• Member Since 28th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 23rd


I have been known to write smol horse words on occasion.


  • TOff-Color
    Helping other ponies with their insecurities and nightmares has always been the job of Princess Luna, and one she took quite seriously. However, after saving one small filly from a terrible nightmare, things change when the filly begins helping Luna
    Jinzou · 3k words  ·  84  2 · 1.9k views

Prior to Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon and subsequent banishment, there was always one little filly that appreciated the night sky for what it was.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 45 )

Whoa, a good trigger for Luna's rage.

Thank you! I thought something like this would fit nicely.

That was ok but I wish we would have heard more. Like her mother telling Luna the bad news. Otherwise I wonder if she didn’t recover and unfortunately never meet her friend again. Making it even sadder.

Imagine if she was just healing that entire time and then and just like "oops, I pushed luna off the edge and got her banished for 1000 years"


That is what I was thinking. Poor little filly.

If it make you feel better she's dead.

Well, that was sad, it’s a shame I have no idea how to convey emotion in writing.

It's something you have to practice.

This is a sad little story. Luna just wanted one pony to appreciate her night, and she was taken away from her. I can't imagine how it would feel, to have hope that someone would finally appreciate your hardest work and talents, only to have that person taken away from you by fate so cruel.

Yeah, it must be horrible. And since we all knew Luna was angry with being ignored, I thought this would be a cute (and horrible) little way to finally push her to breaking point.

Cute and horrible, hmm?

By the way, the funny thing is, I was planning to write a similar story, with the plot essentially replacing the filly in the story with a stallion and adding some fluff to it. Now that I read your story, I may have to fix it up to make it a bit more convincing. :facehoof:

Hey, don't let me stop you. A good story is a good story.

Yeah, well, I just wanted to let you know since, you know, the plot is so similar that it's almost creepy. I think I need to fix it up just so I can get rid of that creepiness.

Bro, I'm in the middle of making the ten millionth Scootadopt fic known to man. If you like the plotline you're going for, go wild. I'm not gonna be a hypocrite about writing stories that are similar to others.

Thanks, man. Yeah, to be honest, I don't really think this story, nor my story, is going to be the only fic on this site with a similar plotline. You know what, I'm just going to roll with it and see how it comes out. It'll take some time for it to be finished, though, since I'm working on another fic right now.

Hell yeah man. Good luck with that.

Thanks! Perhaps would you like to be notified once I start working on it?

Sure, hit me up!

Aye! Also, thanks for following me back!


It doesn’t make me feel better I liked the little filly. She was nice. You should be proud of your writing. You wrote a very likable character.

I was joking about the "feeling better" part. But thank you! I was worried I was gonna make Rose too cutesey to be really believable.


Rose was a little cutesey but it didn't feel like too much. It just felt like a hopeful young child.

Awesome. Thanks! :scootangel:

You have given me a case of the feels.. For this horrible act you will receive a like and I will continue to read your stories.. I hope you learned your lesson

Ooh nooooo :raritydespair:

Thanks for the like! Hope you enjoy!

Rose let out a deep sigh and smiled. "Aurora, I've had a long time to come to terms with it, and while it still hurts, I know I'm not going to get the chance to grow up. But that's okay. Because after... it all ends, I'm gonna find the brightest star in the night sky, and make it my own. I'll shine light down on all the ponies, and especially you, Aurora. I want you to accomplish great things. I know you can accomplish great things." Rose jumped off her bench, and gave Luna the same bright smile she gave her every night.

What is this leaking from my eyes? Liquid pride?

Yeah, that’s it, man. Liquid pride. :pinkiesad2:


They had doctors that could diagnose and attempt to treat cancer a thousand years ago?

Asking for a friend...

(hides time travel spell)

I see no reason an enlightened magical civilization couldn't at least figure out what it is, even if operating on it was... not always 100% of survival.

That about made me cry... And I was listening to it while driving on the highway!!!!! I hope you're proud of yourself.

Yeah, other's misery makes me happy.

In all seriousness though, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Oh, Luna :fluttercry:

A heartbreaking little read here, dunno why I didn't read this before! A little short, but good for what it was :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Truth be told, I came up with this idea when I used to write in like... 2014, but never got it down until I posted it.

An interesting idea for Luna's change. Cancer is always a horrible and tragic fate

It is. A terrible way to send her over the edge, too.

Absolutely wonderful, God bless ( ͡O ͜ʖ ͡O)

Thank you, glad you enjoyed!

Congratulations, this beautiful fic made me cry -

That's the intent. Glad you enjoyed it, though!

You did a great job, keep it up!

You got it!

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