• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 692 Views, 21 Comments

Fallout Equestria: A New Generation - Visharo

Sunny receives a strange letter that leads her and her friends to the forgotten Legends of Old.

  • ...

Forgotten Legends

Sunny Starscout stood in silent shock to seeing a small unicorn instead of a cursed parasprite despite them not knowing what a parasprite is.

"Blackjack! Ponies found us again!" The small mare called behind her. She was answered by grumbling and a bunch of rustling. Sunny could see in the dim light another unicorn holding a bottle of something in a telekinetic grip.

"Aw shit, not again. If you could turn and face me, this will be all over quickly. Just let me finish my whiskey..." The strange mare took a large sip of the bottle before sauntering over to us, "What do we have here...two pegasi, two earth ponies, and a unicorn...that's a first...WAIT!"

Her sudden outburst jump scared everypony, including herself it seems as her telekinetic grip faltered, letting her bottle fall to the ground.

"Ah fuck...Littlepip! Don't you see! Ponies from all three tribes back together again! Our plan must've worked then!" The white mare started grinning wildly while shaking the other mare back and forth, much to her annoyance.

"LEMME GO!" A magical green hue enveloped the other unicorn and she got launched to the other side of the room. She sighed before turning to us with curious look, "They do seem to be friends, maybe our plan did work after all..."

"What plan!?" Izzy bounced forward, her excitement at an all time high seeing two unicorns who know who to use magic.

"To save Equestria from total annihilation for the third time...maybe the fourth time, I can't keep track," The white unicorn muttered as she picked herself out of the boxes she landed in.

"Blackjack! These ponies don't need to know!"

"Know what? That I can't keep track of how many we do together?" Blackjack said almost too innocently which triggered a furious blush with the smaller mare, much to the confusion of Sunny and her friends.

"Save Equestria? What do you mean?" Sunny whispered curiously as she leaned in closer.

"Filly, you don't need to know about our troubles, especially private ones!" the grey unicorn glared at the other unicorn, who just grinned and drank more of her drink.

"I'm not a filly! I'm 21!" Sunny looked annoyed with a little blush in her cheeks.

"Yeah, sure. I'm 1024, I think. It's hard keeping track over the years," The mare answered tersely and then chugged the rest of her drink, "Anyways, why can't these foals know? Equestria has their magic again and friendship is starting all over again! We can finally rest for a bit...do we have any more Wild Pegasus?"

The smaller mare sighed and motioned behind her before replying, "Blackjack, yes, maybe magic has returned and friendship has been restored, but for how long?"

"Relax Pippy, last time it took 300 years before wars started breaking out again. It's our time to rest!"

"I'm sorry, what?" Pipp looked at the red and black maned pony with a curious look.

"Huh? I wasn't talking to you," The white mare rummaged through a bunch of boxes before pulling out another bottle of Wild Pegasus. She took a deep sip before sighing contentedly.

"But you said Pipp, that's my name," The princess sounded very confused.

"Naw, was talking about Littlepip here!" She waved her bottle at the other mare.

"Speaking of names, who are you?" Hitch finally came out of Zipp's shadow and confronted the two strange unicorns.

"Look at that, the Sheriff has come out of hiding!" Zipp nudged the stallion, making him chuckle uneasily.

The grey mare sighed before replying, "I'm Littlepip and that drunkard is Blackjack. Now excuse my bluntness, but who the fuck are you?"

"What is that strange word? Fuck?" Izzy scrunched up her face, thinking very hard.

"We memory wiped cuss words from everypony's minds, what 200 years ago?" Blackjack said while glancing questioningly to Littlepip.

"More like 300 years ago...mmm, maybe it was 200 years ago. Argh, does it matter?"


"Wait wait wait, you guys keep on talking about hundreds of years like you've actually been alive for that long. How is that possible?" Zipp asked with a strange glint in her eyes.

"Filly, it is very much possible," Blackjack didn't say anything else and drank more of her Wild Pegasus.

"But how?"

"Don't ask, I once knew a pony who couldn't die at all! Oh, and a pony who became a tank after I killed him, he happened to be the father of the pony who couldn't die. The mother of the deathless pony used to be a soldier, 200 years before she became an adult and that's not even the weirdest thing."

"You have to tell me everything!" Zipp's eyes glowed and her mouth was curled upwards.

"Wow, I've never seen my sister smile that much, but how can we trust you? How do we know that you aren't lying about living for hundreds of years?" Pipp asked with suspicion.

"FUCK! They don't have a sparkle!" Izzy gasped, interrupting the purple princess.

"Please don't say that Izzy, it sounds so wrong...wait, what do you mean they don't have a sparkle?" Sunny asked with a confused expression.

"Everypony has a sparkle, Zipp's is really bright right now, Hiitch's is dull, Pipp's looks normal, yours is fine as well...but those two don't have any."

"But how is that even possible?" Hitch missed or ignored his dull sparkle comment and leaned in so he could hear better.

"I'm not sure..." Izzy patted her chin with a hoof as she tried to think on how this was possible.

"What is this 'sparkle?'" Blackjack said as she leaned in with a strange grin.

"I think she means our aura, maybe our spirit. Something that makes us, us," Littlepip reasoned with a nod.

"HA! That's funny, please go on!" The white unicorn chuckled before chugging more Wild Pegasus.

"Umm, that wasn't a joke. That is what a sparkle is! Who are you and why don't you have a sparkle?" Izzy asked seriously and stared at the duo with an expression Sunny has never seen before.

"Oh filly, haven't we told you? We are immortal. Our original bodies are gone, our minds have been transferred to these blank copies of our bodies," Blackjack mused.

"Either that or it's probably because we've seen and done too much," Littlepip offered her own suggestion.

"What have you done that was so bad that your sparkle disappears? Surely it couldn't have been that bad?" Sunny asked not comprehending the horrors of Equestria's past.

"Oh ho filly, the simplest story would give you nightmares for weeks and the harshest? Years on ends, maybe even millennia. I should know, I've lived them," Blackjack murmured with a tired sigh.

"We can handle it, come on, tell us something!" Zipp said fearlessly, eager to hear about how the three tribes separated.

"Filly, I'm not messing with you, I still get nightmares from the deeds I did 1000 years ago. Once you dive in, there is no going back."


"Shush Pip, I'm trying to dissuade them," Blackjack stared back at them with serious eyes.

"If we are together, we can do anything!" Sunny chanted with a smile.

"Faith in Twilight Sparkle I see. Come on over, instead of telling the story, I'm going to show you some." Littlepip said grimly sending shivers down the friend's spines.

Author's Note:

I apologize profusely if I failed to capture Blackjack's and Littlepip's personality or any of the Mane5, I'm not very good at copying someone else's personality.
I mean, I could reread the stories, but that'll take too long. But from what I've heard, I would take shorter then most of you people. Not trying to brag or anything, it's a fact. A brony youtuber said that it took him a full year to read Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes. That story took me 3 days to read. See facts. Don't hurt me, please.

If you think I'm shipping Hitch and Zipp, you are sorely mistaken. I'm not a shipper, nor will I ever be, I'm just doing what I think is right and what the movie said about them...sooooooo yeah.

(When I saw know, I mean physically)