While strolling around town, Twilight Sparkle accidentally knocks out Derpy's contact lenses, revealing perfectly normal eyes hidden underneath.

So what else could Derpy be faking?

Chapters (1)

Persistent pesky powerful pony Princess pursues perturbed pretty purple pupil.

Alliteration is the least of Twilight's problems.

Winner of the Third Bimonthly Twilestia Contest.

Chapters (1)

When Sweetie Belle magically derails one of Twilight’s experiments, she finds that she and Rainbow Dash have switched bodies. While Twilight works on a way to remedy the situation, Rainbow and Sweetie try to live each other’s lives as if nothing has happened.

Which might have worked out, if the weather team hadn’t needed Rainbow’s help. Or if Diamond Tiara hadn’t decided to pick on Scootaloo.

Chapters (2)

Long has the coffee branch of StarBuck been open in Canterlot and long has Celestia frequented it. She always grabs her order and returns to the castle to enjoy it, Luna however has been curious of the beverage known as coffee. So one day she sips her first drink....nopony was prepared for what transpired.

Dramatic Read of the fic! : Done by EnderBlaze

Chapters (1)

After a certain purple filly goes to bed without her dessert, Agent Twilight Sparkle is determined to get back what was stolen from her with the help of her assistant, Agent Spike. Join our heroes as they traverse the dangers of Canterlot Castle to take back what is theirs!

Chapters (1)

Due to her reckless antics and tomboyish behavior, Rainbow Dash has generally been thought of as one that had no real interest in the matters of love and dating. However, she gets challenged by Spike one day when he tells his friends that he would never be able to fall in love with her. Given Rainbow's competitive nature, a new challenge between the two of them begins.

She tries to steal Spike's heart and if he falls in love, he loses!

Between awkward dates, friendly interference, a jealous Rarity, an over-protective Twilight and a betting pool stretching all across Equestria, who knows what ending awaits them!

Chapters (12)

Legendary swords, items of power and magic, great artifacts that can topple countries and raise kingdoms when wielded by those worthy of their supernatural might. They are the greatest of arms, wielded by heroes and villains alike as they battle fate itself.

As such, as the wisest of sages can easily attest, there are very good reasons why any sane being would do well in keeping such dangerous artifacts well contained and safely hidden away from prying eyes and unworthy hands until such times when their mighty powers may be needed once again.

So the fact that both Link and Ganondorf lost their legendary blades as they traveled through the void towards ancient Equestria may be something of a problem…

This is just a fun little, non-canon, Omake to my story The Power of Freedom, depicting one of the many possibilities that could’ve come to pass due to Link and Ganondorf losing their swords mid-travel as they reached ancient Equestria.

Reading the main story isn’t necessary to appreciate this, but it would make it far more enjoyable.

Proofreader: The relentless TranquilClaws!

Chapters (1)

A prequel of sorts to The Wheel and the Butterfly Saga. Can be read on its own.

Discord recounts his exploits as a newly formed being, provides insights into his motivation, and talks about one of the greatest foes he faced while he ruled Equestria over a millennium ago.

Cover art used with permission from possim.

Chapters (7)

Luna's still settling back into her full duties, and finding out she's somehow responsible for overseeing Equestria's annual freedom festival came as something of a shock. All she really knows about the holiday is that ponies like to celebrate it with explosions. Fireworks, cannonfire... somehow, her citizens have linked 'freedom' with 'stuff blowing up.' So if there's a citizen willing to blow herself up as part of the festivities -- well, what could possibly be more appropriate?

...it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

As a big storm approaches Ponyville, Pumpkin and Pound Cake steal through the cellar of Sugar Cube Corner, on a mission to claim the cookies and milk promised them by the Ancient Ones.

Chapters (1)