
Twilight Sparkle. Magical prodigy. Personal student of Princess Celestia. Bearer of the Element of Magic. Princess of Friendship. Hers is easily one of the greatest destinies in Equestria.

Yes. Definitely. All predetermined. It certainly had nothing to do with any incidents she had early in her personal lessons from Celestia, nor any potent magic the Princess of the Sun kept hidden in plain sight. That would be ridiculous.

An entry in MrNumbers's Prompts and Positivity challenge.

Rated Teen for Lunar language and explicit alcohol consumption.

Chapters (1)

After coming to live in Ponyville and discovering the joy of having friends, Twilight found a new appreciation for Hearth's Warming and its story about companionship keeping the cold at bay. It would come as a surprise to her to learn that anypony could think she's forgotten the spirit of Hearth's Warming, but the new Princess of Friendship has a habit of sometimes missing details, even when they're right under her snout.

On Hearth's Warming Eve, Twilight is visited by three ghosts who take her on a journey across time to show her what she's almost missed.

My entry in the TwiJack group's Hearth's Warming Contest.

Editing by Formerly Committed.

Chapters (5)

Starswirl the Bearded is not used to dealing with fans, not surprising since he never had one before. But when a certain purple unicorn of the distant future discovers time traveling, Starswirl soon finds his comfortable days coming to an abrupt end.

Featured 7th Jul 2014! So much glory... what do I do with it all?
Chapter 1 of the sequel is out.

Chapters (14)

Shining Armor wants to know what his parents mean when they talk about his grandfather's "legacy". To do so, he ventures into the nearly untouched attic of his house.

Will he find the answer to his question?

This story was inspired by the cover image and the short blurb below it, which was done by johnjoseco over at DeviantArt: http://johnjoseco.deviantart.com/

You may not ever see this, but thank you, johnjoseco, for making such a great image that inspired this story. You deserve far more credit than I do.

Chapters (1)

Twilight awakens alone in a strange and forbidding labyrinth of abandoned halls and forlorn chambers with no memories of how she came to be there. All she has to go on in the dark are a few scattered memories, her intuition, and her Princess's vague warning.

Watch for Luna.

Chapters (1)

Things are hard in Ponyville for Fluttershy and Discord; mainly because of Discord. But when magic starts to go on the fritz and eventually starts failing altogether, it's up to the main six and the Draconequus to find out what's causing it and, more importantly, how to fix it.

This would be a lot easier if anypony trusted the King of Chaos to begin with, but with bigger problems on the horizon, some things will have to wait to be dealt with. Like trust. Or loyalty. Or friendship.

Of course, sometimes what we think isn't important to deal with right now, is exactly what's needed to prevent things from getting far, far worse.

Chapters (30)

Based on the lazy Hasbro recolour of Twilight Sparkle. One dark and stormy night, Twilight Sparkle is visited by a strange pony. But this pony knows a lot about Twilight Sparkle; in fact, she might just be Twilight's number one fan. And that couldn't be a bad thing, right?

Chapters (5)

Time, as it turns out, is indeed finite. There is a certain point where, against all logic, everything ends. Of course, that's not something most will witness.

Twilight however, has been waiting a very long time to see it, and maybe something more.

Chapters (1)

After an argument with Twilight, Luna is out of sorts. Smasher, a clumsy colt with a penchant for breaking valuables, isn’t having the best day either.


Chapters (1)