• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 3,227 Views, 20 Comments

A Captain's Legacy - gmen15

Shining Armor goes into the attic to see what's inside.

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A Captain's Legacy

A Captain's Legacy

Shining Armor stared up at the oak door that towered above him. It was a normal door, no different than any other one might find inside a house. But given the contents stowed away behind it, this door radiated an aura of significance, and Shining couldn't help but feel dwarfed by its shadow.

The old grandfather clock down the hall let out twelve loud chimes, signaling that it was noon. The high sun's rays shone through a nearby window and across Shining's stationary white frame, warming his soft coat while he kept his blue eyes locked on the door.

His parents had always told him that the attic held an eclectic assortment of things, from old music records to musty books that had been gathering dust since his grandparents had lived in the house a whole decade before.

Shining recalled his grandfather, the now-deceased stallion with the amputated hoof and a pair of wild, yet kind, eyes. He also remembered his grandmother, who was still alive. She was a sweet mare, always providing a fresh batch of cookies for Shining Armor and Twilight when they stopped by to visit. The two siblings would then both show their appreciation by devouring every last crumb. The sight of their chocolate-covered faces would always send the elderly mare into a fit of laughter.

Shining loved both of his grandparents unconditionally, but it was his grandfather who, even in death, continued to fascinate him. For a long time, the blue-eyed colt had harbored a growing feeling that there was more to the deceased stallion than his parents were willing to tell him. The old pony had passed away two summers before- Shining’s parents said his heart gave out from a ‘stress-filled past’. Now, the white colt was determined to clear the mysterious air that surrounded the memories he had of the proud, gentle unicorn.

It was for that reason the young colt stood before the door, ready to climb the stairs to the ancient attic: There was something about his grandfather up there. Several times he had overheard his parents refer to it as his grandfather’s ‘legacy.’ The ambiguous references both confused and fascinated him. He made it his goal to discover what they meant.

He had considered simply asking his parents for clarification, but his gut instinct told him they'd just stay silent or change the subject. They were always so adamant about keeping whatever secrets were behind the door, concealed from the curious eyes of the colt. They would often tell him that, ‘Some things are best left alone.’ They often said how, sometimes, things were best left alone. They wanted to respect his grandfather's memory.

One time at breakfast, he dared to ask his parents why they kept the contents of the attic a secret. Shining’s father, Night Light, peered over the newspaper that he was reading to meet his wife’s worried eyes. Shining's mother, Twilight Velvet, met her husbands’. They stared for a few seconds, both with concern written on their faces. Finally, Twilight Velvet turned back to her son.

"Well," She began, pausing to ponder what she should tell the colt, “there are certain things in his past that your grandfather wouldn't want us to reveal to anypony."

"But I'm his grandson." Shining complained. "I have a right to know what's up there. Was he a bad guy or something?"

Shining's mother shook her head. "No, of course he wasn't! Your grandfather was a very respected pony."

"He just preferred that his past life be kept private." Night Light said. "I think we can all respect that, right Shining?"

"Why can't I know?" The young colt asked.

"In time you will." Night Light said, turning his attention back to the paper. "Patience is a virtue, son. That's something you must learn."

"But..." Shining started.

"No buts." Twilight Velvet said, cutting off her son. "This conversation is over. Now hurry up and eat before your breakfast gets cold."

Shining Armor let out a sigh before he sat back into his chair and started to eat. Both of his parents were already talking about something else, as if the pestering by the colt never happened. It was like they had moved on and expected Shining to do the same.

But he didn't move on; if anything, he became even more inquisitive about the contents of the attic. For the curiosity of a young pony is a powerful force, and Shining desperately wanted to find out what was behind the door. He was determined to get answers, and if that meant he had to sneak into the attic then that's exactly what he'd do.

Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Shining raised his hoof to the brass knob and slowly turned it. The door creaked as it opened, revealing a dark wooden staircase that, to put it mildly, needed some T.L.C. It looked incredibly fragile, like each step had the potential to collapse under Shining's weight. The wood was cracked, cobwebs clogged the tiny corners of each individual step. The space was narrow and dark, causing Shining to worry about tripping over something that he couldn't see. He'd heard many stories of ponies falling down a flight of stairs and breaking their clavicle, getting a concussion or worse.

Shining swallowed, knowing that this climb would be one he'd have to make with extreme caution. He turned and took a quick look back. Seeing that nopony was around, he let out a sigh. He knew that his parents would scold him if they discovered that he went into the attic without their permission. But that would mostly be because of the dangers that lurked up there, namely rats and rusted nails that stuck out in the most unpredictable places- from the splintered floor to the moldy walls, to even the railing of the stairs.

Shining's mother and father were both downstairs in the living room, and Twilight was tucked into her bed, taking advantage of the lazy day with a relaxing afternoon nap.

Once certain that the coast was clear, Shining cautiously began his climb up the stairs. He slowly raised his hoof and brought it down onto the first step.

He immediately heard a loud creak, like he stepped onto a mouse. He cringed, worried that somepony might have heard the sound. He whipped his head back to check behind him, only to see an empty hallway- not a soul in sight. For the time being, he was still unnoticed.

He sighed and slowly continued his ascent to the attic. Each step he took was more cautious than the last. The stairs kept emitting tiny squeaking noises as he ascended. He kept his eyes down, watching out for any of the dreaded nails or rodents his parents warned him about. The air got progressively mustier as he climbed. It was clear that the attic hadn't been entered in at least two years.

Finally, he reached the final step and stopped, lifting his head to scan his surroundings. The attic wasn't anywhere near as dark as the staircase leading up to it was. A modest window allowed ample sunlight to enter the space, giving it a more welcoming atmosphere. There were boxes stacked up to the ceiling, and shelves of books pressed against the wall.

Amazingly, it wasn't too cramped. While the stored items made it difficult for the colt to navigate laissez faire, there was more than enough space for him to walk from one end of the attic to the other without having to step over anything large.

He continued to take in the entire area when a bright glimmer caught his eye.

Shining turned towards the source. Right in front of the window, under a tunnel of light, was a pile of gold-plated military gear. There was a breastplate, four gold shoes, and a very large helmet that had a blue-haired crest at the top, and a hole in the front for a unicorn's horn.

Shining recognized it as armor worn by members of the Royal Guard. His wide eyes started at the top of the pile of gold equipment and moved down until they landed on something that, at first glance, didn't seem to belong. It was blue and made of felt, a golden star hanging off it. Shining took a few steps towards the mysterious item. He briefly studied it before realizing what the object was.

A medal.

But this wasn't any ordinary medal- this was the Equestrian Medal of Honor and Service, something only a select few brave ponies ever had the privilege of receiving.

Shining gawked at the symbol of honor, as well as the gold-plated armor, wondering why so many military artifacts were in the attic. Had his parents bought them? Were they family artifacts, passed down from generation to generation before finding permanent residence in the attic?

He took another step towards the medal and leaned forward, his nostrils so close that a single breath caused the dust that covered the medal to fill the air. Some of the dust made its way into Shining's nose. He started to feel the familiar tickle of a sneeze coming on, so he tilted his head back, trying to hold it in, to keep himself from making such a noise where he might give away his location to his parents.

"Ah....." Shining tried his best to hold back, trying to suppress the sneeze, but it was inevitable. "Bwaaaa...choooo!"

The only thing that saved the artifacts from his tactical snot-missiles was Shining's front leg, which he used to cover his nose. Sighing, he wiped his nose with the back of his hoof.

"Celestia bless you!"

"Thanks." Shining said, pausing when realization struck. "Wait a second..."

He turned around to see an excitable Twilight standing behind him. She had a huge grin on her face. Her eyes were full of playfulness that was typical of a filly her age. Shining had been caught red-hoofed by his little sister.

"Oh..." Shining said.

"Haha." Twilight laughed. "You sneeze so funny! You were like...ahhh...chooo!"

Twilight fell back to exaggerate her brother's sneeze, laughing once she hit the wooden floor. Shining should have been scared, he should have worried that his little sister would eventually run downstairs and tattle on him. But Twilight wasn't like that, and even if she was, Shining couldn't possibly worry when her cute little face was around. She was like a tiny bundle of energy with the best intentions, even if they didn't always result in the best outcomes.

He could never get mad at her. Once her giggle-fit ceased, Twilight stood back up and looked up at her brother with wide eyes, full of the innocence of filly-hood.

"So Shining, what are you doing up here?" Twilight asked.

"I could ask you the same thing, Twily." Shining said, chuckling. His little sister pushed past him and made her way towards the armor.

"Wow, what's all this stuff?" she asked, slowly extending a hoof out towards the golden helmet that lay on the floor.

"That's what I'm hoping to find out." Shining Armor said, turning his attention back to the medal that lay on the floor.

Twilight's little hoof touched the helmet's surface.

"Ooohh. It's cold." She said, shuddering.

She turned to see Shining leaning towards the medal, his eyes focused on what was written on the golden part. Grinning, Twilight went over by his side and leaned forward, squinting at the medal.

"What exactly are we looking at?" She asked.

"I’m trying to make out what’s written on this medal." Shining said.

"Oh! Cool!" Twilight said excitedly. It was the same excitement she displayed whenever she learned something new. She started to bounce up and down. “Read it! Read it!”

“Okay sis, chill out.” Shining said with a laugh. “I can’t read what’s on it if you’re jumping around like a monkey.”

Twilight immediately calmed down, moving her hoof across her lips like she was ‘zipping’ them shut. Shining nodded and leaned towards the medal, eyes scanning the words engraved into it.
But, like most ponies her age, Twilight could not remain calm for long. Eventually, she started fidgeting, her impatience growing as she waited for her brother to say something.

"Well? Come on! What does it say?" The little filly asked.

Shining licked his lips and began, "It says...'To a Pony of Great Honor and Integrity: Captain..." Shining paused as he read the name, eyes wide.

"...Silver Blade."

Twilight perked up. "Hey! Isn't that our grandfather?" She asked.

"Yeah it...it is." Shining said, nodding. He picked up the medal and held it in his hoof. His eyes were wide and his face was in shock as he continued to look down at the glorious award. "I never knew he was a Medal of Honor recipient...or a captain for that matter."

Twilight looked back over at the giant helmet. Grinning, she pointed to it and turned back to her brother.

"Hey Shining! Can you put this helmet on?” The filly asked. “I want to see what it looks like on you."

Shining looked up at his sister, then down at the helmet. He didn't need to try it on to know it was much too large for his head. Plus, it was his grandfather's stuff. Surely putting the helmet onto his head when he didn't do anything to earn it would be disrespectful to his grandfather's memory.

He now understood why his parents didn't want them up there.

"I don't think so, Twily." Shining said.

"Oh come on, please?" Twilight begged.

Shining was about to protest further, but when he looked into his little sister's puppy-dog eyes, he couldn't help himself.

"Fine." Shining said, conceding defeat to his little sister. He slowly walked over and placed both hooves onto the helmet, lifting it up to eye level. Immediately realizing it was much heavier than he originally thought, he began to stagger around. Twilight watched him, calling out the occasional 'be careful,' which really served no purpose other than to make Shining roll his eyes.

Finally, the colt stabilized himself, his hooves firmly pressed against the sides of the large helmet, easily a couple of sizes too big for his head. Slowly, he lifted it up, feeling its weight against his hooves. With even more caution, he brought the helmet down so his horn stuck out of the small hole. Once he felt the metallic interior of the helmet press down against the top of his head, he released his hooves from the sides.

Shining looked behind his sister and at his reflection in an old mirror, propped up against a stack of boxes. The helmet was huge on his head, reminding him that this helmet was not his, yet it was real. It was his grandfather's guard helmet, something he wore to protect his life during combat- something so brave and honorable- and the young colt was using it to play dress-up.

Twilight looked up at her brother and giggled.

"You look silly!" She exclaimed.

Shining knew he looked silly, downright stupid even. But being the big brother, he wasn't about to let his sister win that easily.

"Really? I think it makes me look pretty dignified." Shining said, giving his sister a salute, "Captain Shining Armor, reporting for duty!"

"Oh! You're right; it does look good on you!" Twilight said with a gasp.

Shining chuckled, lowering his hoof back to the ground and shaking his head.

"No you were right, it looks stupid." He said, reaching up to take the helmet off. But Twilight quickly stuck her hoof out to stop him.

"No!" Twilight exclaimed. "Shining, you look like an actual member of the Guard!"

Looking into his little sister's eyes, he could tell she was being sincere.

"Y-you...you think so?" The colt asked, slowly bringing his hooves back to the ground.

Twilight nodded. "Yeah, in fact I think you could pass as a Captain in that helmet!" She said.

Shining Armor chuckled, rubbing the back of his helmet with his hoof, "Thanks Twily." He said shyly.

Twilight nodded at her brother, but then something else caught her attention. Something was shining behind the golden breastplate.

"Twilight, what are you looking at?" Shining asked.

But Twilight didn't respond. She simply trotted over, grabbed the object and dragged it into the open. It was a plaque, roughly the size of a piece of paper. The outline was oak; the center was solid gold with a long engraving carved into it.

"What is this?" Twilight asked.

"Not sure, let me read it." Shining took a step towards the plaque, only to have Twilight jump in his way.

"Um, actually could I read it please?” Twilight asked with enthusiasm, before she looked sheepishly down at her hooves. “Mom wants me to practice reading out loud."

Shining raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you already good at that?"

"Yeah, but she wants to see how far I can go. I really impressed her with my reading ability, and if I keep working on it she thinks I could be a good orator!" Twilight said with pure excitement.

"Orator?" Shining asked with a chuckle. "Wow, your vocabulary is impressive."

"So can I please read it, huh? Can I?" Twilight begged.

"Of course." Shining said with a smile.

Overcome with excitement, Twilight threw her hooves around her brother in a tight hug before turning to the plaque. She trotted up close to it, cleared her throat and began to read.

"To Captain Silver Blade, honorable leader of the Equestrian Royal Guard. We give you this plaque and Medal of Honor in honor of your amazing service. Saving thirteen of your men from certain death, and leading countless others, even with the loss of your limb, you have proven to be a prime example of our forces. For this we thank you, and present to you the Equestrian Medal of Honor."

"So that's why grandpa was missing his left hoof." Shining muttered, remembering his grandfather's nub of a leg, how he always said bad ponies took it from him when he fought to protect others. How he wasn't able to make the military connection, he wasn't sure. It should have been blatantly clear. "I can't believe he did all of this. Why wouldn't mom and dad tell us?"

Twilight shrugged, "I don't know, maybe they didn't want us to know about the violent way he lost his hoof?"

Shining sighed, "They treat us like we're foals. It's not like we don't know what war is; besides he was clearly a hero. What's the point in covering that up?"

Twilight looked up towards the ceiling, deep in thought with possible explanations.

"Maybe they just wanted his memory to rest in peace with him." Twilight said, trotting over to the golden shield that rested against equally golden back-armor, and looked at her reflection staring back at her, "he didn't need anypony to do bragging for him. Maybe the lives he saved were all the reward he needed. Or maybe all of this brought back painful memories he wanted to forget."

Shining stared at his sister like she discovered the meaning of life. "Where do you come up with this stuff?"

Twilight turned to her brother and grinned. "I read a lot." She said.

"You sound more mature than most ponies I go to school with." Shining said with a sigh.

The white colt then walked over to his sister's side and looked at his reflection in the shield, the helmet still on, his little sister by his side as he towered over her. He looked powerful, like a protector- strong, willing and able. Twilight wasn't kidding when she said he looked like a captain.

His reflection didn't get past his little sister either, who looked up at her brother and grinned.

"I bet you'd be the best Royal Guard Captain in Equestrian history!" She said.

"Yeah..." He said, trailing off as he continued to stare at his reflection. He imagined a large group of ponies behind him, following him into battle. He could see spears flying, swords slashing, ponies wrestling on the muddy ground. He would bravely stand at the front of the line ready for battle, giving his troops a motivational speech, a focus on "freedom" and "sacrifice". He wanted to live up to his grandfather's legacy, but was not fully confident that he'd be able to do so.

This wasn't the first time Shining thought about joining the guard, imagining what it would be like to take control of an army, fearlessly lead a group of Equestria's finest into battle. Would he be brave? Would he be a bold leader?

But now, as he looked at his face, reflecting brightly back at him in the gold, he realized there was one more question nagging him.

Could he live up to his grandfather's legacy?

Slowly, he raised his hoof up to his head. He gave his reflection a salute, much more serious than the first one, imaging that he was doing it to a crowd of hundreds ponies under his command, all cheering him name in triumph. He smiled, prideful in his statuesque appearance.

Twilight looked up at her saluting brother and smiled. She leaned her head against his leg and looked at their reflection, the image of her pressed against her brother, standing powerfully by her side, his hoof up in a salute, his face stoic, yet a smile that still showed kindness. The light from the window engulfed his body, making him appear even more powerful.

"You really would make the best Captain ever, Shining. I'm not lying." Twilight said.

"Now how could you know that? I'm not even in the Guard Academy." Shining said.

"Just a hunch. Besides...if it's anything like being a big brother," Twilight said, affectionately nuzzling Shining's leg, "nopony could possibly be better than you."

Shining turned from his reflection and looked down at his sister.

"Thanks Twilight." He said. Before she could respond, he wrapped his leg around her and brought her close to his side, ruffling her mane a bit.

"Quit it!" Twilight complained, but her giggle made it impossible for her complaint to be taken seriously.

Regardless, Shining released her and stood back up. "Come on, let's go downstairs and we can get some ice cream."

"Oh! Can I have chocolate sauce on it? And sprinkles?" She asked, her eyes lighting up like a pair of candles.

"Twily, I wouldn't mind if you put hot sauce and jalapeno peppers on it." Shining said with a laugh.

"Yay!" Twilight shouted before sprinting off. Shining watched her disappear down the stairs before he took the helmet off. He looked down at it and smiled before gently placing it back onto the floor with the rest of the armor, shimmering proudly in the sunlight. Someday he would work towards achieving that goal. But for now, it was time to go back to being a colt. And so he trotted off, a smile still on his face, ready to gorge on ice cream with his little sister.

A special thanks to Featherprop for going through this and helping me edit it :)

Comments ( 20 )

Dawwwwwwwwwww this is a great story best one I've read in a while :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Wow, this was really impressive- I love the scene you create and how you convey Shining's emotions and thoughts- very moving.

I like the characterizations you have created here- I think it's a great representation of a young Twilight, both immature and mature.

Great descriptiveness and use of imagery in painting a picture of their grandfather- both in what you included and what you left out.

Very impressive! I think I saw a few minor grammar omissions ("He thought about asking his parents,") and a couple of words that seemed out of place, though when I re-read the passage about 'falling and breaking their clavicle' i decided that it was more interesting than the expected 'break a leg' or break their neck'. I certainly can't stand and castigate anyone for verbosity or choosing words for their flavor!

Liked, favved, watched! You know, it's not nice adding so many stories to my 'must read' backlog! :twilightsheepish:

I was expecting this to be Shining Armor's cutie mark story.


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :pinkiehappy:


But I'm glad you enjoy mine lol. Thanks for the watch and fave :twilightsmile:


I am actually considering doing something like that down the line. I really like writing young Shining Armor and filly Twilight stories. Though that one probably wouldn't have filly Twilight in it since she'd be too young. Still thinking about it, though.

I really loved this story. I once had an experience akin to this one; joined the Navy because of it.


Awesome, glad you were able to connect with it.

And thank you very much for your service :pinkiehappy:

Isn't it annoying when you run out of words to say to people about how good their stuff is?

I'll just say that this is really good and has earned a :twilightsmile:.

Though, one problem:

Shining muttered, remembering his grandfather's nub of a leg, how he always said bad people took it from him when he fought to protect others.

Perhaps 'ponies' is a better word. Just a suggestion.


Fixed. Thanks for the heads up :twilightsmile:

I love your stories about filly Twilight and colt Shining. They're always adorable :twilightsmile:


Haha, thanks. I really enjoy writing them (filly Twilight's cuteness is always fun to include lol). It's been a while since I did a young Shining story, but I'm thinking about doing one where he gets his cutie mark. Maybe over Winter Break I'll work on it a little :twilightsmile:

If you want it vetted, I'd be happy to help- I love this story and think it deserves to get featured over on EqD.


Sure, I'll put it into a google doc later tonight and share it. :pinkiesmile:

Excellent, excellent story. :twilightsmile:

I enjoyed it, I really did. Shining's emotions were handled very well and you are very good at describing the environment. You've also chosen a very original theme, namely the start of Shining's guard career, so that's also a plus point. Also, filly Twilight is just so adorable, I just want to squeeze her cheek and make funny faces, but I don't think she would appreciate that very much. At first my mind was complaining about Twilight's vocabulary, but I realized it was Twilight we're talking about, so it was okay.

This was in the incoming folder of Twilight's Library and since I'm a proofreader for the library, consider this story added. Congratulations.


Thanks, I'm happy that you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Gotte agree with everyone here^^ It really is a great story. I definatly wouldnt mind a sequel to it^^

To favorite? Or not to favorite? That is the question! Whether 'tis nobler to simply like.....

"The up- and down-votes of outrageous fortune,
or take arms against a sea of trolls."

Yeah, I suck at this :rainbowlaugh:

Great Story. IT helped explained why Shinning wanted to join the guard. I can't wait for your next story.

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