Princess Twilight intentionally goes to another world to meet one of her alternates!
...It doesn’t go well…
Inspired by a small skit written by Frission. Thanks for permission to expand this!
Thank you so much for editing Adren!

Chapters (1)

When Rarity's boutique is invaded by a cockroach, she must muster all of her courage and wits to do battle with the horrid beast. A series of epic battles will leave only one of them alive. Can Rarity survive the horrible ordeal?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Verbs Article Nouns

Having defeated the scourge of news stories about her banal personal life, Twilight must now face a far greater and more embarrassing threat:

News stories speculating about her nonexistent love life.

She's beginning to get a little annoyed.

Not a one shot anymore, because reasons.

Chapters (2)

This is a realistic view on how shipping would actually happen in the show. Almost every pony has been shipped with everypony else, but this is what would actually happen if two ponies ever attempted at a relationship.


No offense to any shippers, even though you shouldn't take any. If anypony would like to see any other shippings done on this fic, just leave a comment. Maybe I'll write it if I feel like it.

Chapters (12)

"How could somepony as amazing as you not have a Special Somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day?"

With that single sentence, a thousand memories came flooding back to Cheerilee. A thousand memories of a thousand terrible dates...

Chapters (59)

This is the story of a mare named Pinkie Pie.

At least, it would be, if she would allow such a story to be told. But she may end up disregarding the narrative... or worse.

Originally featured on 8/28/15!
Goodreads entry~

Chapters (5)

The coordination is over, and Twilight is now Equestria's sole ruler.

Too bad Celestia didn't mention a few minor problems that come with ruling Equestria, such as where the royal closet is located, certain laws that are incredibly stupid but must never be rescinded, and the curse that comes with the title of Ruler of Equestria.

Yeah... that last one's going to come back and bite someone.

Chapters (1)

The Bearers have encountered more than a few mysterious hidden villages, and that just never works out. But when they come across one whose residents believe that ponies must have their bodies covered at all times, Rarity starts to wonder if she's finally found her ideal audience.

For the answer, please see 'just never works out.'

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Not to be confused with the superior and wholly unrelated My Roommate Is a Vampire by Dennis the Menace (which you should go read instead of this if you haven't already!)

Short, silly Octascratch wherein Vinyl Scratch comes home to Octavia in an awesome vampire cape. Has Vinyl become a terrifying creature of dark passions? Will Octavia be amused? (Spoilers: no.) Is there a twist where it's not Vinyl who's the vampire but Octavia instead? (Spoiler: also no.) Or perhaps Vinyl has simply been reading way too many vampire novels recently? (Spoiler: it's that one!)

Cover image from the talented namelesshero2222.

Now with a Youtube reading by the delightful ObabScribbler!

Chapters (2)

Apple Bloom has a sister, Sweetie Belle has a sister, and heck, even Scootaloo got one recently. So why should Diamond Tiara be the filly without one? In fact, hers should be ten times better than all of theirs combined! And with her father being the richest stallion in Ponyville, she should have no trouble getting one!

... That is if he wasn't such a stingy, mean father. Thankfully Diamond Tiara's a smart filly and knows how to get what she wants.

Chapters (2)