Prior to Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon and subsequent banishment, there was always one little filly that appreciated the night sky for what it was.

Chapters (1)

Though the distance between Pinkie Pie and her five closest friends has grown in the half-century since they claimed their Elements, she does what she can to prevent the others from drifting away. It’s small things, mostly: tea with Rarity, a drink with Rainbow Dash, a few words with each of the others. The friendship still makes each day together magic, and she works as hard as ever to bring cheer to all of her friends. When the smiles come less frequently, that just makes each one that much more precious.

Chapters (1)

Seven years have passed since Grand Pear moved to Vanhoover, and time has dulled the pain of leaving Pear Butter behind. Though the scars remain, life for the Pear family has done its best to return to normal.

But one day, a letter from Ponyville comes in the mail.

Featured on Equestria Daily! 10/3/17

Featured by The Royal Canterlot Library 9/7/18!

Russian translation!

Paul Asaran
Seattle's Angels

Chapters (3)

Discord has lived a very long life and has done all he can do to use his chaotic powers for good, just like his best friend asked him to before she passed.
Since then, he has been waiting for her to send him a sign allowing him to venture to the land after.
He believes that the sign has finally come.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie is normally your go-to for emergency and not-so-emergency parties, often throwing one for a simple greeting. Going all her life as a party pony, she has nothing else to live for but the party. So what happens when the last balloon is popped, the last gift is opened, and the last candle is blown out?

-NOTE**** This is NOT some messed up twisted Pinkie fiction!

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy can't stop remembering her sad past, not that a visit from the Cutie Mark Crusaders helps at all. Will she be able to keep her past a secret, or will she have to come clean with the pony she wants most to keep the secret from.

Based off a comic by [url=Haiku-oezu]http://haiku-oezu.tumblr.com/
Color version by [url=Matty4z]http://matty4z.deviantart.com/art/sorry-I-couldnt-be-there-for-you-407773499

Chapters (4)

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Review by PaulAsaran
Review by Cerulean Voice
Review by Titanium Dragon

While visiting Twilight Sparkle, Rarity stumbles across an old book that, upon first glance, seems to provide a detailed insight into time-worn customs on the preservation of beauty and grace. Eager to expand upon her knowledge, she takes the book home with her.

She soon discovers that the book offers more than she ever could have imagined, and its secrets can be hers...

...if she's willing to pay the price.

Prompt and editing provided by Cold in Gardez
Additional editing provided by Themaskedferret

Chapters (1)

A short story about waiting, hay fries, and the dangers of space and silence in matters of the heart.

Takes place in the background of "Twilight Time".

(Featured by Equestria Daily, The Royal Guard, and the Royal Canterlot Library. Thanks so much, everyone!)

Chapters (1)

I like my job, but of course I look forward to coming home at the end of the day. Especially lately. We have a daughter now. We actually have a daughter. And I can’t wait to see her.

Lengthened version of the third-place finisher in the /fic/ write-off “I Regret Nothing.”

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)