Great Bridle was a booming place of new technology being made.
 After the megaspell hit, it suffered a massive economic crisis. The citizens of Great Bridle having ghouls run rampant, drugs being traded wildly or even killed for, slavery was common, and the so-called new technology that was advancing had been transformed into something different. It was old, but it was new as well; it was steampunk galore. Gears and gadgets spin around, and the Big Pone is in broken pieces, shambles even, however that giant clock is still ticking despite the rustiness. It’s probably the only thing that remains of Great Bridle the same; Towns have been ruined or remade with giant concrete buildings. Hideouts are being seeked out by the police, and the do-gooders, they call themselves, are run by this corporate overlord who controls all of Great Bridle’s locations, prices, drugs, and food. The business is called “CHEERS AND LOVE CO.” and they’re anything but what their title insists. They refuse to give to the poor, and only the wealthy ever get anything– the poor are forced to live in slums and sewers, and fight for survival with each other. 
However, there are sometimes the good creatures, who try to give back to the community before they are caught by the government, which when caught, they are never seen again. 

This is the story of Music Box, and her life in Great Bridle. A Fallout:Equestria side story.

Chapters (4)

"War. War never changes.

In 1776, this great nation accepted that armed conflict was the only way to preserve our rights. To life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If our founding fathers could only see us now. From Antietam to Amina, Okinawa to Anchorage, we have fought. And now, the Striped Menace is at our doorstep. Democracy itself is under threat, and our nation. That is why today, July 4th, 2076. Three hundred years after our great nation began, we gather together to honor the completion, of Vault 76. This sprawling underground shelter may have been engineered by Vault-Tec. But it was built by you. The good people of Mareica. So that if the bombs do come, if the end does come, our way of life will endure. But not everyone will be saved. Those, chosen to enter this vault, must be our best and our brightest. For when the fighting has stopped, and the fallout has settled. You must rebuild. Not just walls, not just buildings, but hearts and minds. And ultimately, Mareica itself. So as we stand here today, we pray that the world will know peace. But, if that is not our destiny, if war must come, we stand here together knowing that in Vault 76, our future...


Chapters (4)

The apocalypse, the world burnt in a brilliant emerald fire leaving behind a dead land of lost souls. Sitting on top of a hill, all I can see is the things that I have lost, the ashes of the life I once had.

Day 27 of One Shot-tober

Chapters (1)

Gray Dust. Pegasus, unmarked Dashite, and gun for hire. The kind of stallion that the Talons rely jobs they don't want to do, and the one that takes them from whoever can spare the caps, doing them with cold precision like many othes do.

The only difference? He has a pair of wings in a sea of hooves and horns. Something that usually calls unnecessary attention.

When he's tasked with retreiving a pony's keys as proof of success, he learns a moderately important lesson.

Third place winner in the Wasteland Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)

Courier Six, Boone, Veronica, Cass, Raul, and Rex are tired of always killing and protecting the Mojave. So they go to the Think Tank to upgrade the Transportalponder so that it'll work on six people at once instead of one at a time.
Meanwhile, on a planet known as Equus, a terrifying villain known as Triek has been defeated and sent back to Taurturas, and everything has seemingly gone back to normal, that is until the two sisters felt a surge of magic coming from the Everfree Forest. Just as quickly as it happened, it was gone, they gathered up the Elements of Harmony to figure out what has caused it.

Chapters (3)

A submission for the Wild Winter/Thawing Spring group project as well as a continuation of my submission for the Fallout Equestria ABC: Dangers of the Wasteland group story. Reading the latter isn't necessary, but strongly recommended.

After barely surviving a blizzard in the dead of the wasteland's Wild Winter, Native Dancer returns home to see her mother. However, not all is as it seems at a first glance.

Sex tag for teen sex (i.e. fade to black), though a mature version is available off-site. Profanity for a few bad words.

Fallout Equestria logo by the extremely talented and very sexy artwork-tee, snowstorm edit by me.

Chapters (1)

At the height of the war with the Zebra Empire, Scootaloo wants to figure out how to tell Sweetie Belle what she feels about her. As they face the future together, there are a lot of questions as to what's going to happen next.

Set in an alternate version of the universe of Fallout: Equestria.

Guest appearance by Rainy Days (and mention of Puppysmiles) from Fallout: Equestria - Pink Eyes, credit goes to Mimezinga for these characters.

Cover made by Rainbow Survivor

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fallout: Equestria - Pip and Tia

Heart's Warming season comes to the post Wasteland, a season of remembering one's true love ones and taking joy in what one has. But every pony has such joy, one mare seeks a loved one that was ripped away from her years ago. Hanging onto to hope she will them the mare pleads to Pip and Tia to help. Will her Heart's Warming wish come true or will they fall on deaf ears?

This is part of the Pip and Tia series but is a self contain a story, no further reading is required. But here is the rest of the series.
Fallout: Equestria - Pip and Tia
Fallout Equestria Pip and Tia: Divine judgment

Chapters (1)

Sunny Starscout and her friends find out about their bloody history and the real reason why magic disappeared. The answer is what nopony expects.

1000 years since the beginning of Littlepip's story, we have arrived here.

Chapters (6)

Tragedy claimed the loved ones of many in Equestria's war against the zebras, and Cozy Glow was no exception. The Littlehorn Massacre took her family from her, as it did for dozens of other ponies. In another life, this loss would have have shattered her already fragile psyche and turned her into a monster. Instead, she vowed to protect others from suffering as she did. She underestimated what that would take. After the bombs she couldn't keep from falling, all she could do was rebuild.
Set in the world of Fallout: Equestria By Kkat. It is also a divergent timeline from Fallout Equestria: The Storm.
Cover art by Teardrops.

Chapters (4)