAsaran, and published here with his permission and gracious support. Extra thanks to Paul for his editing and advice!

Chapters (1)