
Shortly after becoming Celestia's student, Twilight spends the day at the lake. However, after a spell goes wrong, Twilight is turned into a sea pony, and she is loving it.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia writes a letter to her favorite student, highlighting the need for proper lab safety.

Apologies to Tired Old Man. Not connected in any way to his body of work-- I just went with the pun.

Chapters (1)

“I’ve been in the land of Equestria for a few months now, and I have seen some of the most mind-boggling things one can ever imagine seeing. When I’d managed to finish that birdbath a few days ago, I have never, not even in my wildest dreams—not in a million lifetimes—would I ever seen an alicorn floating around inside of it.”

(Because of popular demand this story has been placed on the incomplete list, also Chapter titles and name has been edited to better represent the story. Thanks to Jakomi of the Rose for the name suggestion.)

Chapters (11)

Once upon a time, there was an average, everyday pony, whose special talent was being magical. She lived her life alone in secret studies until one day, she moved into a new town, made five very special friends, and saved the world. She only failed when it was necessary to advance the plot or show character development, or when the author had some issues she needed to work out. Soon, the universe realized how perfect she was, and she was turned into an alicorn and named princess.

Celestia can't stop writing stories about her, and Luna is getting worried.

Chapters (1)

Now with a dramatic reading by AShadowOfCygnus!

The name that makes ponies everywhere tremble.
The name that is the definition of cruelty.
The name that strikes fear into the hearts of all that hear it.
And that's really all that anypony can say. Ponies everywhere wonder what really goes on inside the head of the legendary crystal tyrant. What dreams and thoughts of malice could possibly sustain such cruelty?

What actually goes on inside Sombra's head might surprise everypony...

A big thanks to the amazing Mickeymonster for letting me use the cover art. Check it out here!

Chapters (1)

Maud isn't like other earth ponies. She's special, like her sister.

She can hear a voice, a voice from another world. At first it torments her, then comforts her, then befriends her. Naturally, Maud does the rational thing: she falls in love.

But will it last?

Chapters (1)

The sudden and unexpected loss of Fluttershy was one of the most tragic events to have struck Ponyville in living memory, and most of her friends have struggled to accept the fact that she is gone.

It's a good thing Discord isn't like most of her friends.

Chapters (1)

One beautiful morning, Twilight Sparkle decides she wants a free salad. After a small amount of theft, assault, battery, and arson, she sits down to enjoy what is sure to be the best tasting salad ever.

...Or she would have, if it weren’t for the Equestrian Intelligence Service locking her up as a potential threat to national security. Now, Twilight must escape a maximum security holding facility hidden deep underneath Canterlot. And to do it, she’ll need a paperclip, a spymare catsuit, an escape plan, and an alliance with the dastardly Drakbog, King of Frogs.

Chapters (1)