• Published 18th May 2020
  • 2,866 Views, 35 Comments

Sunny Snuggles - The Bricklayer

Two awkward ducks walk into a house together. Sunlit snuggles and talks about relationships ensue.

  • ...


To say Flash Sentry was a bit nervous was perhaps somewhat of an understatement. Oka,y so yeah, repairing his relationship with Sunset hadn’t been as hard as he’d thought. Helped that Sunset was no longer a she-devil in cowboy boots. Rainbow Dash’s words, not his for the record.

He knocked at her front door, however if not with a hint of anxiety. Oka,y Flash would be honest with himself. Casual talking as friends was one thing, but back to dating? Well, yeah, that was another.

He wasn’t sure if this was some sort of dream, like he’d stepped into the Twilight Zone. Okay, pinching himself now. OW! Okay, so it was real. Well then, now that’d he confirmed that…

Well, yeah, there he was standing around the door like an idiot. Yay him.

“Flash!” Sunset cried, pulling her boyfriend into a hug, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. None too forceful, like the last time they’d tried dating. Those kisses were hot, heavy and no real spark behind them aside from whenever Sunset ‘wanted’ it.

The previous Sunset was not a nice woman, suffice to say.

The new Sunset was another story. Kind, and empathic. “Thanks again Flash for coming out to see me,” she went on, clad in only a t-shirt and shorts. Her favorite combat boots rested by the door. “Been biting my nails trying to figure out some of the specifics of this history test.”

Flash blinked as he strode inside the threshold. “But you’re a certifiable genius!”

“Only when it comes to crap I care about. Math, science, I’m your mare,” Sunset admitted before letting out a small yawn. “But world history? I’m sorry, but it’s not my world’s history. It’s… yeah, I can’t bring myself to care. But well, you know, passing grade and all.”

So, brilliant but lazy to a fault at times. Maybe she was taking lessons from Rainbow Dash?

Flash, admittedly, despite his mistreatment prior to Sunset’s reformation had liked the mare turned human girl. Maybe she hadn’t realized it at the time -or more likely simply denied it- but Flash knew a lonely soul when he saw it. Okay, sure, if he’d brought this up to his friends they’d have probably laughed in his face but Flash had known what he’d saw in her eyes.

A deep bitter crushing form of loneliness. Well, when you were possibly the only of your kind in a brave new world with a… less than stellar relationship with your teacher? It was probably hard to be anything but lonely. Flash had heard some of Sunset’s comments during the whole Memory Stone incident.

“This isn't Canterlot... Where am I? Princess Celestia?! What's happened to me? Somepony... help me!”

While most of the incident -ironically- had been swiftly forgotten about, rumors still persisted about what exactly Sunset had to give up to restore order. Flash had to confirm his suspicions. Dash had threatened Flash not to tell anyone else, and if he did… well, she knew exactly where he lived.

One thing led to another, and bam he and Sunset were dating again. He didn’t honestly expect it to be honest. He’d have thought their relationship would, at best, be confined to old school yearbooks. At most, it'd be relegated to 'a thing that happened'.

Sunset hopped onto her bed and opened up a thick and heavy textbook. Flash looked around nervously, letting out a whisper of: “Are you sure?”

He’d remembered the things done on this bed just two years and a half ago.

“It’s okay,” Sunset said patting the blanket. “I won’t bite. ...not unless you want me to.”

“Sunset!” Flash gaped, as the redhead barreled over laughing.

“I’m sorry, but just the look on your face!” Sunset howled. Managing to catch her breath, she stopped laughing. “Right, right, I’m sorry. That was cruel.”

“...no duh,” Flash sighed. “I still remember the last time we tried this.”

“Yes, well, I was a different woman then,” Sunset nodded with a small sigh. “You can go out and say it, I was a heartless bitch.”

“Well, I wouldn’t put it like that…” Flash said kindly.

“But it’s still an apt description, right?” Sunset replied. Nuzzling into his neck, she whispered a soft little: “I’m sorry. But right, history test to study for. Shouldn’t we get started? Good thing you know everything there is to know, right?”

“Well, I-I wouldn’t say everything,” Flash murmured, still slightly uncomfortable having a girl as pretty as Sunset this close to him. “But, yeah, I guess…”

“Guess nothing,” Sunset said kindly. “You’re at the top of your class, hell you’re outpacing Twilight. Guess nothing, you’re a history nerd. It’s confirmed, and don’t even bother trying to deny it.”

Flash laughed nervously again, clenching his hands and trying oh so desperately to not scream out how awkward he really was. Just take it slow and steady Flash, he told himself. Steady as you go, you know like that song by The Raconteurs. You love that song!

A thick silence permeated the room, and Flash was almost 99% certain he could hear the blood coursing through his veins. Birdsong came from outside, little songbirds twittering out their afternoon music. Music rose up from the streets, faint but still audible. Hip-hop, apparently. Flash looked outside the apartment window to see kids playing basketball on a court, music blasting out their boombox.

Sunset hummed to herself. “Okay, which… okay, wow. Points for interesting trivia questions you could probably pull for a pub quiz. Okay. Which Founding Father had a house which was discovered to have had about one thousand two hundred bone pieces from about ten human skeletons?”

Immediately, the answer leaped to Flash’s throat. Finally, something he could talk about without probably sounding like a complete idiot. “Benjamin Franklin,” he said. “You probably know him as the guy with the kite and the lightning.”

“...yep, that’s him. Pretty sure he was crazy or drunk when he attempted that one,” Sunset murmured, her head still resting on Flash’s shoulder. She nuzzled into his neck some more. “Oooof, not an animal lover, this guy. When Pope Gregory IX rose to power, what domestic animal did he order to exterminate across Europe in the belief that they were used in devil’s worship and witchcraft?”

“Cats,” Flash said without hesitation. “Surprise surprise, guess what happened next. Black Plague, hello!”

“Reap what you sow, right?” Sunset chuckled darkly going to the next question, her already tired eyes just barely following the words on the page. Flash supposed he couldn’t entirely blame her, it had been a fairly long day.

“The shortest war in human civilization history was between England and Zanzibar. How many hours did it…” she started before letting out another yawn. “I’m sorry, Flash, it’s just that…”

“This isn’t your world’s history, I know,” Flash repeated, Sunset looking a little guilty.

“...sorry, was I being offensive?” she asked.

“No, it’s fine,” Flash replied. “You’re a pony, or you were one anyways. It’s not like you’re expected to care for our world’s history. You just need to know that little bit that you need to get by.”

“Mhmm, I know, it’s just…” Sunset mumbled. “I want to pass this test, I really do. I like to study. It’s just, god it’s so boring!”

“Pretty sure that’s what everyone’s always said about studying,” Flash smiled.

“Unless you’re Twilight.” Sunset joked and Flash laughed.

“Unless you’re Twilight,” Flash repeated. Sunset laughed a little before that laugh turned into a yawn.

“Oh okay. Just screw it,” Sunset mumbled, shoving the textbook onto the floor with a heavy thud. She gently shoved Flash onto the sheets, snuggling into him. Her casual wear offered her a good amount of flexibility as she clambered up onto Flash’s -admittedly muscled- chest. “Yeah, no real work getting done tonight. You’re much more comfortable…”

“I could recommend Sabaton if you wanted actual history, some that won’t put you half to sleep,” Flash said, face flushed red with Sunset this close to him. It… it was an odd feeling, just cuddling up like this. Nothing more, nothing less. “...unless ponies aren’t into military history.”

“Hey, music’s music,” Sunset murmured, running a hand through Flash’s hair. “Plus, I’m not so sure I’m a pony anymore anyways. I think I’m more human than equine now.”

“And yet you still don’t care about our world’s history…” Flash teased even as Sunset snuggled into the crook of his neck. Placing a gentle kiss to it, Sunset snuggled into it some more. She looked so completely peaceful and content. You’d never be able to guess at the fire and the passion that lurked beneath those sea-green eyes.

Flash was trying desperately not to be aroused by the breasts pressing into his own chest. Sunset, perhaps sensing this and wanting to save Flash some embarrassment wiggled onto her back. Allowing Flash’s hands to wrap around her tummy, Sunset let out a soft hum.

“This… This is nice,” she admitted. “I don’t know why we never did this sooner.”

“Because you’ve got too much stress?” Flash suggested, his hands moving up and beginning to rub her shoulders. Sunset almost left out a soft moan before she caught herself.

“...what do you mean I’ve got too much stress?” Sunset nearly demanded, but Flash stayed calm.

“Well, you pour yourself into your schoolwork -most of it anyways-, you’ve got band practice with the Rainbooms, and then there’s your after-school job at that sushi joint down on Seventh and Main. It’s a wonder you have any time for yourself at all!”

Sunset laughed nervously. “Y-Yeah, I guess I am a bit of a workaholic. But idle hands are Tirek’s tools and all. I need to keep busy. Like I physically need to. I guess you’d call it a remnant of my time as Celestia’s personal protege? I was always pushing myself to be the best, to prove myself worthy and old habits die hard I guess.”

Yeah, this explained a fair bit, Flash would have to say.

“But you’re not Celestia’s personal student any more are you?” Flash said.

“True,” Sunset admitted rolling onto her side, Flash following and kissing her neck. Sunset let out a soft moan. “...you really know how to spoil a girl, you know that right?”

“Well, you were -emphasis on were- a very demanding girlfriend at one point,” Flash said before he wanted to smack himself in the face for reminding Sunset of her old self. “...sorry. Didn’t mean to go on a guilt trip there.”

“No no, we’re both grown adults, I think we can talk about this type of stuff,” Sunset said. “I’ve grown to accept the horrible person I once was. No need to tiptoe around it with me. I was a very conditional type of girlfriend wasn’t I?”

“Yeah, I suppose you were,” Flash admitted. “It was always do this for me and you get this. Right?”

“Sex for homework done,” Sunset admitted.

“Sex for cooking you food,” Flash went on.

“Sex for...well, basically doing me anything nice. God, I was such a little priss wasn’t I?” Sunset said in disgust. “Our whole relationship was all so conditional.”

“But I still wanted to be with you,” Flash said as he kept on rubbing her shoulders. Sunset let out another little moan, feeling all of the tension just beginning to melt away.

“Because I was pretty?” Sunset said in a deadpan drawl. “Pretty girl, teenage boy? It’s not exactly a great leap in logic is it?”

“No, because I could tell how lonely you were,” Flash said and Sunset felt her breath catch in her throat. “It was all in the eyes, actually. You were so lonely, don’t know why anyone else didn’t notice but you looked like you needed a friend and a hug.”

“...I really should have appreciated you more,” Sunset mumbled twisting around once again so she could hug Flash, before snuggling into his chest. Flash, not for the first time noticed how… nice she smelled. Like flowers and old worn-out leather jackets and… it was such a unique smell, and cliche as it sounded, it was so Sunset.

“Yes, well, what’s done is done, isn’t it?” Flash said, interlacing his fingers with his girlfriend’s. “If we keep on nursing the past, it’ll be all we do think about. Move forwards, right?”

Sunset liked to put up the tough girl act, Flash knew this. But here and now, just with him, she was letting some of her guard down. Letting some of her vulnerabilities show. Flash wasn’t sure if he liked that or not.

“Yeah, move forwards,” Sunset said snuggling into his chest once again. “That’s all we can do.”

The evening sunlight began to filter in through the blinds. The textbook still lay forgotten on the hardwood floor. It would probably stay like that until tomorrow morning. “...oh, thank god today’s a Friday. Not sure I could take another 7 hours of school tomorrow. My whole body just wants to crash.”

“We could stay here for a while,” Flash suggested. “W-While I’m not suggesting I stay the night, -not sure I’m ready to go there again just yet- I could stay with you for a few more hours.”

“I’d like that,” Sunset said, her voice barely higher than a whisper. She was content to just sit here, and laze the rest of the afternoon away. “And yeah, I’m not sure I’m ready to go there again either. At least not this soon. I want to do this right, take things slow and steady.”

“What’s it like, back in Equestria I mean?” Flash had to ask. “I’ve always been meaning to get around to ask. Is it any different from here, aside from the ponies and the griffons and the other magical creatures?”

“It’s not much different at all, actually,” Sunset admitted with a smile. “Ponies go on about their daily lives. Wake up, go to school, or to work, then come back home to be with their loved ones. Hopefully, grow old and die together. Yeah, there’s magic in the air but it just… is. It’s like something you grow up with and you never think about it all that much.”

“Have you ever thought of going back?” Flash said, interlacing his legs with his girlfriend’s own.

“At times, yeah. I did once, back when I needed Celestia’s help for the whole memory stone thing. But it was a quick visit, I never really got the time to really appreciate it all that much. Everything was so hectic, I just wanted to find a solution to my problems and then leave,” Sunset admitted. “Nothing more, nothing less.”

“Did you ever reconcile with her, Princess Celestia I mean? Not Principal Celestia, but Princess Celestia?” Flash had to ask. “I… I want to know.”

“I did, yeah,” Sunset said. “Princess Celestia, bless her, never held any ill will towards yours truly. ...It’s like it never happened. Then again, she’s probably had 1000 years worth of wayward students. I doubt I’m even the first. She’s like a mother to me, you know? To all of us.”

“Well, she is the Princess of the Sun. If she was anything but warm and nurturing, I’d be concerned,” Flash said and Sunset let out a giggle as she hit him with the pillow.

“So you’re saying she could have a dark side?” Sunset said. “Nope, I don’t believe it. Princess Luna, yeah. Princess Twilight? Definitely, given how much of an anxiety-ridden mess she is. Hell, Princess Cadence probably has one. Love and Lust are two sides of the same coin. But Princess Celestia? Never. Admittedly, I may be biased in this respect so…”

“Hero worship at play?” Flash asked.

“Yeah, that’s probably it,” Sunset said. “...you should meet her sometime, you know?”

“But I thought I had met her. I go to her school every week!” Flash joked, and again Sunset hit him with her pillow.

“Not her, you goof. I mean my Celestia!” Sunset snorted. “Plus, it’s only right as the boyfriend you get to meet my mom.”

“Yeah, fair,” Flash admitted, his fingers still interlaced with Sunset’s. “Hey, you think I have a counterpart over there? I mean, Twilight has one, Rainbow has one. Principal Celestia has one! I mean…”

“Yeah, I think you do,” Sunset said. “Princess Twilight’s told me about him several times in… admittedly, fangirlish letters. Think he’s a Royal Guard. Yeah, this suddenly just got a mite awkward didn’t it? Hearing your counterpart got lucky with Princess Twilight while…”

“Eh, it’s not so bad,” Flash said before capturing Sunset’s lips in a kiss. “I got you, didn’t I? Let Pony Flash have his Twilight. I think you’re even better.”

“You sure?” Sunset said, her voice sounding somewhat insecure again. Not that Flash could entirely blame her, he supposed. Having to talk about Flash’s second love probably wasn’t all that comfortable for her. “I mean, for a good long while you were crushing on the Princess. I can see why, she’s got plenty to offer that I… don’t. It’d be a romance right out of a novel! She’d like that, probably.”

“Okay, yeah, I admit I did crush on her for a while. Man enough to admit that,” Flash said with a little shrug before kissing Sunset’s forehead. “But let’s be honest, Princess Twilight was always out of my league for so many reasons. Long-distance relationships almost never work out, and that’d be a hell of a long-distance relationship.”

“Nothing more romantic like a love breaching the boundaries of worlds…” Sunset teased and Flash snorted.

“You’re horrible, you know that right?” Flash chuckled.

“Oh, I dabble in horribleness,” Sunset admitted with a small little smile, wrapping her hands around him and snuggling into his chest again. She let out a small girlish giggle as Flash kissed the top of her head. “A girl’s got to have her hobbies, right? Old habits do die hard after all!”

“Yes, but you’re my kind of horrible. I love you Sunset Shimmer,” Flash said and he knew he meant it. Sunset knew as well.

“I love you too, Flash Sentry.”

Author's Note:

Okay, yeah, this is a bit of an unusual one for me for varying reasons. One, this is my first time writing a het ship with Sunset. A human Sunset anyways. Feel free to say 'ewwwwwww'.

Het, I know! Everything's usually gay as fuck with me. But why not branch out? I've been doing unusual pairings or at least uncommon ones for a fair bit now. I've made it into a bit of a theme, really.

Normally, I do write Sunset as confident with a hell of a lot of snark. Having her let down her guard a bit, well that was a new approach for me. Also in new approaches, well this was the first time I've actually written Flash Sentry. And it probably shows. He's got some character, but really a lot is still left up to the viewer's guess. Oh well, it could be worse. Could be, ugh, Timber Spruce.

Leave your thoughts and comments below eh? I feed on them.

Comments ( 27 )

I don't usually involve myself with romance fics or EQG, but this was pretty good.

This was a lot of fun! :pinkiehappy: I really enjoy Flash/Sunset as a ship and I was really surprised (and delighted) to see what you'd do with them. And this was honestly pretty well-done. I quite liked the way you handled the idea of what made Flash stay with Sunset back in the past (and the mention of the Memory Stone incident was a very inspired touch), and how their relationship is in the present.

I think you did a pretty good job with Flash as a character here. Admittedly, he's pretty basic, but then again it can work towards writing him - he's just a nice, caring guy, and as long as you consider that you're pretty good to go I reckon.

One thing, you do have some typos at the beginning - namely, typing "Okay" with a comma thrown in at the wrong place.

Yeah, trying to aim for sappy and sweet as of late. Apparently I've been told it's my 'niche'.

As SilverQuill says... CONTINUITY! But yeah, I was in a bit of a rush to do this story. May not have done the proper grammar checks. *laughs nervously* I am shame.

That is delightfully wholesome.

Is a nice and is enjoy!

I always love this ship.

Congrats on the feature!

This was wholesome, full of fluff and looked like a healthy relationship. Dialog sound natural and at no place I found something for criticism. A lovely little piece and I kind of hope we will more of this ship from you. Good job.

Hey now. Nothing wrong with a cute fluff story between a boy and a girl. Plus its cannon that Sunset is bi, and speaking as a bi person, when we settle into a longterm loving relationship, we do pick the gender connected to the person we fell for. Doesn't mean we stop being bi XP

That was sweet and believable.

Most of it, I'd like to think. Some of the lines -'my kind of horrible'- weren't my best I think. They didn't come off as 'natural.'

Oh, I know. It's just, more often than not I don't do het stories and couldn't resist making fun of myself. ...granted, this is largely because there's very large female to male cast member ratio so it's not exactly as if I'm spoiled for choice.

It was still really good. I'm always down for some FlashShimmer fluff. They really are adorable.

Good! You're fulfilling my quota for more Flashimmer stories! Short, fluffy, realistic, and enjoyable! Have all my likes!

This was more of an experiment actually, just to see if I could pull it off. Some of my usual passion wasn't there I admit, but do you know how hard writing 3,000 words of just cuddling is? It's... actually a fair bit more difficult than you'd think.

Oh don't worry, I'm more than aware of how hard writing 3k words of just cuddling is. I pretty much physically can't even write a story if it doesn't have a physical plot. A short section of a chapter dedicated to cuddling sure, but something that is just pure slice of life and nothing else? Heavens forbid!

Still, that makes what you wrote here all the more enjoyable for it. You did a good job, I enjoyed reading it, and you captured what I love about these two reconnecting and giving dating another try. Absolutely not enough of that in this fandom, so I just wanted to send my approvals!

This felt real. Not just "Flash harem." But a real reconnection.

Ugh, god no. Let's not bring up the word 'harem'. Fantasy wish fulfillment.


Yeah. It is not only unrealistic, I think it does promote a very misjudged view of romance.

Yeah, it does. Aside from the obvious question of how to care for every woman -or man- and not have them feel jealous over one of the others, it does sorta objectify them a bit. Like they're prizes to be won.


You touch on another point: harem stories more or less trivialize the notion of free love itself.

I genuinely believe in free love. That is to say, I believe that confining yourself to one person n your life just isn't natural. But in a real free love situation, you have more responsibility, and you still have to be respectful of others. Free love does NOT mean "treating people like a sex toy."

Yes, thank you! Exactly this. It's exactly this.

This deserves a follow up fic or two! Very well done

All aboard!!! The S.S IShipIt! We got a swimming pool, an all-you-can-eat buffet, bands, submarines, and even...A THEATRE ROOM! So come on down and have some fun!

They did, it's even explicitly stated in story.

Comment posted by knightcommander deleted Dec 2nd, 2020
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